California Ranked Worst Place to do Business… Again


By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

Cheif has listed their best and worst states to do business in. You can read the article here.

According to this article, the 5 best places to run a business are 1. Texas, 2. North Carolina, 3. Florida, 4. Tennessee, and 5. Georgia.

Not surprisingly to anyone who lives here and has their eyes open, California ranked at 50. Dead last. We still have great weather, but I guess people who want to make money are learning to invest in warm coats.

This has been a horrible trend for California that hasn’t been improving. While other states are trying to find competitive ways to bring businesses in, our state legislature keeps trying to find new ways to punish entrepreneurs and achievers. The results have been double digit unemployment with pain felt mostly (but not entirely) in the private sector.

I don’t know how many times we have to repeat it. When the private sector flourishes, it creates tax revenue that can lead to better spending on schools, public safety, and infrastructure. When you kill business, your state goes broke.

Sadly, the lost and confused of the Occupy movement don’t get it.

California is run almost entirely by the Democrat party. They own the Governor, the Legislature, and the courts. Our wreck of an economy is completely their doing.

If you want jobs, vote the democrats out. There’s no other way to save our state.

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5 Responses to California Ranked Worst Place to do Business… Again

  1. juanita says:

    Thanks Steve, but let’s be careful. A “Vote for Anybody but a Democrat” mentality may bite you on the rear. You should be listening to these candidates, ask them questions. Ask them how they feel about public salaries, benefits/retirement, and collective bargaining.

    We already spend gobwads on schools, public safety and infrastructure. In Chico, teachers make $50-90,000 a year, public safety workers make that same base salary and as much as double it with overtime, and pay almost none of their own benefits or retirement. As for infrastructure, right now we are going over budget on the Downtown remodel, originally pegged at a little over a million but now over $2 million. We’ve got a multi-million dollar freeway widening going on, using grant monies from the state instead of fees from the developers who necessitated the widening (which included Merriam Park, the low-income portion of which received $7 million in Chico RDA funding). They’re on a infrastructural extravaganza around here, but people are still unemployed all over town.

    If we got a Republican Governor or majority in the legislature, the first thing I would ask for is an end to collective bargaining. Salaries, benefits, and the CalPers disaster are killing us. We have plenty of money, it’s just being embezzled so fast by our “public servants” and their pet contractors, we think we’re broke.

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: “Sadly, the lost and confused of the Occupy movement don’t get it.

    California is run almost entirely by the Democrat party. They own the Governor, the Legislature, and the courts. Our wreck of an economy is completely their doing.

    If you want jobs, vote the democrats out. There’s no other way to save our state.”

    Absolutely. No matter what a Democrat candidate may promise, no matter how much they may feint right and run to the center, once they get in office they tow the left wing ideological line of the big government, big union run, golden paycheck, ever increasing budget, bureaucratic dynasty driven, nanny state.

    Ineffective RINOs are no help. Conservatives and business in this state want true representative service, not lip service. I have been voting straight Republican in California for over 35 years. What has it got me? An ineffective party and mountains of lip service. I’ll still keep voting Republican in hopes (probably vain) that California Republicans may just get some real political clout and might actually do something besides being the Liberal Lite party working the system like Democrats. Going to the polls to vote Republican is no hardship, but the results continue to be. I have absolutely no expectations that will ever change in my lifetime, or in many lifetimes.

    Of course, I will never ever vote for a Democrat no matter how good they may look in a campaign. I know better. But voting Republican hasn’t had much effect. Tom McClintock should have been elected Governor, Republicans should have thrown their entire weight behind a true and talented conservative, but noooooooooo, we got eight years of the the Pose-inator instead.

    California isn’t just the worst place to do business, it is the worst place to be a conservative Republican.

  3. Libby says:

    California is indeed a horrible place to do business for entities intent upon:

    Conserving the environment;
    Paying their taxes; and
    Paying a living wage to their labor.

    Texas is, in my view, entirely welcome to its poisoned environment, its dearth of public services, and its impoverished labor force.

    Because in very short order, the impoverished labor force will be setting management’s houses on fire.

    And this is just as it should be.

  4. Tina says:

    As a man thinks so shall he live.

    Read the remarks by Libby and Quentin…this is their idea of how conservatives and businessmen think…it is a projection of their own thought processes.

    The other model is inflated pay and perks for public sector workers and lots of giveaways and entitlements to buy votes.

    All those public sector employees are beginning to find out that they cannot and do not create the wealth that supports their once secure and oft overcompensated positions. If they ever realize they actually NEED a private sector thriving business community to SURVIVE they might begin to listen a bit closer to what republicans actually say instead of wehat their government plantation masters tell them republicans say.

  5. Steve says:


    I only point out that CA is last on the list, it’s not my contention that we have to beat Texas for #1. North Carolina is the 2nd best place for businesses, even Oregon made 33rd.
    To my knowledge, no one in Oregon is dying from dirty air and water, yet somehow Oregon still managed not to be last on the list of places where businesses want to go and hire people. Couldn’t our state strive to at least not be the absolute worst? How many more jobs have to be lost before you get this?

    Quentin, was that you with the homeless looking bums I saw occupying city park today? I’ve proudly served my country, and the only traitors I see are those who expect those of us who work for a living to support those who do not.

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