by Jack Lee
Michelle Obama reminds me of a modern day version of Marie Antoinette, flouncing around the world on the tax payers dime. Every trip she takes is like a troop movement. It requires a huge entourage of wait-staff (servants) and security, specialized vehicles, food, lodging and then there’s the cost to the locals which we often reimburse for road and beach closures, additional airport security and we’re just beginning the list of many things that cost big money.
Does she think government prints money for her self indulgence and personal convenience? That’s supposed to be reserved for Congress, you would think they would be getting jealous by now!
When she travels she’s not staying at the Budget Inn or flying coach – she has several large privately booked jets and stays at places like the lavish Villa Padierna Hotel in Marbella, Spain. It costs us big money and she not elected or even appointed. She has no official duties nor have we asked her to do anything.
I’m thinking if she has to blow through the big bucks at least do in an American hotel! Nobody in D.C. wants to say how much her jaunts to Africa or Europe cost, but estimates range up to a couple of million. But, even if that number was inflated by 50%-75%, that’s still way too much.
Maybe I missed it, but I don’t believe there was any big demand or outcry by Americans asking her, “Please take a trip to Africa with a few hundred of your closest friends. Please go fly around the world, stay and dine at the world’s classiest places. Oh, we would be so happy if you would do that for us…and for the children! We’re all so broke and worried about our futures, it would do us good to see you living it up for those of us who can’t. Take our money and have a good time.”
Im not only sick and tired of paying for her five, no make that ten-star vacations over seas, I want to cut up the credit card to take another vacation at Marthas Vineyard for the second time this year.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Taking expensive vacations with an in your face, eat cake attitude with so many out of work is just plan wrong on every level.
Bush at least went to his home in Texas for most of his vacations. How about the Obama clan going to their home town of Chicago and save some of that cost to pay for a bunch of soc. sec. checks after Aug. 3rd instead.
Of course there is always Camp David just down the road and used by most presidents except this one.
I haven’t been to Hawaii since the 80s and am thinking of asking the Obama’s to share some of their vacation funds to send me again. That should fit right in with their idea of redistribution of wealth. They get ten vacations paid for with taxpayer’s money and I get just one. Anyone else want to go with me?
I change the channel or turn off the TV when Obama or the queen decides they need to spread bullshit.From time to time I will see her doing whatever and she looks like she has put on 25 pounds or so from the time of the coronation. I normally wouldn’t care but when she is telling us all what we should and should not eat, that is a whole other story.
You really need to read the biographies of the other First Ladies. I was truly surprised when I read Laura Bush’s “Spoken From the Heart” and learned how much she traveled her eight years in the WH. We also had a friend who was the head attache at one of the So. American embassies. He was very disgusted by all that he was required to do for one of the Clintons’ visit and it was mostly requests from Hilary. I believe they do have to pay for any family members who travel with them. If it were not for the daily budget mess no one would be noticing what is taking place in the WH or outside.
Are the rich people supposed to be rich? or are they not?
The Obamas are rich … and pay their hotel bills … what is your beef? That they are brown rich people … perhaps?
This guy has a WIFE, too?
My GOD, how many more Obamanations must we endure?
I’ve never heard of a president being married before. Where the hell does he get off bringing a wife along to run up the bills, too?
Next thing you know, she’ll be flying an astrologer to the White House or some such other dumb waste of taxpayer money. Maybe Obama will take her to his ranch in Texas 4 or 5 times a year. Or his ranch in Santa Barbara.
I don’t think president’s should be married.
Unfortunately for us, both current adult occupants at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue have the attitude that they’re royalty rather than elected.
Given the number of trips/vacations that they’ve made as well as more-than-lavish entertaining and even fundraising events in the White House, it seems to me that they’re in it for the power and the perks.
Certainly they’re not interested in making the country better, as evidenced by the creation of the “food police” and the tanking of our economy.
Their place in history is secured as the biggest spendthrifts ever to have made it to the White House.
Libby, Pulleeeeesse lets not invoke race into this! Why would you even go there? What has a reasonable complaint about a non-office holder spending an inordinate amount of the taxpayers money on vacations got to do with race? We can disagree on on what she is entitled to spend on her junkets abroad without invoking race….that was low.
CLOVA you make a good point. And the question still stands…is this the direction we want to go? I think not. I realize the 1st lady is a celebrity and this makes her a propaganda tool. In some cases she can be useful and when it’s sanctioned by some sort of oversight committee then fine. But, lets remember that she is not vetted for her personal views or qualifications to speak on issues. She is not elected and she’s not appointed by a committee and based on that one could argue she’s not entitled to spend taxpayer dollars on her personal trips disguised as diplomatic missions or anything else.
It’s my belief the taxpayers should only cover the costs associated with the president’s travel on official business. By the way, does your job pay you extra for your wife to go along on your vacation?
Is it any surprise that Michelle thinks of herself as Her Majesty. After all, she is married to a man where the testimonies of his closest, dearest friends suggest that the he is either narcissist or he may have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
Obamas presidency has all the trappings of a royal court a Court Jester (VP Joe Biden), Powerful czars and appointments without Congressional approval, a Gang of 3 (Obama, Reed & Pelosi) to ram though laws which most Americans dont want and a flagrant disregard for our Constitution.
Im not only sick and tired of paying for her five, no make that ten-star vacations over seas,….”
Well, yer not. So settle down.
“Libby, Pulleeeeesse lets not invoke race into this!”
Sorry, but in view of all this grousing about practices in no way perculiar to this First Lady, one has to ask oneself what else there might be about her to inspire all this ire.
You opened yourselves up to the question. Don’t go all tetchy at me because I asked it.
Libby, you should know by now we’re not racist and you should also know by now we are fiscally conservative. We’re of course sincerely concerned about her trips and travel expense which do seem to be very excessive. I don’t recall Laura Bush doing anything remotely like what’s she’s done so far, nor do I recall any other first lady traveling on the taxpayers dime like she’s done.
Why do you keep saying she’s rich and paying her own way? Where does this information come from?
The last time I tried to get information on Obama’s travel expense I asked the GAO and they told me to ask another agency and I did and they never responded. Remember that, you suggested it? Still waiting for a reply from my government.
The only time conservatives open themselves up to the question is when Liberals have lost the argument and have nothing left to fight with. Libby you appear to be a well educated he/she, why wont you learn?
Of course I am, and so are you and everyone else who pays taxes, which I do. You must be one of the 40% who doesn’t pay any taxes at all.
We keep hearing about the rich paying more and have, “more skin in the game.” How about those that pay nothing at all contribute too? At least a little so they could have some skin in the game and support our royal leaders.
Did I not read Mrs. BO is going on 8 vacations this summer? Please tell me I didn’t read this and it is wrong. If it is correct it is soooooo wrong and everyone, even you Libby, should be outraged.
I’m so tired of all the Fat Cats in Washington who think they are somehow seperate and better than the rest of the country. All of them are akin to modern day ‘aristocrats’ who live off the taxpayer dime (and live very well too) while most of the rest of the nation has cut back and made sacrifes. It irks me to watch all this reckless spending and corruption by our lawmakers.
I am a Federal employee for the Department of Veterans affairs. We as federal employees are taking a two year freeze in pay; most federal employees are with the exception of postal workers (always seemingly the exception), military personnel, and a few other groups.
I don’t mind taking a pay freeze, and realize the private sector has been for some time. I am upset that lawmakers, including OBama, won’t do the same thing. Members in Congress alone get a $4000.00 pay increase per year, mandatory. They presently make $176,000.00 per year- I think they can AFFORD to go without their undeserving raise for a few year! In fact- they could likely afford to go without their salary for a few years until we get out of this mess. Most of them sit on millions, and they owe the country this!
These ‘public servants’ are in an office which used to be voluntary. Something people volunteered for out of love for the country. Now these positions have turned into positions of power. Now, these public servants, have placed themselves ABOVE the rest of Americans; made themselves exempt from obamacare, as well as certain sacrifices which they have required of others.
Beware. Corruption and greed have infiltrated into our government.