A Nightmare Approaches – The 2012-13 Budget!

by Jack


With the arrival of the 2012 budget, most of our 50 states will generate over $48 billion dollars in red ink. This by itself will be a monumental economic crisis, but one state is far worse off than the others and it’s debt is so horrific it could send us into depression. That state with soooo much at risk, carrying more debt than any other state is….California. Big surprise, huh?

In 2012 California is expected to carry forward debt in excess of $8.2 billion and this will trigger at least $2 billion in automatic spending cuts. Despite this dire situation, the legislative analyst office (LAO) predicts the CA legislature will increase general fund spending by 12%. A large chunk of this 12% comes from two mandatory spending programs – making this spending beyond their legislative control. Proposition 1(a) requires repayment of a $2 billion dollar tax loan and Proposition 98 requires $5.6 billion be spent on education.

California is broke and threatening to drag down the nation.

Actually, California is worse than broke, we owe billions that we can’t pay. We will likely enter the new year short by over $14 billion. The years and decades of over spending, over committing to future obligations, has destroyed the most powerful state economy in the USA and the 8th largest economy in the world. When you consider all the great advantages CA has, great weather, excellent soil, abundant water, all kinds of natural resources, you must appreciate how hard its been to destroy this state. But, given their tireless efforts the democrats managed to do it and you have to give credit where credit is due. Even Greece is making CA jokes these days. By all means, blame the democrats, they’re the big culprits in this debacle because they control every state office and they’ve controlled the purse strings for almost a decade. But, there was a time when the GOP could have made some proactive changes when they had the chance, before the change in population demographics carried democrats into absolute power… forever.

Last month Gov. Brown signed a flurry of bills before Sunday’s deadline – most of them totally unnecessary written for special interests that paid for them, many were harmful, with few exceptions. (760 bills, 128 were vetoed) Betcha didn’t know we needed 760 new laws. You didn’t, but never mind that – you still have to pay for them.

To quote from the Orange County Register, “Beneficiaries, as usual, largely were unions, those seeking authority over others and pet constituencies. We give the governor credit for one law to limit government, although he seemed motivated by the wrong reasons. Mr. Brown signed Assembly Bill 353 to prohibit police from impounding automobiles when drivers’ only offense is driving without a license. Impounds by local governments feed their insatiable appetite for money, so it is good to limit them. Mr. Brown, however, more likely responded to lobbying on behalf of illegal immigrants, who don’t have driver’s licenses.

Unfortunately, Gov. Brown also signed AB131, the so-called Dream Act, which requires taxpayers to subsidize college costs for illegal immigrants even more than they do for some citizen students. Pandering to his base constituency, the Democratic governor signed Senate Bill 202 to require all citizens initiatives go on the ballot for November general elections. Democratic voters tend to turn out in greater proportion in November elections as opposed to the primaries in June.

Mr. Brown also signed AB506, a bill pushed by government unions to make it more difficult for municipalities to file for bankruptcy, and consequently more difficult to void costly contracts with public-employee unions.”

This massive fleecing of CA citizens, and the whole economic screw up isn’t entirely due to our incompetent state legislature, no, some of it is due to an incompetent Congress.
They gave us massive illegal immigration, unfunded mandates and they too misspent our wealth just like CA democrats.

Illegal immigration may be beyond the control of the state legislature, but, the lavish CA welfare benefits that acted like a magnet for illegals was sure not! We’ve helped create a welfare system here that is tops in the country, where chronic welfare cases from other states come just to get on our wonderful welfare, and yes of course this includes the illegals. We created the gravy train and they came to get it – who can blame them?

The federal government has been slow to reimburse this state for direct costs due to their failure to control the border. It’s estimated that 25% of the cost for Medical goes to payments for illegal aliens and it’s one of the many reasons why this state is broke and services are going to be cut.

Here’s just one of the many major problems we face in CA as taxpayers: Unions in California have driven up the state employee payroll far beyond what is fair and reasonable. We’ve been committed to promises for benefits we simply do not have the money to fund, despite being the most taxed state in the nation!

In little Chico the Chancellor for the state college makes (not earns) over $326k in salary and benefits and he’s about average some Chancellors are making well over what the President makes. Check out this link. No wonder tuition is up over 250%.

Granted, there are some state workers that are paid fairly and equivalent to their counterparts in the private sector in the area they live, but in way too many cases they are miles ahead of the private sector and this is one huge problem for taxpayers. Here’s another example: California prison guards can easily make six figures with a little overtime. They can retire at age 55 and can earn up to 85% of their last year’s salary for the rest of their lives. They also continue to receive very costly medical insurance. Most of us must go on medicare while we pay these state employees to have Cadillac plans we can’t afford. As further examples, many county executives earn a salary greater than the president. Our state legislature is the highest paid in the nation, which proves a great salary doesn’t guarantee great results.

California is about to default and the only place we can turn is to the feds, but they’re broke too. Obama’s has raised the debt by 41% and it’s still climbing. Even after the proposed cuts we’ll still be running a deficit. So then what do we do here in CA? The State has already raided our country coffers, they’re barely above water and by the state Constitution the legislature can’t raid them again.

It’s a very strong possibility that California could default on many of its contractual obligations and debts and in the process of defaulting….we could drag the nation down and start an economic collapse from coast to coast. CA plays a huge role in funding the federal government, …talk about too big too fail! CA is that and we may be too big to save. This is a legislative nightmare and one that was easily preventable if we had adults in charge instead of liberals.

The risks posed here are quite real, this is not fantasy speculation. The alarming facts of California’s pending bankruptcy are coming right from the State’s Legislative Analyst Office. Keep in mind, our legislators use the non-partisan LAO resource to create future budgets and determine the future impact of legislation. So, when the LAO says we’re headed for trouble and we’re out of money come 2012 – you better believe it.

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5 Responses to A Nightmare Approaches – The 2012-13 Budget!

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Basically I would say we have been screwed by the Democratic party controlled state for at least 50 years.

    From Brown Pat to Brown Jerry, to Brown Jerry again.

    Thank you DemocRats. Did we get the government we deserved?


  2. Tina says:

    Democrats Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, to name but a few, are responsible for setting the table for events that led to the housing bubble and crash.

    How many millions or billions in property tax revenue has been/will be be lost because of this massive redistribution stupidity!

    Next we have democrat delivered Obamacare which, if not stopped, will increase the number of people eligible for state funded Medicaid:


    The biggest costs from the health law come in the form of expansions in public insurance programs. ObamaCare increases Medicaid spending by over 20 percent in 2014 and will bring the program’s total enrollment to 75.6 million people. Over the next eight years, the law increases Medicaid expenditures by a whopping $700 billion.


    the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ObamaCare) promises to increase state government obligations on account of Medicaid by expanding Medicaid eligibility and introducing an individual health insurance mandate for all US citizens and legal permanent residents. Once ObamaCare becomes fully effective in 2014, the cost of newly eligible Medicaid enrollees will be almost fully covered by the federal government through 2019, with federal financial support expected to be extended thereafter. But ObamaCare provides states with zero additional federal financial support for new enrollees among those eligible for Medicaid under the old laws. That makes increased state Medicaid costs from higher enrollments by “old-eligibles” virtually certain as they enroll into Medicaid to comply with the mandate to purchase health insurance.

    Offshore drilling could bring revenue to our state but democrats dont support that idea:


    (2009) As investor Gregor Macdonald recently blogged, “The mother lode of untapped capital remains in California’s offshore reserves of oil and gas. Speaking very generally, if California were able to quadruple offshore daily oil and gas production … starting in 2012 – that would represent gross oil sales of nearly $15 billion a year.”

    Bargain for royalties of 20 percent or more, and you fund a lot of teachers and parks.

    The citizens of California are responsible. Republicans and conservatives are responsible because we compromised over and over again thinking incremental changes wouldn’t hurt when we should have stood our ground on basic principles and truth. You can’t keep increasing the size of government while simultaneously discouraging, undermining, punishing, and compromising sources of state revenue without creating a lot of damage and debt down the road.

  3. Tina says:

    Nicely done editor (Jack)…I also couldn’t find references to those charges.

    I did find a lot of information about Gerry Moonbeam Brown giving public sector unions the right to collectively bargain for cadillac healthcare and pension benefits that, had they not been enacted, would have made it much easier for California to meet its obligations and fund real educations for our children, rather than lavish lifestyles for public servants.

  4. Steve says:

    It’s a complete myth, perpetrated by those with a very leftist agenda, that Ronald Reagan or any other governor from 30 years ago are the source of California’s current problems. The fact is that CA could fix it’s economy almost overnight if it was politically willing.

    The democrats running this state could create jobs for all the protestors in the park if they wanted too. If said protestors really wanted solutions they would occupy the capitol and protest the democrats.

    CA is faced with a perfect storm of bad economic factors.

    1. We have some of the highest taxes in the nation and it is chasing away those who pay the most in taxes.

    2. Our regulatory system is not only terribly draconian and anti-business, it is confusing for anyone trying to make a buck. Huge fines and penalties are a given for small businesses who now can’t afford them.

    3. The cost of a bloated government is more than our private system can handle. We spend more than we bring in and a lot of it still is wasted on pet projects.

    4. We are subsidizing other states with our welfare system. CA is 12% of the national population but we shoulder over 32% of the welfare burden. This is money that could be going to schools.

    5. Illegal immigration is a huge cost to our state’s system. It averages about $10 billion per year in costs to us.

    Politically there are two groups that really control this state: public employee unions and environmental extremist groups, who should be diametrically opposed but are strangely in bed together. When the unions figure out it is the environmentalists killing their jobs, watch out, we might someday get some change for the better in this state.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Quentin, lets be intellectually honest for a change, okay? For the record, I never said I didn’t have time to read books, I said I didn’t have time to read your books while standing in front of your OWS tent, I just wanted to hear from you what your OWS issues were. You absolutely misrepresented this and I won’t let you do that here.

    Next, we can agree that money is buying elections and legislation. I’ve being saying that for almost 20 years. Money is not the equal of free speech, too often it is used to stifle free speech.

    We agree that we the people are the government. We can agree the government has failed us repeatedly. We can agree that monopolies are bad for a free market. We can agree that if a company is too big to fail it is simply too big.

    No one side, right or left, owns all the facts or all the truth. Truth and facts can be found on both sides and therefore we need to keep an open mind and let history and common sense be the judge and jury of what we should believe. Can we agree on that?

    We can agree that haters and liars don’t belong in politics. The guy who put up all those Nazi fliers about the Tea Party is a hater and a liar – or do you think ends justifies means? That was criminally wrong and I would never have any part in something like that, no matter what I felt about the organization in question.

    Feel free to respond, but be careful to avoid name calling and misrepresenting will ya?

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