LA Bust Uncovers Dopes

by Tina Grazier

Three kinds of “dopes” to be exact!

AP: “A drug bust at a trailer park in New Mexico turned up what appeared to be classified documents taken from the Los Alamos nuclear weapons laboratory, authorities said Tuesday.

Local police found the documents while arresting a man suspected of domestic violence and dealing methamphetamine from his mobile home, said Sgt. Chuck Ney of the Los Alamos, N.M., Municipal Police Department. The documents were discovered during a search of the man’s records for evidence of his drug business, Ney said.”

The Los Alamos police officers contacted the FBI and they traced the records to one of the lab’s contract employees, a woman. It takes a real dope to associate with a drug dealer in any circumstance, but a person
with a security clearance? That’s a very special kind of stupidity. And if she doesn’t have top secret clearance what does that say about security at the facility? Things are just not what they used to be in the top secret world at the LA lab.

“The federal charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material is a misdemeanor that carries a maximum sentence of a year in prison and up to a $100,000 fine.”

Ya think?

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