A Spine of Steel

For a good laugh thanks to a Tea Party Patriot, click this link.

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6 Responses to A Spine of Steel

  1. Harriet says:

    Maybe the spine had something to do with wimpy Boehner to seemingly grow a pair, at least so far.:)

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Harriet I believe you have hit on it.

  3. pal says:

    This may also be the reason Speaker Boehner withdrew from talks with Obama today. I am sure however, that we will hear a different take from Obama’s hastily called meeting with the press later this evening.

  4. Peggy says:

    We sure did hear two completely different accounting of what happened.

    Of course when one side refuses to put anything in writing he can claim he never agreed. We will see who has the actual proof to verify their statements.

    In the 20 years I spent at the negotiations table, we never left without a written and signed document by both parties. To present an agreement and then withdraw it or change it in any way is called bad faith negotiations.

    The House passed a written proposal, the Senate leader, Harry Reid rammed it through without allowing any discussion and the president says he wont sign it. Reid knew if discussion was allowed there was the possibility it might have passed.

    So where is the democrats and the presidents written proposal. What are they afraid of? Being held accountable? With no budget since BO took office does anyone really expect him or Reid to do their jobs on this debt crises?!

    The spine of steel may have helped, but I think Boehners backbone is coming from the Young Blood representatives who are staying true to the people who sent them to Washington. Good for them!!

  5. Tina says:

    What a marvelous way to show support to our wobbly leaders. It makes the point with humor and “all due respect”.

    There are several lessons to be learned here: 1. Our leaders don’t know what we want, or how fiercely we want it, unless we communicate, 2. They are human and do better with full knowlwdge of our support, 3. Lacking input they resort to attempting to negotiate with the self-serving, underhanded opposition. 4. The will of the people, adequately expressed, will win out.

    Let’s keep it up!

    Contact and support Speaker Boehner by email here:


  6. Laughing says:

    Ten bucks says the Republicans fold.
    Double it that Wally votes with ’em!

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