Vote Em All Out? Yep.

In a country sharply divided on almost every issue, most Americans agree on one thing: they don’t like Congress, and they would vote to replace every single member — even their own — if they had the option.

Fifty-six percent of registered voters say they would vote out every member of Congress if there were a place on the ballot to do so. That’s the highest response in favor of the question since it was first asked in March 2010.

And they say so across the ideological spectrum – with 55 percent of liberals, 55 percent of moderates, and 58 percent of conservatives all feeling the same way.

“We found the one area in which all people in the country agree,” said Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who conducted the survey with Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart.

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4 Responses to Vote Em All Out? Yep.

  1. Peggy says:

    I just had a good laugh after hearing, “A large number of Republicans in Congress are coming out against Gingrich and saying they won’t serve with him.” Could there have been a better endorsement besides Pelosi’s recent statement about guaranteeing he won’t be president?

    Everyone seems to have their nickers in a wad. The Tea Party should be sending him a thank you note if these incumbents do carry through with their threat to not run again.

    Cleaning house may not be so hard and getting term limits even possible if we do get rid of a bunch of “lifers.”

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Quentin voting will work when elections work. Right now our elections are so heavily influenced by unseemly, smoke filled, backroom deals, ordinary voters don’t have a chance. Taking the money out of politics would really help, but not nearly enough people are informed enough, or have the courage or the conviction to make that noble stand. *sighs* indeed.

  3. Ralph says:

    Is there truly no way we the people can stop career politicians and demand all those in office abide by the same laws as us?

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Ralph we’re working on it! Join a conservative group near you and help us.

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