Posted by Tina
The president is only bluffing?
I thought he was serious.
I thought he was ready to do “big things”.
You can’t negotiate with an insincere player…period!
Posted by Tina
The president is only bluffing?
I thought he was serious.
I thought he was ready to do “big things”.
You can’t negotiate with an insincere player…period!
The only thing serious about Obama is his serious lack of credibility. I took his insincerity for granted since he has never demonstrated any.
What is astonishing here is how he could be so completely unclear on the concept of bluff.
Is this man playing with a full deck?
Elected democrats must be sickened at the idea of standing by this clown. I would think getting reelected has a limit to how badly you are willing to hurt the Country. I guess that is what makes them democrats and not good Americans.
“Republicans will not be reduced to being the tax collectors for the Obama economy.”
– Senator Mitch McConnell
(Full remarks below.)
“I was truly hopeful that the President could be persuaded to view the upcoming debt limit vote as an opportunity to cut Washington spending and the debt that has ballooned since he took office, and to preserve entitlements at the same time. But in the end, he just wasn’t interested in doing something of that magnitude that would pass. He really gave us three bad choices: higher taxes, smoke and mirrors, or default. And we refuse to accept any of them. Republicans will not be reduced to being the tax collectors for the Obama economy. We won’t be seduced into calling a bad deal a good deal. And we won’t let the White House fool around with the full faith and credit of the United States. If the President wants to threaten seniors or veterans or rattle the world economy by pretending he can’t pay our bills, he of course can do that. But he is not going to implicate Republicans in these efforts.”
Love Charles Krauthammer and his ability to analyze a problem or situation and come up with a brilliant commentary and/or solution.
Here is what he wrote about our debt mess in in Post Bulletin.
WASHINGTON Here we go again. An approaching crisis. A looming deadline. Nervous markets. And then, from the miasma of gridlock, rises our president, calling upon those unruly congressional children to quit squabbling, stop kicking the can down the road and get serious about debt.
This from the man who:
Ignored the debt problem for two years by kicking the can to a commission.
Promptly ignored the commission’s December 2010 report.
Delivered a State of the Union address in January that didn’t even mention the word “debt” until 35 minutes in.
Delivered in February a budget so embarrassing it actually increased the deficit that the Democratic-controlled Senate rejected it 97-0.
Took a budget mulligan with his April 13 debt-plan speech. Asked in Congress how this new “budget framework” would affect the actual federal budget, Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf replied with a devastating, “We don’t estimate speeches.” You can’t assign numbers to air.
President Obama assailed the lesser mortals who inhabit Congress for not having seriously dealt with a problem he had not dealt with at all, then scolded Congress for being even less responsible than his own children. They apparently get their homework done on time.
Full story here:
I love it when Post Scripters fill in the blanks…thanks for all of these great posts!
Jack, Steve, and I are not always able to give current event and news items our full attention. When that happens we make quick posts so you, our good buddies on the internet can roll on without us…and you never let us down.
Thanks again guys!
Mitch called his bluff?
Mitch threw in his hand, I think.
Libby apparently doesn’t understand the bluff either…or who it was that was speaking.
Widows, orphans, and three legged dogs will starve in the
streets if the Republicans don’t agree with the President
and the Democrats in raising taxes. Social Security
recipients will not get their checks and people with
medical emergencies will die because of the Republicans
not agreeing to tax increases. Bull pucky!
I want to call his bluff. We the People want to call his
bluff. And I pray that the Republicans hold fast on their
demands to cut spending and not increase taxes. And, of
course, I expect the Republicans to also stop their past
spendlusts. But right now, President Obama and the Demos
are up to bat – so let’s get out the scissors and start
cutting. I don’t want to give the Government another dime
for some significant studies like a billion dollars to
study the colors of fruit loops.
While I’m at it how about TRUTH IN POLITICS! Get caught in
a lie and you will immediately lose your office and NEVER
be allowed to run for office again. Of course, then no one
will ever be allowed to run for office.
We have a Podium-Pounder-In-Chief, certainly not a leader. I guess he’s calling on his vast experience as a “community organizer.”
He’s ignored the debt problem until crisis time. Hm-m-m. Wasn’t something said recently about never ignoring a good crisis?
In any case, he’s now acting like a 5-year-old on the playground who doesn’t get his way. Fine example of leadership, Mr. Prez. I think he’s guaranteed his presidential legacy: one term.
I sure hope he’s a one term president…but never underestimate the stupidity of those who fell for his hope and change ad gimmick. I think they’re still (even after all the failures) ready to re-elect this guy.
Mike, that was very well said! I hope you will come back more often. We really enjoyed your comments.
Charles Krauthammer recommends calling Obama’s bluff. Hope the GOP leaders take his advise.
“The Republicans are being totally outmaneuvered. The House speaker appears disoriented. Its time to act. Time to call Obamas bluff.
A long-term deal or nothing? The Republican House should immediately pass a short-term debt-ceiling hike of $500billion containing $500billion in budget cuts. That would give us about five months to work on something larger.”
Full story here: