Heads-Up – Reorganized ACORN, SEIU Form Ugly Alliance

Posted by Tina

Mathew Vadum has written a heads-up article for The American Spectator that every American should read. Mr Vadum has recently published a book exposing the activities and intentions of newly formed ACORN chapters across America. The organizations are joining together with Chapters of the SEIU to harass and file lawsuits against lending institutions continuing the war on capitalism efforts by ACORN prior to the housing meltdown.

If you were under the impression that the Obama administration had done something to stop irresponsible lending activities to unqualified buyers, think again. The only thing this administration and the Democrats in Congress have done is shift around the wobbly deck chairs. The ship to kill capitalism has set sail once again using Howard Plivan tactics to wage insidious war on America:

The subversive plan hatched by Stephen Lerner, an international board member of the radical Service Employees International Union, aims to destroy the nation’s financial system. Lerner is influential in leftist organizing circles and has reportedly visited the Obama White House at least four times.

After Greeks rioted over austerity measures, the stock market fell, Lerner observed. “The folks that control this country care about one thing: how the stock market does; how the bond market does; and what their bonus is.”

Lerner said a strategy was needed that addressed the following questions: “How do we bring down the stock market, how do we bring down their bonuses, how do we interfere with their ability … to be rich?” It is important “to politically isolate them, economically isolate them and disrupt them,” he said.

JPMorgan Chase is the first target of SEIU and its longtime allies at ACORN. Other Saul Alinsky -inspired pressure groups nationwide are participating in the effort, including the Alinsky-founded Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), National People’s Action (NPA), PICO National Network, and Alliance for a Just Society, according to ChaseHomeFinanceSux.com.

The newly reorganized and renamed ACORN organizations listed in the article are: New York (New York Communities for Change), California (Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment), Missouri (Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment), and Washington state (Organization United for Reform)

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3 Responses to Heads-Up – Reorganized ACORN, SEIU Form Ugly Alliance

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: “How do we bring down the stock market, how do we bring down their bonuses, how do we interfere with their ability … to be rich?”

    Well, at least this horrid left-wing-nut is honest.

    Who is going to buy stocks and bonds and invest in America with the threat of this Obama lunatic looming?

    One term then hasta la vista to these morons.

  2. Tina says:

    Pie I agree…I think these groups have interferred quite enough making it difficult for ANY American to make a living…not just corp CEO’s and the rich…and with unemployment rates of 16.2 percent for blacks and 11.6 percent for Hispanics (according to the BLS) you’d think they would begin to get a clue about what makes it all possible.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    And now for completely different heads up. Wu follows Weiner with another Democrat boner. First a tent pole and now a tiger. It is enough to make a grown man groan. Do we really get the government we deserve?



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