Boys and Girls Together or Maybe Not

by Tina Grazier

A few years back I was fascinated by the stories of a teacher who had taught at an all boys school for twenty or so years. He was talking about his experience after he transferred to an all girls school. He taught science, and try

as he might, he just couldn’t seem to get the subject across to his all female class. They were paying attention but
they were not getting the material. Eventually he realized that the girls responded better when he demonstrated the concepts. After that he put together all kinds of visual aids and the class performed much better.

Today I heard on the radio that school districts will now have the option of creating all boy or all girl classrooms or schools so I looked for the story:

Posted at, NYT article: WASHINGTON — The Bush administration is giving public school districts broad new latitude to expand the number of single-sex classes, and even schools, in what is widely considered the most significant policy change on the issue since a landmark federal law barring sex discrimination in education more than 30 years ago. Two years in the making, the new rules, announced today by the Education Department, will allow school districts to create single-sex schools and classes…

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