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How can anyone believe that these 12 politicians – who all vote their straight party line – could come up with any type of compromise? It’s almost as they were chosen for their mule-headedness.
And the Prez’ hand-picked debt reduction commission’s recommendations last year were totally ignored.
The super duper committee was a joke from day one and gave politicians another 6 months to twiddle their thumbs. Any debt reduction ideas need to be debated on the floor of congress where voters can see them and not behind closed doors. It is evident that fiscal responsibility is a voice in the wilderness of DC.
Now, just sit back and watch the professional politicians blame everyone else. It’s way past time to boot the $pemder$ in government at ALL levels.
The next election cycle could straighten this out. With a Republican President willing to use his bully pulpit and influence to sign onto and support a legislative plan it could get out of committee and possibly pass.
As long as Obama refuses to provide the necessary leadership we will go nowhere, which is appears to be exactly the Democratic party plan — to go nowhere and blame it on Republicans.
Even with the main stream news media running hard to get Obama elected again, I don’t think this is going to work. The internet age has changed everything. The failures of the Obama administration and his inept leadership have changed everything. The Occupy Whatever, Dude movement will become an albatross hung on the neck of the Democratic party as well as the ridiculous health care bill.
Whomever becomes the Republican candidate, I think things are looking up in the political arena for Republicans and the potential for making steps to solve the huge problem of an ever expanding, ever debt increasing federal government.
The Tea party movement influence on the last election was an amazing test and bell weather. That influence could again have a significant impact on the election cycle to come.
If it does, the mandate will again be set, and the US could make great strides in coming out of this morass of tax, spend, and debt.
Happy Thanksgiving to you guys! Great Blog.
Found this and thought you’d enjoy it: