Special Forces Hero Speaks Out

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7 Responses to Special Forces Hero Speaks Out

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Wow. Does Lt. General Boykin make a number of outstanding points or what?

    He is a provocative speaker who knows exactly what he is talking about.

    Thank you Post Scripts. No doubt you will reap the jeers, the pooh-poohing, the denials and the scorn from the usual gang of “Progressives” for having the sheer audacity to post this video.

    I suspect the vanguard of the proletariat (you know who they are) who take their queues from the movie “Mars Attacks” are about to unleash.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    The first warmed over Marxist kook has chimed in. It is amazing how much time Colgan spends making an ass of himself in this forum rather than his own blog.

    Maybe that is because he is well aware that no one reads his crappy blog.

  3. Tina says:

    Q: “EXCEPT Socialism is an economic system, not a political system.”

    Websters: Socialism – any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

    Lets see: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI)…how well did the people fair under these socialist systems?

    And in America we have today the more contemporary, Socialist Party USA:


    THE SOCIALIST PARTY strives to establish a radical democracy that places people’s lives under their own control – a non-racist, classless, feminist socialist society… where working people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically-controlled public agencies; where full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work; where workers have the right to form unions freely, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions; and where the production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few.

    Read the rest of it if you can…it’s a hoot!

    Another socialist political party in the USA:


    FREEDOM SOCIALIST PARTY – The FSP was formed in 1966 by a splinter group of dissident feminist Trotskyists who broke away from the Socialist Workers Party to create a new party in the “tradition of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.” The FSP has always emphasized “black liberation and social feminsm” — thus the reason Radical Women is an official alternate name used by the FSP. The FSP describe themselves as a “revolutionary, socialist feminist organization, dedicated to the replacement of capitalist rule by a genuine workers’ democracy that will guarantee full economic, social, political, and legal equality to women, people of color, gays, and all who are exploited, oppressed, and repelled by the profit system and its offshoot — imperialism.” The FSP has party organizations in the US, Canada and Australia, and today remains staunchly Trotskyist in ideology.

    While socialism is an economic system, with origins in communal systems, it is also a political philosophy that expresses itself through control and force in politics and government.

    Amazingly these groups wish to rid the planet of capitalism and at the same time they think they will be able to guarantee everyone a good paying job. My question is how? Where will the wealth come from? No one has had an answer for me to that question. Care to enlighten me, Quentin?

    Everywhere it is tried the people suffer…they stand in government bread lines hoping for crumbs, they live without freedom or dreams in poverty and all around them infrastructure systems break down.

    Our Republic, and the freedoms we are granted are supported and made possible by the rule of law and our capitalist system. (Not perfect but far superior to any socialist system anywhere in the world)

  4. Tina says:

    Lt. General Boykin is a man of wisdom with a message we must heed if we are to remain free.

    Pie…^5 You nailed it, they’re already here…”Ack ack a dack!”

  5. Steve says:

    I know a young man who grew up in the Soviet Union. He came to the US as fast as he could, got an education, and made himself an advocate of freedom and free market capitalism. Now he works for a conservative congressman not too far from here, and he told me recently he is amazed at the willingness of the liberals in this country to shed their freedoms in favor of government control. He is disgusted to see the evil that he fled from finding its way into the heart of the nation he fled to.

    Fortunately for all of us, he’s not staying silent, and neither is his boss. The socialist kooks on this site though, they’d trade their freedoms for a nickel.

  6. Tina says:

    Steve: “The socialist kooks on this site though, they’d trade their freedoms for a nickel.”

    LOL…actually they’d trade freedom for OUR nickels.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    “Socialism is an economic system, not a political system.”

    ACK! ACK! ACK!

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