OWS – The Peaceful Protest?

Posted by Tina

Nope….I don’t think so!

OWS is disorder that creates headlines and provides a distraction. There is nothing peaceful about “occupying” any space in order to intimidate, frighten, and disrupt the activities or business of fellow citizens. There is nothing peaceful about flaunting laws, no matter how minor, to make a political statement. OWS protests have resulted in businesses being damaged and citizens being injured, robbed and raped. Common decency has been absent as protesters trash the areas they occupy with human waste and garbage. The rights of citizens to go about their daily lives have been trampled upon and denied. The OWS protest may have started peacefully enough but since it is an occupation/free for all, rather than an event meant to demonstrate citizen power to effect change, it has quickly devolved into mayhem and lawlessness.

I suggest that mayhem, and the gathering of useful idiots to create it, is exactly the point of this protest. I suggest that intimidation is meant to frighten and bully the citizens of this country. I suggest the organizers designed this movement to resonate with voters as they are directed to vent against the 1% as the root of their personal discontent and anger. I suggest that the plan is to create alignment behind Barack Obama and the Democrat Party, billed as the sympathizers and saviors of the 99%.

Why else would Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al embrace such a gang of malcontents trampling on the rights of their fellow citizens?

I suggest that this warmed over bullying event from the sixties radical left is meant to serve as a distraction for the failed policies of Barack Obama and the Pelosi Reid Congress.

Mark Steyn puts OWS in historical perspective with his usual wit and wisdom today in National Review:

Way back in 1968, after the riots at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, Mayor Daley declared that his forces were there to “preserve disorder.” I believe that was one of Hizzoner’s famous malapropisms. Forty-three years later Jean Quan, mayor of Oakland, and the Oakland city council have made “preserving disorder” the official municipal policy. On Wednesday, the “Occupy Oakland” occupiers rampaged through the city, shutting down the nation’s fifth-busiest port, forcing stores to close, terrorizing those residents foolish enough to commit the reactionary crime of “shopping,” destroying ATMs, spraying the Christ the Light Cathedral with the insightful observation “F**k,” etc. And how did the Oakland city council react? The following day they considered a resolution to express their support for “Occupy Oakland” and to call on the city administration to “collaborate with protesters.”

Ah yes…the appeasement gang resorts to collaboration to become part of the great distraction.

But let us not be distracted!

An article in The Washington Examiner includes the dismal record that OWS media coverage pushes to the sidelines:

Four years ago, 7.2 million Americans were out of work, compared to nearly 14 million now. That’s an increase of almost 100 percent. The 9 percent unemployment rate for October 2011 is 92 percent higher than the 4.9 percent rate seen in October 2007. The average duration of unemployment then was four months; today it’s nine months, an increase of 125 percent.

Unemployment among blacks has spiraled from 8.5 percent to 15.1 percent, a 75 percent increase, while unemployment among Hispanics has gone from 5.6 percent to 11.4 percent, a 104 percent increase. For people with high school diplomas, the rate has gone from 7.3 percent to 13.8 percent, an 89 percent increase. Among college grads, the rate has more than doubled, from 2.1 percent to 4.4 percent. Clearly, America is not “better off” today than it was four years ago.

Whether you are enamored with the OWS crowd or disgusted by it you should not forget what has brought us to this dismal period in American history. It is the result of a continuous effort over many decades to involve government in the affairs of American citizens and business. Our government should be neutral with respect to the citizenry; it has become an organization that picks winners and losers and creates resentment and division. Our judicial system is in place to mitigate grievances and prosecute criminals but has been used to write law and further political agenda. Lawmakers are required to uphold the Constitution and yet have engaged in lawmaking that creates complex laws and mounds of red tape creating an atmosphere of contention. Bad laws have discouraged enterpise and investment in America and sent jobs overseas. Bad laws have created a sense of entitlement rather than fostering and supporting an educated productive society. Bad laws have created a monopoly in education and encouraged educators toward indoctrination which has not served our young people well or prepared them for adulthood. Tax laws has become so complex that special experts and lawyers are needed to comply. Big government is at the very heart of our problems.

Barack Obama would like another four years to create bigger government and further ruin our economy while he rewards his corporate and union sponsors. The only real hope for America is to deny him and others like him in Congress another term. OWS is an irritation but we don’t have to let it become a distraction in the coming election year.

OWS Intimidation tactics used by many protesters belies all claims of peaceful protest.

Peaceful protest is easy to spot. We have witnessed peaceful protest. The Tea Party march on Washington DC to protest big government was a peaceful protest. Those who participated were polite, conducted themselves with enthusiasm and dignity, and left the space clean and unaltered the very same day. This group is made up of Republicans, Democrats and Independents that are aware and fed up with the mess BIG GOVERNMENT has made of our country.

May the peaceful, hard working Americans that believe in free markets and small government prevail in the election next November! And may America once again become the strong productive country of opportunity it was designed to be.

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4 Responses to OWS – The Peaceful Protest?

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Excellent post Tina. No, outstanding. I think you hit the nail squarely on the head.

    I will add this, though. While I think that the Obama administration and Democrats with their incessant harping and ginning up of class warfare paved the way for the OWS movement and had a hand in creating it, I don’t think they will enjoy an alignment with that movement no matter how much they try to manipulate it and use it to their advantage.

    Certainly there are strong elements in the OWS who seek to make it a tool of Obama and the Democratic party. On that I have no doubt.

    But today in New York Obama was burned in effigy, there have been and still are countless placards and images of him declaring him to be everything from a sell-out to a Nazi.

    I suspect the OWS movement is so whack-o and confused that not even the Democratic party will be able to turn them into useful idiots.

    I also suspect that the pathetic Oakland City Council and its effete, inept mayor are soon going to reap a firestorm of anger and dissatisfaction from citizens abused, used, and trampled on by Occupy Oakland.

  2. Tina says:

    Pie I think we are in agreement.

    I believe that there are those associated with this organized protest that align only because of their belief that Wall Street caused the problem. Why would they think otherwise? Unless they are fully informed about the power and role our government played in creating the conditions that led to the meltdown they will blame the most obvious target…people with money…the 1%. All of them will be blamed no matter how they run their lives or how charitable or philanthropic they are…it’s insane. They won’t notice the atmosphere of entitlement, greed and envy that pervades their movement and they won’t notice that lawbreaking by a minority few and collusion and abuse of power by a few politicians led to this state of affairs.

    That some are willing to put the responsibility for recovery on Obama, where most of it belongs (along with Resi and Pelosi) gives me reason to hope that at least some are paying attention.

  3. Toby says:

    You do not have to look any farther than Post Scripts. Look how fast Q got tossed under his own bus.

  4. Pie Guevara says:



    “Occupy DC Protesters assaulted conservatives as they exited an Americans For Prosperity Tribute to Ronald Reagan dinner.

    This elderly woman, 78 years old, rode 11 hrs on a bus from Detroit to attend the dinner. After the attack she was taken to hospital with multiple injuries, a bloody nose which developed after the fall, and a large knot on her head. After x-rays and a CAT scan, she was released the following morning with cuts and large bruises.”

    Get that? Eleven hours on a bus. Definitely one of the elite.

    Hey hey, ho ho … you fill in the rest.

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