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Charles Koch does not believe in economic freedom. He believes in hiring lawyers to write laws specifically for him to give him economic advantage. The end result is an unlevel playing field, not exactly economic freedom for anyone trying to compete.
Americans believe in equal economic oppurtunity for all.
Laughing: “Charles Koch does not believe in economic freedom.”
“He believes in hiring lawyers to write laws specifically for him to give him economic advantage.”
What lawyers have written laws for Koch? Name one. (They would have to be elected representatives as well) Then name the law that was written “specifically for him”.
“Americans believe in equal economic oppurtunity for all.”
Americans believe in freedom…opportunity they make for themselves…sometime they are given an opportunity by some rich guy…like Charles Koch.
Koch Industries has around 80,000 employees.
How many “opportunities” have you produced?
Great video, says what I believe!
I am no mind reader, but anyone can tell.
His law-writer is Jonothon Blattmachr.
You confuse equal opportunity with equal chance to take advantage of that opportunity. In this you are mistaken.
He has provided substandard wages. That is not oppurtunity.
Re: “I am no mind reader, but anyone can tell.”
This is the intellectual equivalent of the grade school “Everybody Knows” argument. Quintessential Lib-think.
Re: “He has provided substandard wages.”
I suppose we will have to take Laughing’s word on this too. After all, everybody knows.
Tina has already concisely dismissed Laughing, but I just had to chime in.
Laughing’s comments are an excellent example of the thoughtless arrogance typical of lib-think.
You can say (or believe) any sort of nonsense you like, no matter how unsupportable or stupid as long as you can get in a simplistic slogan like “unlevel playing field”.
Liberals never allow fact to get in the way of the left-wing narrative. No surprises here: there is not a single word from Laughing about what is presented in the video, just a stupid attack on the man behind the message. Laughing’s comments are so stereotypical it is enough to make you groan.
Laughing: “His law-writer is Jonothon Blattmachr.”
Oh…the monster! How dare he do estate planning using the laws as written to help his clients keep more of what they earn. How dare he study the tax code and use every loop hole that congress puts in place (for themselves) to allow his clients keep what they have earned.
The man has never written a law in his life and he has a fiduciary responsibility to represent his client and protect his clients money.
You don’t like the loop holes…change the tax code! Simplify the tax code. Better yet make government smaller!
“He has provided substandard wages.”
Compared to what…inflated government and university pay and bennies?
Pay scales vary from region to region and Koch Industry companies are all over the place but here are a few examples of pay ranges at koch and they seem to be in line with the pay in other industry jobs.
Accountant from $44 to $66K
IT Support Analyst from $35 to $85K
Manufacturing Production Foreman $34 to $72K
Commercial Manager from $66 to $143K
How amny opportunitites did yu say you provided? While you’re at it you nmight as well go ahead and tell our readers how many millions you’vce donated to libraries, cancer research, the arts and the like…you know…just to keep up.
I am sorry to see Tina waste her time responding to Laughing’s latest pathetic lie that “He [Koch] has provided substandard wages.” The troll isn’t worth it.
This is a classic lib tactic.
1) Make up anything you want to present a false narrative and formulate your attack and make others spend time refuting the lies, half-truths, and distortions.
2) Then defend your lies with the “Everybody Knows” argument. (Next up from the Laughing arsenal: The “You Are Stupid” argument.)