Obama: “Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair…Fair!”

Posted by Tina

The President made a populist campaign speech yesterday. Tucked provocatively within an appeal to Patriotism was the suggestion that American values must be restored. One word in particular was liberally peppered throughout the appeal. The word infuses his speech with a flagrant emotional appeal…we must be fair! Fairness is the American way! I have a problem with the Presidents logic and basic integrity. I don’t think he can sincerely defend his policy proposals or his Americanism with his rhetoric.

President Obama:

“I believe that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, when everyone plays by the same rules. These aren’t Democratic values or Republican values; these aren’t one percent values or 99 percent values. They’re American values, and we have to reclaim them.”

Fair, according to Merriam-Websters:

in a manner that is honest or impartial or that conforms to rules : in a fair manner


1. Is it fair that some Americans pay 40% of all income taxes while nearly half pay zero in income taxes?

2. Under the Constitution Americans are guaranteed “equal” opportunity. How do extreme progressive tax rates support the idea of equality or fairness, particularly “under the law”?

3. If “fairness” means people should be treated in a “manner that is impartial” how does the President justify his call for redistribution and extreme progressive tax rates and oppressive regulations for some Americans?

4. If everyone is to be treated fairly or given a fair shot”, what would have to happen?

The problem with the president’s use of the word fair is that the President’s redistribution proposals are not fair…not even close!

If the president was sincere or honest he would be asking all Americans to pay taxes at the same rate. He would ask that we allow him to dictate and organize so that everyone worked in an assembly line manner at the same pay for the benefit of all. He would ask that all Americans wear the same clothing, ride the same bicycle, live in the same house, and eat the same portion of bread handed out by the government distribution center. All children would attend schools where no child would be encouraged to excel or be praised for excellent performance. Instead, the least capable child would become the example for all to emulate. All efforts at creativity would be discouraged.

This is not the American way!

The American model recognizes that each of us is unique in our individuality and dreams. We have varying interests and skills; different motivations, ambitions and needs. Some people naturally become leaders and others would rather be part of a support team. Passion rules to inspire long hours at work for some and in others a life of simplicity or service; some thrive on pressure and excitement; others quiet and contemplation. Some want to make a lot of money; others only want to make enough money to live comfortably. There isn’t any way to make outcomes “fair” without placing our citizens under the harsh authority of tyranny. The outcome when government takes the leading role in making life fair is that the human spirit is diminished and the light of creativity dimmed. As policies and control become more extreme, innovation and opportunity is diminished or lost. The recovery has been stymied because policy has moved in the direction of greater government intervention and control.

Taking a shot at his opponents, the President once again made an emotional appeal while lying about their policy proposals:

“Their philosophy is simple: We are better off when everyone is left to fend for themselves and play by their own rules. I’m here to say they are wrong.”

Republican proposals do not suggest letting everyone “fend for themselves” or “play by their own rules”. There are no republican policies that suggest ending all regulation and rules. The President is being extremely disingenuous.

Republican proposals are designed to limit government intrusion so that the people who create jobs are inspired and supported; so that private sector leaders and investors are confident to take the risks necessary to create opportunity and jobs.

Clearly the President’s only purpose is his own re-election bid. He cannot make campaign speeches about the success of his economic policies and he has nothing new to offer. Fairness will not create jobs or a strong economy any more than hope and change made things better for people over the last three years.

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2 Responses to Obama: “Fair, Fair, Fair, Fair…Fair!”

  1. J. Soden says:

    What’s really funny is that the liberal Washington Post gave the Prez 3 Pinocchios for his misstatements in the KS speech.

    I would have awarded 5 Pinocchios . . . .

  2. Libby says:

    Yes, Tina.

    That somebody who clears $18K should pay zero, and that someone who clear $180K should pay $40K … this is fair.

    Frankly, $60K is a little more like … but this is America!

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