Dems on Paying Taxes

When the Democrats aren’t cheating on their taxes like Charlie Rangel or forgetting to pay them like Timothy Geithner, they’re busy lambasting Republicans for actually paying theirs–albeit at a rate unsatisfactory to them.

In yet another fantastic display of hypocrisy, the liberal mainstream media spent the week attacking Governor Mitt Romney for having a 15% tax rate. Since the media is loath to engage in any actual investigative journalism when it comes to the Democrats, I decided to do a little of my own. Here’s what I found.

Start with Senator John Kerry who is among the 400 richest Americans thanks to his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry’s, inheritance. Their last publicly released tax returns in 2003 revealed that they paid a rate of 13.4% on a declared income of $5.5 million. This from the man who, just last year, tried to avoid half a million dollars in taxes by anchoring his yacht in Rhode Island rather than Massachusetts. Estimates pin Kerry’s net worth somewhere between $700 million and $3.2 billion compared to Romney’s lower net worth of $202 million.

Take a look at former Vice Presidential Candidate John Edwards’s 2003 tax returns, and you’ll find that he paid an astonishingly low rate of 5.1%. Seems a bit low for a man with a net worth hovering around $54.7 million.

But, of course, Kerry and Edwards’ income tax rates were protected under lock and key by the mainstream media during the 2004 presidential race against President George W. Bush. Speaking of Bush, you’ll also never hear anyone mention the fact that he paid a rate of 27.7% in the same year.

Tax rates aside, in yet another attempt to make something out of nothing, the media has been reporting relentlessly on Romney donating millions in cash and stocks to the Mormon Church, as if tithing to one’s church is somehow a negative. Thanks to donations like Romney’s, the Mormon Church is able to sustain a large philanthropic network and send young men on two year missions that provide extensive humanitarian aid to a countless number of people in need. If you call that bad, I’d hate to see what you call good.

This much I can assure you–Romney’s millions donated to the Mormon Church did far more good than the $353 Al Gore gave to charity in 1997 or the $0, $820, $175, $2,039, and $0 Senator Kerry gave between 1991 and 1995. Contrast that to the $28,236, $31,914, and $31,292 George Bush gave between 1991-1993 when he was a mere private citizen. That is the real story that you will never hear.

Instead, you will hear report after report on Romney’s tax rate and his donations to the Mormon Church. You’ll hear about how the Democratic Party is the party of the little man, and the Republican Party is the party of the selfish, rich fat cat. That’s what the Democratic Party and the mainstream media want you to believe.

So before you buy into the Left’s big tax fable like the Occupy Wall Streeters did, take a good hard look at what you’ll never see reported–the facts.


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6 Responses to Dems on Paying Taxes

  1. Tina says:

    Jack Romneys church donations also ensure that people who belong to his church are more likely to stay off the government dole. They support their own when circumstances leave kids without fathers or parents and when church members lose a job. Also his LDS donations made up only a portion of his charitable contributions.

    I don’t know how wealthy the VP is, some say a lot less net worth than many of his counterparts, but his charitable donations were only two or three hundred dollars. Liberals favor big government so they can spend other peoples money on “charity” when in fact they may just be cheap or selfish…or both!

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Tina, I totally agree. People can say what they want about the “cult” aspect of the Mormon church, but their in-house welfare system, where they take care of their own has saved the taxpayers millions of dollars. They are a strong advocate for protecting and preserving the family and they constantly preach family values. I know of no other church that spends more time insuring the welfare of the family unit and doing more to help their own in times of need. Their food stores for times of crisis is first class. They believe in being prepared – I wish all American’s would be as thoughtful! -Jack

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Q, as you may know from recent news 79% of their MSM employees are liberal according to recent polling. By the way, this was not my article, I just put it with references to the source, but if you can take something from it…good.

  4. Peggy says:

    Those who live in glass houses….

    “About 98,000 federal, postal and congressional employees owed $1.03 billion in unpaid taxes at the end of fiscal 2010, according to records provided by the Internal Revenue Service. The total number of delinquent employees dipped slightly from 2009, but the amount owed jumped by $32 million.”….

    “(RELATED: Which federal workers owed taxes in 2010?)

    But on Capitol Hill, 684 employees, or almost 4 percent, of the 18,000 congressional staffers owed taxes in 2010 a jump of 46 workers from 2009. Four percent of House staffers owed $8.5 million and 3 percent of Senate employees owed $2.1 million, the IRS said.

    At the Executive Office of the President encompassing 1,800 employees of the West Wing, the Office of Management and Budget, the National Security Council and the Office of U.S. Trade Representative, among others 36 staffers, or 2 percent, owed a $833,970. The amount owed increased by almost $3,000 from the previous year.”

    Full Article:

    I can understand someone not being able to pay the taxes they owe because of falling on hard times, but everyone of these individuals is working for our government. The very government those of us who do pay taxes is funding. Not paying, “their fair share” means they gave themselves a 25-30% pay raise based on individual tax rate.

    Every government employment contract should have language similar to a morals clause concerning adhearing to IRS codes and laws, if they don’t already.

  5. Peggy says:

    Drum roll please…. Here is another article on the Obama WH staff not paying their Fair Share.

    “A new report just out from the Internal Revenue Service reveals that 36 of President Obamas executive office staff owe the country $833,970 in back taxes. These people working for Mr. Fair Share apparently havent paid any share, let alone their fair share.

    Previous reports have shown how well-paid Obamas White House staff is, with 457 aides pulling down more than $37 million last year. Thats up seven workers and nearly $4 million from the Bush administrations last year.

    Nearly one-third of Obamas aides make more than $100,000 with 21 being paid the top White House salary of $172,200, each.

    The IRS 2010 delinquent tax revelations come as part of a required annual agency report on federal employees tax compliance. Turns out, an awful lot of folks being paid by taxpayers are not paying their own income taxes.”

    Full article:

  6. Jerry Gallagher says:

    Full-time politicians have all day and all night to make up lies that our uneducated ‘folks’ wait in line to hear.The ows ‘folks’ talk about the 1%; is that the percent that’s also NOT STUPID? My union carpenter buddies can’t vote for our own officials but want card check for everyone else-that’s how they roll.We also got a waiver on the barry sotoro plan to destroy health-care-it’s good enough for all the suckers but WE don’t need it. What? I try to help my fellow workers but they ignore facts, quote idiots or just keep talking louder.I’m done trying to piss up a rope. God bless America and let’s go Mitt!

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