We might as well deal with this recorded message – the democrats are trotting out Reagan to put pressure on the GOP and gain public sentiment. Reagan eventually worked out a deal for spending cuts with the democrats, but the democrats defaulted on their promises. This is the untold part of this democrat campaign. Reagan trusted their promise for spending cuts. Bush Sr. bought the same line and raised taxes and look what it got him. The lesson to be learned now is, if it’s not written in law you can’t trust any deal with the democrats. Two presidents tried in our recent history and both times they were sold out – the GOP was sold out – and ultimately the country was sold out and the debt skyrocketed.
It’s time for the GOP to stand fast and get the concessions needed to start reducing this horrendous deficit. The future economic welfare of our children and grandchildren are at risk and this is not partisan hype.
We have a critical spending problem in government and it must be reformed from the federal level all the way down to the municipal level. We’re in trouble and the only thing standing between us and ruin is the GOP holding out for the cuts.
Well I’ve got a response to the Reagan recording they are push…check this video out. This is where Reagan was really coming from and look what Obama has to say!
Democrats never support or make cuts in spending
Democrats want the people to depend on government
Democrats like big expensive government programs
Democrats don’t keep agreements
Democrats block efforts to reform unsustainable programs
Democrats don’t care that government is wasteful
No doubt about it!
The Democrats are the superior party–by far!!!!
Reagan was a piss-poor politician to SIGN all those GD spending bills sent down by those “tricky” democrats!!
Republicans are also piss-poor at making excuses.
Reagan tripled borrowing. Obama has raised it 8%–a fraction of Reagan’s borrowing.
I don’t know why you Republicans think you get to vote on everything twice! You have already voted for two wars, NOW you don’t want to pay for them?
WTF? Where is the bill to stop the wars?
We have a huge spending problem in America! We have spent 4.7 trillion dollars on 2 wars. You can’t spend money you don’t have!
Go ahead, Tina, tell us how two wars and Medicare Part D were the fault of those tricky Democrats in the minority!!!
Fluff from a dabbling “historian.”
Reagan is the one that told us that “deficits don’t matter.”
Bill Clinton presided over a balanced budget. During his term he also championed major cuts to welfare programs.
You know who sees the world in black and white? Dogs. I guess that explains why you start barking whenever someone on your side blows a dog whistle. Please, just concentrate on licking yourself and catching your tail…it’s what you’re good at. Stop worrying yourself with problems like: how does the doorknob work? Or, Where does people food come from?
Earl, we believe in free speech and we can take what we dish out, so your comment is allowed. I think its a stupid comment – but you’re entitled to say what you want. However, in response here are some of my thoughts that might even make sense to you!
The current amount of money the USA takes in ought to be enough If. . .
(1) We prioritize spending in a rational, responsible manner
(2) Stop growing the size and scope of government
(3) Wrap up the war in Iraq and Afghanistan
(4) Stop the wasteful spending from boondoggles like Homeland Security to pork projects.
(5) Reform all government pension plans. I would like to see a cap at $100k a year as the max anywhere for anyone.
(6) Force the government into a balanced budget mode by 2021, even if it requires a Constitutional Amendment.
(7) Reform the IRS, go to a fair tax, flat tax, etc., but keep it very simple and reasonable to eliminate all the loop holes.
(8) Create a new law that says any new citizen that commits a felony gets deported.
(9) Create a new law that says any employer who knowingly hires an illegal gets fined $10,000 and half goes to the person who reported the crime.
(10) Prisons are taking too big a slice out of the budget. We should contract with a South American nation and outsource them. 3rd part 1 felony is a loss of citizenship, we don’t care where they go, but they can’t come back!
(11) Decriminalize drug addiction in favor of medical out patient.
(12) We need to get tough and impose an immediate death sentence for Class 1 narcotic dealers.
(13) Eliminate corporate welfare, but make union membership a free choice.
(14) Allow drilling in ANWAR and off shore immediately.
(15) Make 60 mph the national speed limit – will save a massive amount of fuel, thousands of lives and costly property damage per year.
(16) Cap medical malpractice awards to $100k per event.
(17) Reform tort law and cap settlements to no more than $250k.
(18) For gross willful misconduct, fraud, pollution and human endangerment, there should be hard time for the CEO and the BoD. No more slap on the wrists – serious jail time for all cheaters.
(19) Stock fraud in excess of $1,000,000 should carry a life sentence without parole. Lesser amounts lesser time.
(20) State and Federal office holders that commit any felony should have their sentence doubled as an example to others in office.
I’m sure I could think of more, but off the top of my head I think this would be a fair start to getting this country back to where it should be.
Q: “Reagan was a piss-poor politician to SIGN all those GD spending bills sent down by those “tricky” democrats!!
It was a big mistake but your own crappy character is revealed in this despicable remark because it purposely distorts the record.
Reagan served under a hostile press and an organized cabal of leftists that lobbed a constant stream of firebombs to discredit him. He had no vocal conservative support or Tea Party support, no blog/email/facebiook/twitter support, no FOX News to report his position accurately and yet he stood up to them and he still managed to lead the nation with dignity and humor and support the people in creating businesses and jobs and a growing vibrant economy! After the malaise of the Carter years it was an amazing turn around.
Those so-called “tricky” Democrats should be called what they are…liars and cheats who cannot be trusted and therefore are unfit to serve in Congress.
Tip ONeill was clever like a criminal is clever…hardly something for which we all can be proud.
However, that was the nature and mind of the leadership of the Democrat Party. They brought Reagan a bill that was a foot and a half thick at the eleventh hour with government set to shut down if he didn’t sign the legislation. Americans are tired of clever politicians…we need and deserve better.
YOU CANNOT TRUST OR NEGOTIATE WITH THESE LYING SACKS OF #%#*. You can’t now and you couldn’t then.
“Obama has raised it 8%–a fraction of Reagan’s borrowing.
Your character is revealed again in this remark! Once again you deliberately mislead.
“You are PRICELESS!”
Your unwillingness to hold democrats accountable in any way at all is what’s laughable. You are a complete joke!
Earl Cray: “Reagan is the one that told us that “deficits don’t matter.”
America is a big, usually prosperous country. When government is reasonable and when the people are supported in their entrepreneurial pursuits a little debt is manageable…”don’t matter”. When government spending and future spending are out of control, and when the efforts of the people are blunted that is when the economy cannot support even modest government. Bills, debt and interest payments cannot be paid and growing deicits do begin to matter.
All presidents from FDR forward kept the spending to GDP ratio at the 18-20 percent level. that is manageable. Obama’s spending to GDP rose above 24% in his first 18 months…that is not manageable.
We are not surprised. He has done exactly what he said he would do…spend and spread the wealth around.
“Bill Clinton presided over a balanced budget. During his term he also championed major cuts to welfare programs.”
Yes he did but it is important to note that Bill and Hillary Clinton were on course to do exactly what Obama has done with higher taxes and Hillarycare. Had they been successful this country would have gone in the fiscal toilet just as it has now.
They were stopped from big spending increases, higher taxes and another government entitlement program by the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 and it was Clinton’s willingness to negotiate with Republicans that led to his successful fiscal record, including the welfare reform which was a Newt Gingrich proposal. Obama, so far, has not shown a similar willingness.
“You know…blah blah blah…come from?
Ah yes…the insult!
Excellent reply Tina. I’ve notice Quentin is getting further and further over to the left and seems to be siding with the democrats like a partisan. Of course he says he’s not, but he sure attacks the right relentlessly and I don’t see him attacking the left. So, what other conclusion can I make? He’s no where near as independent as he claims.
Ah, Tina!
You’re just so cute when you get on daddy’s computer, aren’t ya?
“Excellent reply Tina. I’ve notice Quentin is getting further and further over to the left and seems to be siding with the democrats like a partisan. Of course he says he’s not, but he sure attacks the right relentlessly and I DON’T SEE HIM ATTACKING THE LEFT.” (emphasis mine)
Translation: “My mind is too shallow to click on Quentin’s blog and find out the truth. I prefer being ‘willfully ignorant, aka stupid”)
NObody sees what they don’t look for, Tina.
You get all this data which does not address what I said at all! BUT, you sure know where to find it? Such a BIG girl!
Your cut & paste BS is talking about a percentage of GDP, which is a nice dodge, but has nothing to do with what I posted.
I, of course, was talking about TRIPLING the national debt. Y’know–the truth?
YOU may talk about whatever floats your boat.
Air service cut because the Senate didn’t pass the bill the House passed.
Congress hasn’t passed a budget in over two years and now the Senate refuses to do their job to keep our country running. Will they be held accountable or will it be Bush’s fault again.
FAA Shutdown Leads to Widespread Job Loss, Cheaper Airline Tickets
“Nearly 4,000 people are temporarily out of work…..
The subsidy cut was included by Republicans in a House bill extending operating authority for the FAA, which has a $16 billion budget. Senate Democrats refused to accept the House bill with the cuts, and Republican senators refused to accept a Democratic bill without it. Lawmakers then adjourned for the weekend.”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/07/23/faa-shutdown-leads-to-widespread-job-loss-cheaper-airline-tickets/#ixzz1SxSLDbjZ
Q: “Ah, Tina! You’re just so cute when you get on daddy’s computer, aren’t ya?”
And now we discover your a good old fashioned make chauvinist pig too? It’s nearly more than I can bear!
“Translation: ‘My mind is too shallow to click on Quentin’s blog and find out the truth…'”
Why would anyone click on your blog? I mean you’ve been such an inspiration here…and with such a warm and welcoming attitude. (there’s an old book…something about winning friends and influencing people…might want to check it out)
“Your cut & paste BS is talking about a percentage of GDP, which is a nice dodge, but has nothing to do with what I posted.”
It wasn’t a dodge at all. It did add some perspective to the specious and misleading bull you call “the truth”…without evidence or explanantion to back it up and without crditing those who actually wrote the spending bills.
“I, of course, was talking about TRIPLING the national debt.”
Were you? And by what measure? And by what means? Do you care about all of those responsible or were you merely trying to discredit one man with one statisitcal point while letting Mr. O’Niell and his despicable lies, and his despicable spending habits, off the hook. Your vile accusation also doesn’t include the fact that Carter had decimated our military requiring big expenditures to return it to an adequate level.
An accurate and complete analysis, without bias, of Reagans overall record can be viewed by our readers here:
The positives far outweigh the negatives!
YOU ARE A COMPLETE JOKE, Quentin! And it’s a shame because if you weren’t SUCH A COMPLETE JOKE, you would probably have something of value to contribute.
“YOU may talk about whatever floats your boat.”
Thank you, I will…as Post Scripts has been generous enough to give me this excellent forum!
You need to calm down, son.
For a smart guy, you’re pretty damned stupid!
Haven’t you figured these clowns out yet? You wrote about it once yourself I recall.
Check again on “Poe’s Law.”
Tina and her dad are paid operatives of the “other side.”
Do you really believe as you say that Tina is a retard? That she is a child?
The readers are supposed to believe she is not running on all cylinders!
Look, these guys are supposed to be spokesmen of the tea party in Butte County. Right?
Do you think the tea party would hire [developmentally disabled people]? Of course not, jackass.
The OTHER side hires people to make the tea party LOOK LIKE it’s full of [developmentally disabled people].
Don’t you get it? Lot’s of people do this. It’s how I make my living.
Aren’t you an actor, too? Can’t you recognize a show when you see one?
This is performance art, nothing more. Toby? Harriet? You think they’re real? You’ve been had, son!
They are on your side! They just do it with more subtlety.
Laughing for a person who claims to “make a living” with clownish deception you are certainly a poor communicator.
(As an side: I hear Quentin, posing as Laughing, replying to Quentin in this post…anyone else hear the same?)
What a fool.
As for being a “paid operative”…I am happy to contribute my small effort for the pleasure and satisfaction it brings…my father, sadly, has been dead since 1984 but he still stands taller as a man than you ever will, especially if you continue down this obnoxious, moronic, and pathetically ineffective path.
Jack your observations about our friend Q fit perfectly with my own. Q’s act is that of the phony and he becomes quite intolerable when threatened! He does seem to have a lot of trouble playing well with others…lol.
Quentin aka: Laughing needs to be treated like the attention starved child that he is. Just ignore him. Stop giving him the attention he needs to feel good about himself by attacking others instead of contributing to the discussion.
I too suspected that Q & L were one and the same and am now convinced he is also one sick and very sad dude. Maybe thats why he is so pro Obama Care. Hope he gets the help he needs.
Chris, Libby and the other liberals at least bring differing points of view to consider that adds to the discussion.
You’re right again!
I MUST be who you say I am. If I wasn’t, then you would be wrong.
And you are never wrong.
Who must always be right? Look in the mirror my friend.
Tina, I traced Laughing’s message back to it origin. It’s from Quentin’s computer. He has also used the name Outraged. So whatever the name, Kevin, Quentin, Outraged, Laughing…a rose by any other name…. lol
This may be the only thing I have read at Post_Scripts that makes any sense at all. It certainly explains a great deal, like the insults when they are shown to be wrong–which is quite often. They have told us a million times only liberals resort to insults.
EXCEPT that Tina says you’re me. And you know, Tina is always right. Just read her cut & pastes!
Just don’t ask her to explain her almost daily contradictions, that’s when the insults start!
The fact that Tina and Jack are Quislings is dangerous to REAL conservatism. People are starting to think these TEA baggerz speak for conservatism–listen to their crap about that big spending Leftist, Ronnie Reagan. They don’t know shit about conservatism and they are DESTROYING conservatism.
Whatever their motivation, they need to stop.
Laughing’s IP address is
My IP address is
You compared what?
I think Laughing is on to something.
Jack I agree. Besides, the IP addresses mean nothing. It’s possible, in fact quite easy, to post from different IP addresses.
A more obvious and telling clue that “Laughing’ is indeed “Quentin” is his use of the same type of expression. One example is:
Quentin often says this when he decides it’s time to take the superior position, talk down to another, and put that lesser in his place.
Apparently he also believes himself to be creative and funny.
I don’t care what name Quentin uses, but I do care that if he wants to discuss or debate with us that he uses an open mind and engages us fairly.
Yup, guess WE are right. You may lie and hide behind a dozen names, but the facts never lie. Aren’t computers great with their very own addresses!!!!
Guess who are laughing now? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
June 2002: Congress increases debt limit $450 bln. to $6.4 trillion.
May 2003: Congress increases debt limit $900 bln. to $7.384 trillion.
Nov. 2004: Congress increases debt limit $800 bin to $8.1 trillion.
May 2006: Congress increases debt limit $781 bin to $8.965 trillion.
Sep. 2007: Congress increases debt limit $850 bln. to $9.815 trillion
On all votes, the following members of congress voted the following way:
Cantor: Aye
Boehner: Aye
McConnell: Aye
Why? It’s clearly not about the economy for them–or even the fact that Bush budgets increased the National Debt almost twice (just below $6 trillion to just below $10 trillion in eight years). Otherwise, why would they vote that way back then? Where was their brinksmanship then??
If their votes then were the opposite of their positions today, then what’s left? What’s left is that these members of congress (and their supporters) are far more interested in *winning* political points and holding the president’s feet to the fire with cynical brinksmanship than in the stability of the American economy, otherwise, why didn’t they do the same during Bush as they’re doing to Obama?
Answer the question.
Groobie, you left a 600 pound gorilla standing in the room and didn’t acknowledge it. You overlooked Barrack Obama, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Dick Dorgan, Chuck Schummer, etc. all prominent democrats, all voting NO on raising the debt ceiling. See the big list of democrats refusing to raise the debt ceiling in the next comment section. Pretty revealing isn’t it? lol
It’s clearly not about the economy for them–or even the fact that Obama’s budget has swollen the National Debt. worse than in the Bush years. Otherwise, why would they vote that way back then? Where was their brinksmanship then?? If their votes then were the opposite of their positions today, then what’s left? What’s left is that these members of congress (and their supporters) are far more interested in *winning* political points and holding the president’s hand with cynical brinksmanship than in the stability of the American economy, otherwise, why didn’t they do the same during Bush as they’re doing for Obama?
Answer the question!!! And think about this Groobie, Obama is the new president and Bush is long gone, how about coming to grips with the current news and reality?
PS Irony is such a fickle thing sometimes – but nice try.
In 2006 the following democrats voted no to raising the debt ceiling:
March 2006:
Akaka (D-HI)Baucus (D-IL) Obama (D-MT)Bayh (D-IN)Biden (D-DE)Bingaman (D-NM)Boxer (D-CA)Byrd (D-WV)Cantwell (D-WA)Carper (D-DE)Clinton (D-NY)Conrad (D-ND)Dayton (D-MN)Dodd (D-CT)Dorgan (D-ND)Durbin (D-IL)Feingold (D-WI)Feinstein (D-CA)Harkin (D-IA)Inouye (D-HI)Jeffords (I-VT)Johnson (D-SD)Kennedy (D-MA)Kerry (D-MA)Kohl (D-WI)Landrieu (D-LA)Lautenberg (D-NJ)Leahy (D-VT)Levin (D-MI)Lieberman (D-CT)Lincoln (D-AR)Menendez (D-NJ)Mikulski (D-MD)Murray (D-WA)Nelson (D-FL)Nelson (D-NE)Obama (D-IL)Pryor (D-AR)Reed (D-RI)Reid (D-NV)Rockefeller (D-WV)Salazar (D-CO)Sarbanes (D-MD)Schumer (D-NY)Stabenow (D-MI)Wyden (D-OR)
Groobiecat: “…why didn’t they do the same during Bush as they’re doing to Obama?”
Obviously politics are involved…for members of both parties. Has anything changed now? I think several things have changed:
1. The American people are hurting Why should our goernment continue to grow and spend when so many of us have suffered huge losses and are out of work…it doesn’t make sense.
2. The American people are more aware than eve of the abuses and waste in government and have now spoken out firmly with a resounding NO!
3. The American people are tired of politics and lying. They long for representatives that will tell them the truth and do the right thing for the country overall. No more targeting special interest groups and picking winners and losers.
4. The American people are looking for simplicity in the laws and in the bills that come out of Congress so that fraud and waste, deception and lies are less likely to occur.
5. After saying as a candidate/Senator that a need to raise the debt-ceiling was a “failure of leadership” and a sign that government can’t “pay its bill” due to mismanagement this President and the super majority Democrat controlled Congress went on an unprecidented spending spree during a financial meltdown…the American people don’t think this makes any sense!
The people are driving the vote this time! That is what has changed to make this not politics as usual!!!!!
A bigger question would be: Why would the Democtrats listed above, who voted no under Bush when our economy was stable, vote yes today when our economy and our people are hurting and already taking a big enough hit on interest payments?
Could you run your own finances this way? What will continuing this way do to your future?
An assignment, if you have the courage to investigate and seek the truth: Which party has proposed legislation in the past 30 years that would have helped us to avoid this funbding problem entirely? Which party has continued to propose legislation that requires bigger government and more government spending?
The BIG question is:
Now that your TEAbagger Herger has voted yes, just what kind of BS excuses are you going to come up with to give him a pass?
You guys are a friggin’ joke!!!
Quentin you have yet to supply, or even suggest, an alternative to Mr. Herger. Unless and until you can come up with a more conservative, freedom loving choice you can take your super dooper party pooer slurs and peddle them elsewhere.