OWS All Young, Mostly White…Racist Movement?

Posted by Tina

The Washington Times

The Occupy Wall Street movement wants the world to see it as an inclusive, multicultural grassroots uprising representing the full spectrum of America’s rich ethnic tapestry. But the group’s internal documents reveal what any casual observer knows; the movement is almost entirely dominated by a bunch of disaffected white kids.

Should we assume this is a racist group simply because it lacks POC?

Will they rectify this embarrassment even if they have to pay for it? Busses are probably being loaded even as I write.

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13 Responses to OWS All Young, Mostly White…Racist Movement?

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    HAH! What do you think Q will do with this knowledge? Can Occupy Chico afford to bus in some poc? Can they afford to hire some poc day laborers to hold up signs (as has been done at other OWS events)?

    I don’t think we should assume OWS is racist just because the movement is dominated by a bunch of disaffected white kids.

    Besides, their is plenty of evidence that they are willing to hire poc to do the heavy lifting. OWS’ equal opportunity employment policy should be applauded for such efforts.

  2. Libby says:

    You are such fools. Why do you expose yerselves like this? I just don’t get it.

    You better pray the poor folk (black, white, brown or yellow) don’t throw it up and head off to Manhattan ….

    Things get much worse, and they will.

  3. princess says:

    It didn’t seem to me like everyone at OWS is a young white kid. I’ve seen a lot of footage and it looks like a lot of different types of people are there. Do you have a link to the internal documents? I thought they were unorganized and didn’t have anyone speaking for the whole group. Who is producing their documents? Do they have only one spokesperson? It seems to me like a lot of hopeless people with nowhere else to be. I don’t know how they can stay there without bathrooms or money. It seems like they have to eat at least.

    I don’t see what will be accomplished with this but I did see where CNBC had a reporter on today who doesn’t think insider trading should be a crime that people go to jail for so obviously we need a change somewhere.

    A nice start for these OWS people would be for them to stop asking for nothing from Wall Street, and start demanding that the US stop shipping jobs overseas. Every US government contractor should be forced to only hire US citizens and not be allowed to subcontract the work to foreign countries. But they aren’t asking for that. They aren’t saying anything about the new “Free Trade” agreements congress just passed which are really treaties which should not be allowed.

  4. Tina says:

    Pie excellent observation…of course they aren’t racist…but the antisemitism expressed by some cannot be escaped so there are bigots among them and this, of course will not be picked up on or made into a label intended to discredit.

    Love the equal opportunity angle.

  5. Tina says:

    Libby you better pray that the guy at the top stuffs his failed central planning agenda before those people realize HE is the reason they don’t have any opportunities or prospects to make a living.

    WE told YOU this would happen if you elected this man.

    Socialism and the Keynesian economics policies adopted by this administration DON’T WORK…period.

    You got exactly what you wanted and unemployment, especially for the poor and POC, is astoudingly HIGH! The economy is on life support.

    Pathetic attempts to place the blame on anyone except this president, Pelosi, and Reid are just that…pathetic!

  6. pal says:

    In order to understand the OWS or any other occupy, one needs to look no further than adbusters. Just google it.
    They are responsible for this display.

    If you research this, there is quite a bit of information out there.

  7. Tina says:

    Princess thank you for joining in our conversations.

    I asked the question about racism because the Tea Party was labeled as a racist organization early on simply because most of the participants were white. So far this has not been made an issue with this group even though the photos clearly demonstrate that most of them are white.

    Many in the media are acting as a political arm of the Democrat Party by proposing racism in the case of the Tea party and by avoiding a similar label for this group. People in America should be aware of this obvious bias and blatant attempt to propagandize for the benefit of Democrats.

    The Washington Times has the internal documents and reported on what they found in them.

    There are laws on the books that would subject these protesters to citation in many cases. Public nudity and fornication surely should not be tolerated, nor should urinating or defacating in public. Littering has been thought of as a major crime by the left…they sure don’t practice what they preach. Former Mayor Rudy Guilliani said he wouldn’t have allowed sleeping on the streets. He’s the mayor that is credited with cleaning up crime in New York and making the streets safe as mayor.

    It doesn’t surprise me that many of these young people have no respect for others, they are young and full of themselves. But this should be the perfect opportunity for them to learn that, though they are within their rights to protest, others citizens have rights too and they are not above the law.

    Insider trading is a crime. The CNBC reporter (or was he a guest commentator) was expressing an opinion.

    Free trade agreements are good for American workers. They are called trade agreements because we agree to buy food and goods made in those countries and they agree to buy ours. it is a mutually beneficial agreement. Despite leftist and union complaints NAFTA, for instance, has been good for America, Canada and Mexico as this CATO report explains:


    If you want to bring good jobs and corporate headquarters back to America the best way would be to make America a friendly place to do business. As long as greedy, punishment oriented Democrats continue to think that high taxation and complex, harsh, regulation is a sure path to revenue, when just the opposite is true, Americans will lose good paying jobs to other countries. America has the highest corporate tax rate in the world and the most stringent regulation…why would any business choose America, rather than a more friendly country, for it’s headquarters?

    The problem with Democrats is that they are not for ALL Americans. They like to pick winners and losers. They like to pit one group against another. They choose to compete in politics by creating a villian; someone for the so-called have-nots to hate. They labeled the Republican Party as racist not because there is any real evidence to support the broad claim but simply as a political tool to serve up for minorities to hate. It’s called buying votes through deception.

    If they had good ideas they could compete with the Republican Party on that level in a debate. Since their ideas have been shown to be a complete failure all over the world, they have only dirty tricks, lies, and deception at their disposal. This protest is basically a deception. It is meant to make Americans think that the majority of us agree that Wall Street, rather than failed government policies, is the cause of our troubles. Once again, they cannot defend Obama’s, Pelosi and Reids, governance so they resort to tricks and political theater.

    It’s a shame, but the Democrat Party has been taken over by a hoard of Marxists bent on transforming our country into something resembling Cuba under Castro. Castro had no respect for private property and removed owners by force. The people are oppressed and protesters and dissenters are imprisoned while the elite live like kings.
    This is NOT America.

    The young people at this event are not necessarily part of the organization behind the scenes. I blame them for nothing and hyope they will have the good sense to better educate themselves about economics and the force behind this movement.

  8. Tina says:

    Thanks for sharing Q.

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Q: “Hmmm. All White, eh?”

    This is WAY to funny. No one said “all white” … except YOU Q!

    As for Q’s criteria on what makes a person a racist, i.e. “Have they said ridiculous stuff like “Obama is responsible for a 14 trillion dollar deficit?” No one has said that Q. Name one person who has and document it.

    Again Q erects his fantasy straw men and hacks them down! What a courageous and gallant warrior. Don Quixote would be proud.

    Don Quentin is the quintessential blow hard attacking fantasy windmills of his own creation. This IS the left.

    Thanks Don Q!

    Furthermore, on Don Q’s charges of racism, who was it who used the vile, foul, racist epithet “Chink”, right here in this blog when referring to people of Chinese ethnicity? It was yours truly, Don Q, a race baiting male of the Equidae subgenus Asinus, class.

    Who is Don Q’s Sancho Panza? Libby? No I think not. She is a force unto herself. But she could be a stand in for Don Q’s Rocinante. Chris? Perhaps but unlikely.

    Could it be me, Pie Guevara? Nope, I may be a peasant but I am not illiterate, I am not in Don Q’s employ, and I do not hold Don Q in high regard and try to watch his back. Besides, I don’t have the belly (panza) for it. I may be the Panza everyman who does not share Don Q’s delusions, but there the comparison ends.

    So who is Don Q’s Sancho Panza? Does poor Don Q lack one? Can he afford one? Who will hold up Don Q’s banner? Can Don Q afford an illegal alien day laborer?

    I invite your speculations.

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    Re princess’: “It didn’t seem to me like everyone at OWS is a young white kid.”

    Who said that everyone at OWS events is a young white kid? Re-read the blog entry. The observation was made that disaffected white youth, (what I denote for the sake of brevity as yawks — young anglo-saxon white kids) almost entirely dominate the OWS events. Post Scripts then asked if we should assume that OWS is a racist group simply because it is so short on poc?

    By the way I happen to disagree with the yawks domination proposition, there are oodles of oawks (old anglo-saxon white kids) from the 60’s at OWS events. These aged throw backs from the drug-addled, free-love, hippie-yippie generation are as fascinating as the kids.

    Let’s see your video or film footage. I collect footage of OWS events. (Or rather, to be accurate, links to footage.) Upload it and give us a link. I would love to see it! I think I can safely say many folks who frequent Post Scripts, left, right, or center would love to see it.

  11. Toby says:

    Our POS prize winning president is the biggest racist I can think of. His now subpoenaed AG is the second biggest. Holder would be biggest but he takes his hate filled marching orders from Obama. Speaking the POS, I see he has us in a whole new war! What is that now 4 or 5? I have lost count. Cutting the defense budget, isn’t that one of the demands of the protesting dirt bags? Wonder how they feel about Obama and his new war? I guess we will never know because they have seemed to ignore all the other ones going on. Didn’t we already send SF teams to Congo back in the late 50’s or early 60’s? Wasn’t it to help the French pull their nuts out of another fire before we pulled their nuts out of their Vietnam mess? I could be wrong but something about this sounds very familiar.

  12. Tina says:

    Toby we’ll be posting on the new war as soon as there is information to report…so far there’s just the vague announcement of “support” troops as you have noted. It’s hard to imagine what desperate, outrageous moves this administration will make in the coming months.

  13. Peggy says:

    OWS is now being led by former WH staffer Van Jones and others with money from George Soros to bring about an Arab Spring-like movement called American Autumn to take out the US free market, republic system of governance.

    “We are going to build a progressive counterbalance to the Tea Party.

    Once a top figure in a Marxist group called Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), Jones predicts an American fall, an American autumn, just like we saw the Arab spring. You can see it right now with these young people on Wall Street. Hold onto your hats. We`re going to have an October offensive to take back the American Dream and to rescue America`s middle class.

    The Campaign for Americas Future, sponsor of the conference, depicts the conservative Tea Party as a puppet of corporate interests and protests Wall Street but remains silent about the millions of dollars that Van Jones and other progressive activists have received from hedge fund operator George Soros. Number seven on the Forbes list of the richest people in America, with $22 billion, Soros runs an alternative investment vehicle available only to the super-rich which is based off-shore and taps into mysterious sources of cash beyond the supervision of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    Indeed, a sister organization of the Campaign for Americas Future, the Institute for Americas Future, has itself received $1.3 million from Soross Open Society Institute over the last several years.

    Read full story here.

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