Conservatives Have One More Chance to Get it Right


By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

“This might be the last election to turn things around before we go down the road
to socialism.”

Those were Michelle Bachman’s words as she gracefully exited the Presidential race on January 4th, 2012.It’s an ominous statement, leaving room for plenty of debate on just how bad things have become in our great nation and whether or not there is time to turn things around.
There’s a typical list of liberal responses that pop up whenever conservatives start discussing the evils of socialism. First comes denial that socialism is their goal, then insults to our intelligence (you’re confusing socialism with communism!), and by the end of their argument comes a rationalization of socialism and why it would be great for our country (or already is), even though they deny promoting it.
What cannot be denied is that Barrack Obama, a liberal democrat, has brought America closer to the brink of socialism, with the ensuing economic ruin, than it has ever been before. He was not alone in this effort. There are countless liberals in Washington and throughout the country who would like to bring this country down to its knees California style. To my own shame there have been numerous Republicans who helped them along the way for the promises of district pork and warm fuzzies from the leftists press. But in the end the buck stops at the White House, and there can be no greater argument than this that America needs a new President.
Here we are in 2012 and we have a chance to elect a new President. Incumbents traditionally have the advantage (Bush 2004, Clinton1996), but not always (Carter, Bush Sr.). Barrack Obama’s performance has certainly mirrored more of Jimmy Carter’s than Bill Clinton’s. The question now is who will Republicans put forth to challenge him?

It has currently come down to a choice between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. I’ll be the first to say that neither of them were my first choice, although both would be a stellar improvement over Barrack Obama. There is much to like and dislike in both of them.
Mitt Romney is an American success story. He didn’t inherit or marry into his money; he earned it. He’s a charming, warm personality with a strong belief in family and experience in job creation. Unfortunately, he’s also a bit too moderate for my tastes. I’m afraid his campaign will look more like Bob Dole or John McCain’s than Ronald Reagan’s, as Romney will pull his punches in futile attempts to be liked by everyone.
Newt Gingrich is also a story of success, for political conservatives. He led the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 (I participated then as a college republican), ending 40 years of stagnant democrat domination. For his success, Newt has been demonized by the left more than perhaps any conservative in our history barring Sarah Palin. Newt is also a fighter, hitting some of the biggest home runs in the debates (his response to Juan Williams was inspirational) as he champions getting poor people off welfare, into jobs, and out of poverty for good.
But Newt has troubles of his own. I will admit to being given pause when I consider his poor choices as a husband. I am not a big fan of divorce and neither are a lot of conservatives. Still, half of married Americans have been divorced now, and there are few people left who honestly can cast stones at someone else’s marital difficulties.
When you consider the damage the Obamaconomy has done to millions of American families, Newt Gingrich’s economic policies might be just the boost a lot of married people need.
Ultimately, I think that conservatives now have to go with Gingrich. He is the present unification of our efforts, and our best chance of unseating Barrack Obama. At the very least, there will be no debate in which Obama will not have his bell rung multiple times.
While Gingrich can win debates, this does not always equate with winning elections. He needs a vice presidential candidate with the ability to cover the south and raise a lot of money (Rick Perry?). He needs the help of a unified conservative base who will set aside the smaller debates and stay focused on the greater good.

Newt Gingrich will both need a newly invigorated TEA Party, and his candidacy will help create it.

I for one am starting to be excited again. Our country may have hope beyond 2012 after all.

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10 Responses to Conservatives Have One More Chance to Get it Right

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Excellent and the timing could not have been better! -Jack

  2. Princess says:

    I don’t think Newt is the family values candidate the GOP usually tries to sell us. I also think he was fined $300,000 because of ethics violations when he was speaker of the house. Didn’t he resign? Is that really who Republicans are supposed to get excited about electing?

    He is very smart, but the Tea Party is supposed to be about the anti-Washington and I don’t see how Gingrich is anything but Washington as usual.

    It truly sickens me that this is the best the Republican party has to offer and that we as Republicans are accepting it and getting excited about it.

  3. Libby says:

    “This might be the last election to turn things around before we go down the road to socialism.”

    Yes, well, her repeated proofs of astounding ignorance finished her campaign, and so, you espouse her ignorance? as what? a trail to be blazed into the future?

    You just tell all those SS/Medicare recipients they’re on they’re into the road. Go on … do it.

    And the Newtster is a megalomanic with a plastic wife (who’d better stay healthy, if she knows what’s good for her).

    The Obama campaign has already stored up a plethora of provocations. It will not be difficult to get the Newtster to say the most appalling things … and bring about his own demise … yet again.

  4. Peggy says:

    Princess: It truly sickens me that this is the best the Republican party has to offer and that we as Republicans are accepting it and getting excited about it.

    I will support Newt because I believe he is who we need based on his past accomplishments. He was able to get all of Congress and a democrat president to work together to make major changes to our social security system, Welfare reform, balanced our budget, to name just a few. Our current Congress and WH in three years has not been able to pass even a budget, only extensions for it and debt ceiling raises. All of the time and effort went into Obamacare, which is now before the Supreme Court.

    Our current leader instead of bringing us together to accomplish great things has turned us into a nation divided based on race, economic and social standing. Greed and envy expressed toward those that have more and driven by those who believe they are entitled to more even though they didnt earn it.

    While Newt may not be perfect, like the rest of us are not, he can and I trust he will be able to bring this country back together as the United States America and stop dividing us. The count of states filing suits against the Feds and the Feds suits against states has to be at an all time record high. Not a record to be proud of and will earn Obama the title as the Great Divider.

    Steve: I agree Newt will need a strong VP, but Im not sure its Perry. I can see Bachmann pulling in the Tea Party supporters, Santorum has strong Evangelical support and even Palin supports would be very strong.

    Ha, just had a mental picture of a Gingrich/Palin ticket that was like a freight train bringing our economy back with jobs and economic recovery.

  5. Tina says:

    Thank you for sharing Quentin. I believe you made the case for your positions and opinions better in this comment than you ever have before, despite the fact that you can’t seem to state your position without maligning others to the most extreme example.

    So I have a few questions and comments.

    Do you have any idea what a fool you sound like when you say stuff like republicans support “overt advocacy for endless wars and totalitarian tyranny”?

    Endless? Totalitarian tyranny? Come on…you go to extremes! And…you sound like a complete dope.

    Just because you believe that if America tucked herself under the covers real tight the rest of the world would leave us alone doesn’t mean you are right. You can disagree without perversly accusing others of advocating endless war or tyranny. You won’t win anyone’s respect, or the argument, by making such outrageous and mischaracterizing accusations.

    When Gingrich attacked the media for beginning the debate with a personal question and the crowd cheered the cheers were not for the infidelity. We’d have to ask the individuals their reasons to know for certain but I would bet that many of them cheered because the media would never ask that type of question in a democrat primary and they certainly wouldn’t do it to Barack Obama. The subject matter was irrelevant…John King was playing games rather than fascillitating the debate. It was reflective of the immediuate media response to the introduction of Sarah Palin. She was a threat to their presidential choice and she had to be taken down. That is, IMO, the basis for the booing.

    “I’m convinced that the GOP base is a gang of murderous psychopaths.”

    There you go again…extreme perceptions and mischaracterizations may also be a sign of some kind of psychosis. You might want to consider temporing your emotional responses.

    I doubt you would call Obama a murderous psychopath even though he has used violent street language referring to the opposition as “the enemy” and vowing “if they bring a knife, we bring a gun”. Is it because you’re afraid someone would call you racist or are you just selectively anti-republican in your evaluations and mischaracterizations?

    “If the GOP — Establishment and rank-and-file alike — hadn’t let themselves get so entrenched and besieged in their crackpipe post-9/11 foreign policy errors, he’d stand a chance…”

    You are certainly welcome to disagree about any decision that any administration makes. Same with those who support them. But you once again characterize those with a different opinion as something extreme (crack smokin) thereby rendering your position kooky and suspect.

    Has it occurred to you that statements like these in support of Ron Paul are hurting his chances? So many of his followers are abusive and extreme when addressing others.

    I am a fan of Ron Paul because many of his positions mirror my own. However, I am suspicious of his having his name at the top of a newsletter that included racist and other extreme positions and I am troubled by his explanation/excuse.

    I am not entirely averse to his foreign policy position, however, I am troubled that he knows what he doesn’t want to do but has said little about what he would do if we were attacked again or with nuclear or biological weapons. What would he do to secure America? I also believe that, as with Obama, he is a bit naive about how easy it will be to disentagle us from all foreign associations. We have signed treaties and agreements. Also he will not be elected “tyrant” or dictator. His hands would be tied by process, procedures, and laws he doesn’t seem to acknowledge or consider. As I said before I wish he would be more specific.

    “Except for the only truly moral and truly Christian man in the race Ron Paul, the GOP primary is a case study in the Seven Deadly Sins Lust, Pride, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Anger and Envy.”

    So you have made Paul a saint…otherwordly…above reporach! Hmmm…sounds like someone wallowing in “delusional grandiosity” to me.

    “I will proudly vote for Ron Paul, the only sane candidate in the GOP line-up, but I am also proud to not be a Republican.”

    Good for you!

  6. Steve says:


    If you think you’ll get anywhere with a delusional nutcase who thinks his contribution to society of being a divorced drunk and a lousy stage actor qualifies him to post his moronic rants on this blog, you’re really wasting your time.

    I don’t even waste time reading his posts.

    Now that he has joined the big leagues and is supporting Ron Paul, I wonder what the Paul campaign thinks of having this loser represent them locally? My guess is they’ll disown him like the local Occupiers did.

  7. Tina says:

    Steve I don’t think I will get anywhere with Quentin. As a Christian I allow that anything is possible under God 🙂

    I skim his posts and if I think he has included fact or opinion worthy of rebuttal I engage, otherwise I don’t, but in any case I respond for the readers of Post Scripts. I won’t let him or anyone else frivilously, erroniously, and excessively smear the character of anyone without repsonding no matter how tedious it may be.

    OWSers have slipped into low down and dirty, desicrating churches and bashing cops:

    Quentin’s association and defense of this violent movement explains a lot about his rants against us and others that we support and appreciate.

  8. mark Ka says:

    What does it take to get this blog to accept new posts?
    It keep saying I am using the wrong text!

  9. mark Ka says:

    Steve Thompson you have got to be kidding us? Newt????
    People have not forgot all the horrible things he did and still does!
    How in the world did you become “Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party”
    It is time for a return to our Constitution and the rule of law (Republic).

    I have been watching our candidates and doing research on their past.
    You might want to look at this timeline for Newt. With many new things that could be added but you get the point, I hope.
    Thanks for looking.

    05/04/1979 He voted for a federal land grab that put tens of millions of acres of land in the hands of Washington bureaucrats.
    09/20/1979 He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the first time.
    09/27/1979 He voted to establish the Federal Department of Education.
    06/04/1980 He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the second time.
    02/05/1981 He voted to raise the debt ceiling for the third time.
    02/22/1989 He cosponsored the Global Warming Prevention Act of 1989.
    03//1993 He was passionately in favor of sending $1.6 Billion in foreign aid to Russia.11/19/1993 He voted for the NAFTA Implementation Act.
    11/27/1994 He supported the GATT Treaty giving sovereignty to the U.N.0
    4/10/1995 He supported Federal tax dollars being spent on abortions.
    06//1995 He wrote the foreword to a book about tearing down the U.S. Constitution and implementing a Fascist World Government.
    08/27/1995 He suggests that drug smuggling should carry a death sentence.01/06/1996 He himself conceived a secret CIA mission to topple the Iranian leadership.
    04/18/1996 He voted for Federal restrictions on laser sighting devices.
    04/25/1996 Voted for the single largest increase on Federal education spending ($3.5 Billion)
    06/01/1996 He helped a Clinton Clone Democrat switch parties in an attempt to defeat constitutionalist Ron Paul in the 1996 election.
    09/16/1996 He voted for the anti-gun Brady Campaigns Lautenberg Gun Ban, which took away gun rights for people involved in certain misdemeanors.
    09/25/1996 Introduced H.R. 4170, demanded life-sentence or execution for someone bringing 2 ounces of marijuana across the border.
    09/28/1996 He voted for the Gun Free School Zones Act which resulted in schools being easier targets for shooters, and disarming law-abiding citizens.
    //1996 He earned a D rating from the Gun Owners of America.
    01/22/1997 Congress gave him a record-setting $300,000 fine for ethical wrongdoing.
    11/05/1998 He resigned from his House seat three days after being elected to his 11th term.
    10/13/2005 He called for universal but confidential DNA testing of citizens.11/29/2006 He said that free speech should be curtailed in order to fight terrorism. Wants to stop terrorists from using the internet. Called for a serious debate about the 1st Amendment.
    11/29/2006 He called for a Geneva Convention for terrorists so it would be clear who the Constitution need not apply to.
    02/15/2007 He supported Bushs proposal for mandatory carbon caps.
    04/04/2007 He says that there should be a clear distinction about what weapons should be reserved for only for the military.
    04/11/2007 He had a public debate with John Kerry on global warming, in which Newt agreed with Kerry and his views on the environment, praised his book, and almost hugged him.
    04/20/2007 He praised NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg; said that he takes his hat off to the mayor for proving government can be effective.
    04/24/2007 He praised the corporatist business-model of Freddie Mac, saying it would be effective for space travel to Mars.
    04/24/2007 He said about Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs): conservatives should embrace [them] and want to extend as widely as possible.
    05/20/2007 He would bypass the court system by establishing a military tribunal system to lock people up the way Abraham Lincoln wouldve done it.
    05/20/2007 He would establish a nationwide ID card with biometrics so you can actually track everybody in the country.
    04/17/2008 Made a commercial with Nancy Pelosi on Climate Change.
    04/28/2008 He said that allow some terror to happen, to keep the people afraid.
    04/28/2008 He wants yet another new Federal agency to be very aggressive against terrorists and have extraordinary abilities that are not restricted by the constitution.09/28/2008 Says if he were in office, he would have reluctantly voted for the $700B TARP bailout.
    09/28/2008 He says that McCains vote for TARP bailouts is the greatest single act of responsibility ever taken by a presidential candidate.
    12/08/2008 He was paid $300,000 by Freddie Mac to halt Congress from bringing necessary reform.
    03/31/2009 Says we should have Singapore-style drug tests for Americans.
    10/16/2009 He angered conservatives by endorsing super liberal Dede Scozzafava.06/10/2010 Hes cozy with VeriChip/PositiveID, a company that specializes in human-microchipping.
    07/30/2010 Says that Iraq was just step one in defeating the Axis of Evil.08/03/2010 Advocates attacks on Iran & North Korea.
    08/16/2010 Opposes property rights of the mosque owner in NYC.
    08/16/2010 Compares mosque supporters to Nazis
    12/05/2010 He said that a website owner should be considered an enemy combatant, hunted down and executed, for publishing leaked government memos.
    01/30/2011 He lobbied for ethanol subsidies.
    01/30/2011 He suggested that flex-fuel vehicles be mandated for Americans.02/02/2011 He says we are losing the War on Terror; the conflict will be as long as the Cold War
    02/13/2011 He criticized Obama for sending less U.S. tax dollars to Egypt.
    02/15/2011 His book said that he believes man-made climate-change and advocated creating a new endowment for conservation and the environment.
    03/09/2011 He blames his infidelity to multiple wives on his passion for the country.03/15/2011 Says that NAFTA worked because it created jobs in Mexico.
    03/19/2011 He has no regrets about supporting Medicare drug coverage. (Now $7.2T unfunded liability)
    03/23/2011 He completely flip-flopped on Libyan intervention in 16 days.03/25/2011 He plans to sign as many as 200 executive orders on his first day as president.
    03/27/2011 He says that America is under attack by atheist Islamists.
    04/25/2011 Hes a paid lobbyist for Federal ethanol subsidies.
    05/12/2011 He was more supportive of individual health-care mandates than Mitt Romney.
    05/15/2011 Said GOPs plan to cut back Medicare was too big a jump.
    05/15/2011 He backed Obamas individual mandate; All of us have a responsibility to help pay for health care.
    05/16/2011 He also endorsed individual mandates in 1993 when Clinton pushed Universal Health Care.
    05/17/2011 He has an outstanding debt to Tiffanys Jewelry of between $250K $500K.
    06/09/2011 His own campaign staff resigned en masse.
    07/15/2011 His poorly managed campaign is over $1 Million in debt.
    08/01/2011 He hired a company to create fake Twitter to appear as if he had a following.
    08/11/2011 His recent criticism of the United Nations is belied by a long, long history of supporting it.
    09/27/2011 He says that he helped develop the model for Homeland Security
    10/07/2011 He said hed ignore the Supreme Court if need be.
    11/12/2011 He advocates assassinating Iranian scientists and covert war with Iran.11/19/2011 He said Barney Frank should be arrested for his close ties lobbying for Freddie Mac, just one month before it became public that Gingrich was also
    lobbying for them at the same time.
    11/20/2011 He has been outed as a paid lobbyist for drug companies, but he still denies it.
    11/22/2011 He supports the Patriot Act and would like to see it strengthened.11/22/2011 He says that matters of National Security should not be encumbered by giving Due Process to the accused.
    11/28/2011 He thinks its the job of the Federal Government to ban medical marijuana.
    11/28/2011 He is a Pharmaceutical lobbyist, and coincidentally thinks that non-Pharma drugs like medical marijuana should be banned by the Federal government.11/28/2011 He said he wants to be aggressive with Cuba topple their government before 2014.
    11/28/2011 He praised draconian drug penalties in Singapore for the second time.12/01/2011 His comments about warning Freddie Mac of its insane business model are proven false when his laudatory interview from 2007 surfaced again.
    12/08/2011 He pocketed campaign funds including paying himself over $40K for a mailing list he already had.

  10. Post Scripts says:

    Looks like you made it Mark. Thanks for contributing.

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