Herm Cain’s Campaign

by Jack

The news has been all over this Herm Cain sexual harassment story, but we’ve avoided it up till now for one reason, there’s nothing here to discuss. There’s no statement in evidence what was said, there’s no witnesses. There’s just no substance and we know what it’s really about.

This is just a character assassination attempt by forces against Cain because he’s been flying too high. This is yet another reason why so many of us are turned off with politics. This kind of junk happens all the time and there’s rarely anything to it, it’s old, it’s not relevant, it’s just muck raking for the sake of muck raking and a few headlines. The worst part is we are being manipulated by a hidden agenda…somebody is desperate to derail this candidate’s campaign because he is getting too close to looking like a winner.

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32 Responses to Herm Cain’s Campaign

  1. Libby says:

    You should have let it go one more day. Heard the latest?

    One of the settlees wants her “nondisclosure” revoked so’s she can call the man out in public.

    I am just panting for the scuzzy details.

    The boys just don’t learn. What you say is: “I was an idiot. I learned my lesson.” And then you can move right on, well eventually. But no … every single time: “I did not sleep with that woman.” And then you just look like an utter fool, and totally unfit for office.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, there’s a lot of truth in what you just said. The Cain campaign should have been better prepared to handle this. Politico gave them a heads up ten days before the story broke. All this delaying, stalling, hemming and hawing has hurt Cain. The one thing you never want to do when you’re out in front is look like you’re not being truthful.

  3. juanita says:

    better to air it now – look what happened with Clinton – all the money that was wasted on that Lewinsky investigation, and all the time and energy. Cain is handling this very badly. He should take the opportunity to hash it out good, but he seems to be trying to brush it off. That really makes a lot of women mad, as though he’s saying sexual harassment is no big deal.

    Here’s an aside – my husband used to have an employer who couldn’t seem to keep her hands off him. It made him uncomfortable, but he was afraid to offend her, not only for his job, but because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. He knew she didn’t mean anything by it and she’d be horrified if she knew anybody thought anything of it. So he avoided the woman like the plague.

    And, my husband had a big strapping helper for about a year, a good-looking 22 year old kid, real friendly, big old smile. When they were doing a job at a local, hmmm, I guess I’ll call it an “institution”, the woman director touched him several times in such a way that if it were a young woman and an older man it would have resulted in a lawsuit and tons of embarrassment all the way around. He called it “fondling.” He told me it happened to him a lot with the “over 50 woman” – they think it’s okay to rub shoulders and squeeze muscles – but what was he going to say?

    Now, that gave me an instant shudder, but I had to think for a minute. I told him he shouldn’t come to work in a “wife beater” – a man’s sleeveless undershirt, think Clark Gable – way too sexy for work, the equivalent of a woman wearing a blouse cut down to her navel. You can see right through the danged things. I told him what a MAN teacher of mine had told us girls in high school – be careful what kind of signals you’re putting out. He also told us we should take Geritol, but I’m not sure what that had to do with the conversation.

    I know Libby will give me crap, so I will say, I don’t mean, if a person says NO they should have to put up with harassment. No matter what clothes you are wearing or how attractive God made you, NO MEANS NO! But I’ll also say, the more sexy advertising you put out there, the more you will have to say NO, and if you don’t like it, cover your billboard.

    See, there’s a discussion here that needs to be had, and I say we have it. Now, Cain can lead this discussion or he can be run over by it, that’s his choice.

  4. Toby says:

    Rush had lots of good stuff on his show about this today. Should be fun watching this unfold.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Someone correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t all this settled years ago?

    If the allegations are true then I am really quite disappointed in Herman Cain. I truly expected much better behavior on his part.

    True sexual harassment is an ugly thing, but no more ugly that the false charge of it. Sexual harrasment of women is degrading enough, the false charge compounds the problem and degrades all women who have been sexually harassed. The same is true for rape and the false charge of rape.

    Can you imagine what it must have been like to be a woman working for the Clinton administration knowing how one woman was working her way up the ladder with the Commander In Chief, and where she was doing it?

    Of course, there is always the possibility of crossed signals and maybe a few drinky-poos got in the way of normal relations at a restaurant conference hotel.

    But I would expect someone like Herman Cain to rise above such foolishness.

    Oh yeah, there is no doubt in my mind that the left in this country have a great fear of Herman Cain and all successful, conservative black men who do not tow the Liberal Plantation party line. Which is precisely why they are trying to destroy him with something that was settled years ago.

    Besides, it diverts attention away from recent complaints from women in the Obama administration who have complained about a hostile working environment.

    This taint coincidence.

  6. Princess says:

    Hermain Cain is a joke. It is a travesty for the Republican Party that this fool is supposedly in first place for the primary. I don’t believe it for a minute.

    Right now the media is refusing to cover in any meaningful way the candidacy of John Huntsman, the only decent, intelligent, worthy candidate for the presidency. He is not a partisan, he is not a fool and he is completely ignored as a serious candidate. Instead the media is forcing us to accept Rick Perry, the second coming of George Bush; Herman Cain, completely unfit for the presidency; or Mitt Romney a person who has not had a job in several years. All Romney has done is lose elections. I’m not interested.

    I am sick and tired of the Republican party being made to look ignorant and foolish by the crazy nutcases the media decides to elevate to fame all while they ignore the sensible, dedicated hard working polticians that could really make a difference. This is all a conspiracy to hand Obama another win.

    John Huntsman for president!!

  7. Tina says:

    Princess I hope the Huntsman campaign is paying you well for thes drive by bleeps…so far your plea is the only advertising I’ve seen for John Huntsman.

    Instead of dissing the other candidates how about you tell your candidate he needs to do a better job at getting noticed and selling his message!

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: “John Huntsman for president!!”

    If you are so convinced that the rest of the field consists of dogs unfit, or unemployed, or losers, or travesties manipulated by the media to hand Obama a win then and that Jon Huntsman is the real deal, then the least you could do is spell his name correctly.

    Don’t get me wrong, I like the man. He needs to make a showing or he will be soon gone. His daughters’ spoof of Herman Cain’s Smoking Ad is hilarious, but not much more effective than Cain’s ad.

    Huntsman needs to step up and hit a few balls. His latest campaign to “break up oil monopolies by promoting alternative fuels and launching federal probes into the nations fuel production system” isn’t making much headway. Alternative fuels to replace oil are still pipe dreams and “federal probes” are just playing to the “we hate big oil” crowd.

    To shamelessly borrow from Ann Coulter, who do you want to find, develop, and bring to the market oil energy resources, big Jello?

  9. Chris says:

    Lots of good comments in this thread. I haven’t commented on the issue yet because I don’t know anything about the accusations. They may have some merit, or they may be a smear. I’ll have to find out more before I know for sure.

    Princess, I have to agree with you, and I find it sad that until you brought him up I had completely forgotten about John Hunstman. It’s sad that reasonability and moderation are not valued in the Republican party these days.

  10. Tina says:

    We are watching you protest the business world, most of whom are innocent of any wrongdoing. We are watching you spout off endlessly about TEFRA while ignoring the Legislation passed by Carter and Clintonm that ordered banks to make bad loans and engage in dangerous business practices. Democrats in Washington set up the poisonous conditions that led to the bank failures AND encouraged lawlessnes rather than compliance and desperate survival need rather than smart business practice. We’re watching as you turn a blind eye on the unscrupulous greed of Democrats, the opportunism, the manipulation for personal benefit at the expense of the people. We’re watching as you offer a destraction and cover for them about the failed policies of the Obama administration and Democrat corporatism. Your silence about Democrat corporatists like Clinton set conditions for buddies like Howell Raines, Jamie Gorelick, Chris Dodd, Barnie Frank and others to realize MILLIONS in bonuses at Fannie, highly paid jobs for lifestyle “partners”, and sweet deals as “friends of Angelo” on personal mortgages. We’re watching as you attempt to blame a popular, dead expresident who had nothing to do with the mess these Democrats and Jimmy Carter before them have visited on every single American.

    You, sir are a phony…a covert progressive operative. Your high minded stance is exposed by your own political posture.

    Thanks for sharing. Your OPINION is welcome here. Now…run along and play on the square…we’re watching and we are not impressed.

  11. Chris says:

    To be fair Quentin, invoking Nazis while criticizing your opponents (who have certainly said nothing in this thread that makes them comparable to Nazis) isn’t exactly “original” either. Nor is it at all civil.

    After reading up a little bit more on this story, I still have no idea whether the allegations are true, but it is clear that Herman Cain has handled them about as well as he’s handled everything else in his campaign. First he said he couldn’t remember any sexual harassment allegations, and now he does remember them. Once again he contradicts himself and shows that he is utterly unprepared for questions that he should be able to anticipate. These allegations were made years ago. If they are false than I have some sympathy for Cain, since false allegations of sexual harassment are hard to deal with. But he should have had some kind of plan to deal with them when they came up. He’s running for president; did he expect that this just wouldn’t become an issue?

    I also don’t buy that this is some sort of liberal conspiracy to smear Cain. Once again, the allegations were made years before Cain had even made an attempt at becoming a political force. Lots of conservatives have speculated that this “smear” was actually launched by another Republican candidate. I don’t see the necessity of either theory; it should be news whenever any candidate has a sexual harassment settlement on his or her record.

    This article from the American Spectator actually raises a lot of good points about Cain’s numerous contradictions and his overall lack of readiness for the job of president.


    “Go back and look at my reviews of the debates and at my overall coverage of Herman Cain here and at other sites, and you’ll see that I have praised him immensely and that I’ve been more than open to the idea of him as president — assuming he undergoes proper vetting. Well, he’s getting the vetting. It ain’t abetting his cause. I am inclined to disbelieve the sexual harassment allegations against him while insisting that it was completely acceptable for Politico to report them– but this latest report has me more than a little worried: A witness says Cain’s behavior, if known, would “end his campaign.”

    Look, if you are running for president and you know that two such allegations (even if totally untrue) were lodged against you, you darn well ought to have not only been prepared to discuss them but also to pre-emptively air them out — and if there is truth to them, you have no business running for president.

    Meanwhile, the list of subjects on which Cain has not just made gaffes, but actually sounded ignorant (NOT stupid; ignorant: There’s a big difference) or inane keeps growing by the day. The latest is his apparent lack of awareness that China already is a nuclear power, and has been so for more than 40 years. This follows his absurd citations of two sets of near-polar opposites as the people whose thinking on foreign policy he agrees with most (followed by the bizarre segue into citing Brent Bozell III in the same answer), and his apparent endorsement of a “right of return” for Palestinians, and his openness to negotiating with terrorists.

    On abortion, as well documented, he has said within the same verbal paragraph that he is entirely pro-life and then provided a 100% pro-choice explanation for his position, not just once but several times, without any apparent understanding that he has completely contradicted himself. He has offered differing accounts of whether the Fed should be audited, about whether he would ever hire a Muslim — and about whether he ever said what he actually, proveably did say about Fed audits and hiring Muslims…”

  12. Cherokee Jack says:

    All you need to do with Quentin is let him speak for himself. Very revealing, character-wise

  13. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Don Q’s: “”To shamelessly borrow from Ann Coulter . . .”
    People REFUSE to think for themselves. Any time the voters don’t think, America suffers.
    Witness the lack of original thought in the replies . . .”

    HAH! You are the very LAST person to complain about “lack of original thought”, chump. Your unabashed plagiarism in your OWS “speech” is testimony to that.

    I used a phrase from a source I happen to like and cited her. Have you ever done similiar for the stuff you crib and use as if it were your own?

    Aside to anyone else who may read this:

    Have you noticed how Don Q loves to use the word “fellatio” all the time now? Is this like an attention starved third grade brat who just discovered a new “naughty” word or what?

  14. Peggy says:

    Keeping in mind that 10-15 years ago sexual harassment awareness was in a transitional phase. Things said and done that was once acceptable behavior was no longer acceptable. We had a dept. manager that gave wonderful shoulder massages, but after attending sexual harassment awareness seminars he said he could no longer do them. Both men and women had to make changes. I remember it as a very awkward time for everyone.

    I too am not sure if Cains behavior was inappropriate or not, but for now Ill give him a little leeway because it was back in the 1990s and not just a couple of years ago when what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior has been clearly defined and understood.

    How hes handling it is a whole other mess. Hes getting bad advice and needs to get better advisers.

  15. Pie Guevara says:

    Well, it appears that Chris has come up with his own smear campaign for Herman Cain (probably cribbed from left wing web sites). Well, this is the sort of treatment a front runner should expect, a focus on negatives. Should I mention that despite Obama’s many gaffes he became President? How “ignorant” one must be to not know how many states there are?

    In any case, the Cain campaign certainly is not running as well as it could be, especially over this attempt to destroy Cain that originated from within The Politico. Yet the man remains a favorite.

    One thing is for sure, this fiasco will be a significant weapon in the left’s arsenal to destroy Cain. If you have any doubt that there is a left-wing campaign to destroy Cain, just Google “cain uncle tom oreo” and see what kind of hits you get.

  16. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Peggy’s: “How hes handling it is a whole other mess. Hes getting bad advice and needs to get better advisers.”

    No argument here. I fear if there isn’t a pretty good shake-up now he will soon be heading down the road to nowhere.

  17. Toby says:

    This is from Rasmussen Reports,
    Thursday, November 03, 2011

    Georgia businessman Herman Cain, who continues to battle past allegations of sexual harassment, draws the most support nationally for the Republican nomination.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely GOP Primary voters shows Cain with 26% of the vote over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romneys 23%. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich draws 14% support, with no other GOP contender reaching double-digits. Thirteen percent (13%) of GOP voters are undecided at this time. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

    As for the rest of the field, Texas Governor Rick Perry picks up eight percent (8%) support, Texas Congressman Ron Paul gets seven percent (7%), both Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman each pick up two percent (2%), while former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum draws support from just one percent (1%).

    It is important to note, however, that only 32% of GOP voters nationwide are firmly committed to their current candidate. Most (68%) say it is possible something could come up that causes them to change their mind.

    While Cains edge over Romney is within the margin of error, this is the first time the former CEO has held any sort of lead in a national primary poll. Last month, Cain and Romney were tied at 29% each. In September, Cain picked up just seven percent (7%) of vote and Perry was the frontrunner.

    The latest survey was conducted Wednesday night, after three full days of press coverage about the sexual harassment allegations against Cain.

  18. Chris says:

    “Well, it appears that Chris has come up with his own smear campaign for Herman Cain (probably cribbed from left wing web sites).”

    Yep, like that commie rag, the American Spectator!

    Seriously, did you even read what I wrote? Or do you think you know me so well now that you don’t have to? Because if it’s the latter, then you’re clearly incorrect.

    This is not the first time you’ve accused me of engaging in a “left wing smear” simply for agreeing with conservatives. You accused me of “left wing hate speech” after I linked to three separate conservative blogs condemning Pamela Geller’s nutso theory that Rick Perry is a “stealth jihadist” and a “pro-Sharia candidate.” By your logic, Red State, Commentary, and Ace of Spades are all guilty of “left wing hate speech” as well, simply because they acknowledge that Geller’s theory of is absurd.

    You also called me a “lefty wind bag” after I pointed out that Steve Doocy, host of “FOX and Friends,” contradicted your story that President Obama intended to apologize for Hiroshima. Doocy had reported the story a few days before, but then apologized and issued a correction. You accused me of trying to “discredit” FOX News for posting this information, but in fact I was trying to show how their reporting discredited your argument. Yet you continued to argue that Doocy’s initial report was true, and even though I asked you several times why he would correct and apologize for a report that was factually correct, you never responded to my question. (Note: It’s not too late to do so now, if you want to).

    So I guess FOX’s Steve Doocy is also guilty of being a “lefty wind bag,” just because he disagrees with you?

    And apparently, now we can add the American Spectator to that list as well.

    Gee, I knew our left-wing conspiracy was big–but I didn’t know it was THIS big!

    “In any case, the Cain campaign certainly is not running as well as it could be,”

    Oh my god–you’re in on it too! I’m surprised, I haven’t seen you at any of the secret BWAAP (Black Weather Acorn Alinsky Panther) meetings.

    In all seriousness, Pie, nothing I wrote above in my critique of how Cain has handled the situation was any harsher than anything written by many conservatives on the issue. So it really is unfair of you to accuse me of engaging in a “left wing smear” in this case, because that doesn’t represent my comments at all.

    If I really wanted to smear Cain I would have been all over this story the moment I heard about the sexual harassment allegations, but to be honest I didn’t even bother to read about them for a while because I figured they would probably be vague and unconfirmed. Now more women are coming out and saying this happened to them too, but I’m still not going to make an argument for or against their truth until more information comes out. Would someone dedicated to smearing their political opponents do that? No, of course not. If I wanted to I could say he’s guilty, guilty, guilty, but I have no way of knowing that and it wouldn’t be fair.

    “especially over this attempt to destroy Cain that originated from within The Politico.”

    Actually it originated with the first sexual harassment lawsuit against him years ago, before any liberal had a political reason to want to see him destroyed. Whatever Politico’s motives, that lawsuit is news, and would be no matter which candidate it was launched against; you can’t blame them for reporting on it.

    “Should I mention that despite Obama’s many gaffes he became President? How “ignorant” one must be to not know how many states there are?””

    About as ignorant as one would have to be to not know that this was a slip of the tongue, and that Barack Obama–a U.S. senator at the time–of course knew that there were not actually 57 states. But you’re not that ignorant; you know he did not legitimately believe that there were 57 states when he said that. You’re just playing dumb in order to engage in…what’s that word…oh, yeah. A smear.

    “If you have any doubt that there is a left-wing campaign to destroy Cain, just Google “cain uncle tom oreo” and see what kind of hits you get.”

    I decided to take you up on this offer, but I also wanted to contrast it with the phrase “barack obama uncle tom oreo.” The latter turned up a few thousand more hits, but that’s not surprising given that Obama has been on the public stage a lot longer than Cain. Unfortunately, all black candidates face that kind of racist rhetoric and it is unacceptable to me no matter who the candidate is or what their party affiliation.

  19. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Chris’: “Seriously, did you even read what I wrote?”

    Yep. But I just skimmed this last long winded rant. Man, all you need from me now is just a little tweak and you can go on for volumes! How many classes are you taking? You must have a lot of free time on your hands. Try taking up a physical activity. It may improve your outlook, buddy.

    In any case, I already knew you had little use for Cain. I suspect most the folks who read and write Post Scripts already know that too. No need to go on at length about it and re-state your case. And since many who write and read this blog have previously made their preferences or liking for Cain known by poll and posts, you should be aware of that, no?

    Which begs the question, do you really think that anything that you have had to say about Cain is not already known by everyone else who frequents this forum or do you think we are all a bunch of a****** dupes (or dopes) like Joe Shaw does? Why do you make a point of doing such here? Hmmmmm? I mean, really, what is your aim?

    I think I hit it pretty square on that raw nerve of yours, pal, given your verbose response. You have this little mission you are on, and this time it is to focus on Cain. So you took your time to decide just how you wanted to go about running the man down.

    Hey, works for me.

    Why don’t you take your thoughts and discoveries about oreos and such up with Janeane Garofalo or Democratic strategist Karen Finney, I am sure they might be able to use some of it, no? Ask them why the left is not only going after a black candidate but also a black President as well with racially charged rhetoric.

    After all, Chris, these are your peers, not mine.

    (Oh don’t bother answering all those questions, I won’t bother to read your answers anyway. They are rhetorical.)

  20. Chris says:

    Pie: ENOUGH. You are acting ridiculous. You accused me of engaging in a “left wing smear” of Cain simply for leveling some criticism at him, criticism which as I’ve shown has also been made by conservatives. You act as if that makes me somehow defective, yet you don’t explain what exactly about my criticism (or the American Spectator’s) is wrong. That would require you to engage in an actual debate with me, which you seem to think is beneath you.

    When I pointed out how ridiculous it was for you to accuse me of making a left-wing smear in a post in which I quoted and agreed with a conservative writer–and that you’ve done this at least two other times–you ignored all of this, and responded with nothing but personal issues.

    Nothing you wrote above is at all a genuine response to anything I’ve written in this thread. All you’re engaging in is mockery. You admit that you did not read all of what I wrote, and you admit that you have no plans to read my future posts. If that’s the case, then stop responding to me! You have no room to talk about my “long winded rants” when you often spend paragraphs and paragraphs doing nothing but crafting insults instead of arguments. At least in my response, I made an effort to show why you were wrong in what you said. You responded by bringing up a whole bunch of totally irrelevant nonsense.

    Next time you reply to me, please make an actual argument rather than empty just personal jabs.

  21. Post Scripts says:

    Chris, Post Scripts does not endorse anyone taking personal jabs, it’s against our standards, but it’s bound to happen to happen when politics are involved. However, by now I’m sure you know we liberally interpret the 1st amendment so we need everyone’s cooperation to make this place work with a fair exchange of ideas and opinions.

    Chris I learned a long time ago you can’t control what others say or do, but you can control what you say and do. That’s what counts most. Hold yourself to a high standard and see what happens.

  22. Libby says:

    “I am sick and tired of the Republican party being made to look ignorant and foolish by the crazy nutcases the media decides to elevate to fame ….”

    I wonder how far poll results are media driven? The idea that Cain and Romney could be neck-and-neck is spooky. Is it just name recognition, and nothing more?

    More evidence of our imperiled republic is probably what it is.

  23. Toby says:

    Looks like Cain is handling this thing pretty well after all. Five days into it and we do not know anymore than we did when the liberal media slung this mud. Five days of Cain bashing by the MSM and his numbers are going up. People can tell a BS story when they see it. People see the major BS Obama and the rest of the Left get away with and they look at this and say “so what?”. The media wants to paint Cain as a joke but he wont bite so they are left with nothing.

  24. Libby says:

    “Five days into it and we do not know anymore than we did when the liberal media slung this mud.”

    Ah, Toby … we now know that the Chinese are bent upon acquiring nuclear weapons! Well, Cain knows this.

    The rest of us know the Chinese have had the bomb since ’64.

    The man is toast, presidentially speaking.

  25. Peggy says:

    Toby: “Five days into it and we do not know anymore than we did when the liberal media slung this mud.”

    We know no complaint was ever filed with EEOC. No Charges were ever filed against him either.

    Tina: “Ah, Toby … we now know that the Chinese are bent upon acquiring nuclear weapons! Well, Cain knows this.”

    Cain was talking about nuclear powered submarines, which they don’t have yet.

    Still waiting to hear who “leaked” it to the media. Was it a Republican candidate, Obama or even Emanuel? I really want to know who’s playing the dirty politics game.

    Did hear reported, but don’t remember the exact numbers of times the MSM covered Clinton’s and other Dems alligations of misconduct compared to Cain’s. It was something like 3 to 60. Talk about a clear example of media bias and how it is being used to help the dems and hurt the reps.

    Time will tell. We have just over a year to go.

  26. Tina says:

    Peggy, I think it was first Chris, and then later Libby, who brought up the issue of nukes and China…THANK YOU for setting the record straight.



    China will unveil its nuclear submarines this week at an international fleet review marking the 60th anniversary of its navy, official media reported yesterday.

    The first known public appearance of the craft, off the northern port of Qingdao, will underscore the growing might of the People’s Liberation Army navy and its attempts to build goodwill by increasing transparency.

    Chris and Libby have a lot of nerve questioning Cain’s suitability to be President. Their perfect candidate, Obama, had zero experience in the real world, voted present most of the time in both his federal and state positions as a servant of the people, exagerated his experience at teaching constitutional law, and wrote only one “narrow” essay for the Harvard Law Review:


    In addition Obama has stumble bumbled his way through foreign policy questions and speeches, as well as economic policy questions and speeches, on many occassions making it clear to even the casual observer that his knowledge is simply an echo of what has been explained to him rather than it’s coming from a clear understanding or grounding in either subject. If you look back at the promises he made a candidate it is clear that running for president and being president are two very different things. The hope and change candidate was clearly not prepared for the job of president but nobody cared…not even the fourth estate!

    Mr. Cain has had years of experience as a leader and as such has demonstrated his ability to make tough decisions. That alone places him head and shoulders above the decidedly inexperienced and unprepared candidate Barack Obama.

  27. Toby says:

    Hey Libby was 1964 the year the US acquired its 57th state?

  28. Tina says:

    Nice one Toby…right to the point!

  29. Tina says:

    I just read an excellent article on sexual harassment, the law, and our legal system. Read it here:


    or here:


  30. Chris says:

    Peggy: “Cain was talking about nuclear powered submarines, which they don’t have yet.”

    But even that isn’t true. According to the National Review, “China launched its first nuclear submarine, part of the Han-class of attack boats, in 1974. In 2004, it launched its class of nuclear-powered ballistic-missile subs, which are capable of launching the strategic nuclear weapons China already had.”


    But this was just the response from Cain’s chief of staff. Cain has also personally responded to the gaffe, and in his response he made no mention of nuclear powered submarines:

    “Maybe I misspoke,” he said. “What I meant was China does not have the size of the nuclear capability that we have. They do have a nuclear capability. I was talking about their total nuclear capability.”


    Those two responses seem to contradict each other, and one of them is downright false.

    This campaign is absurd. Why can’t people just admit that?

  31. Libby says:

    Good heavens. If I could play you the tape, you wouldn’t hear it.

    This will be the third time in my life that some largish segment of the electorate has been bound and determined to put an ignoramus in the White House. What exactly does this accomplish … aside from economic ruin, of course?

    Why do you do this?

  32. Libby says:

    Not pursuing the Herm story, are we?

    I wonder why?

    Ol’ Herm is a groper! I wonder … if every women who experienced such an encounter reported it, how many of you hoohahs would be left at large? Not too terribly many, I’ll wager.

    And I win again! Toast! Most decidedly Buttered Toast!

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