One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

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7 Responses to One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

  1. Tina says:

    Wow…great list!

  2. Libby says:

    I dunno. I think freezing yer butt off in a wet tent, in a noble cause, when you haven’t been drafted … is pretty cool.

  3. Rex Crosley says:

    There are 2 sides to every story. There is the Fox News Christian Republican Side filled with fallacies, non sequitur, and illogical arguments and then there is the truth. War is not needed to keep us safe and free. War breeds hatred for our nation all over the world. You can’t say dropping bombs on Japan after they surrendered made us any more free. The rulers of this nation are cruel and sadistic killers. They do it to increase their wealth, not ours.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Rex, we agree that war is a failure of our humanity. It is barbaric, wasteful and shocking to the conscience of any well balanced person and it is rarely justifiable.

    You said, “You can’t say dropping bombs on Japan after they surrendered made us any more free.”

    First off, we didn’t bomb Japan after they surrendered!

    Check your history…6 days passed after the last bomb was dropped on Nagasaki and then Japan surrendered on August 15th, 1945. Using Japan as an example is odd, since Japan struck first…you do remember the raid that will live infamy, Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7th, 1945? Over 2400 American’s were murdered in this sneak attack and forced us into a war we did not want nor were prepared to fight.

    Rex, you need some serious remedial education. And I say this in kindness as a helpful suggestion. “The rulers of this nation are cruel and sadistic killers.” The rulers are us Rex, we the people. We’re not cruel, sadistic killers, that’s just preposterous bloviating caused by dwelling in the underground sewers of our society. You need rise up out of that dark place, do a reset of your thinking, starting with a remedial course in U.S. history. Study the Constitution, and focus on the good that America has done and remember it as much as you would our mistakes and then weigh them.

    If you still feel as you do now, then I suggest it would be in your best interests to seek out a better nation. Go there so that you will at least not suffer under the delusions that make your life here so miserable and cause so much hate for your country based on fallacy.

  5. Chris says:

    Jack: “Using Japan as an example is odd, since Japan struck first…you do remember the raid that will live infamy, Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7th, 1945? Over 2400 American’s were murdered in this sneak attack and forced us into a war we did not want nor were prepared to fight.”

    I find this comparison odd. Pearl Harbor was tragic, but it was a military target. Nagasaki was full of civilians.

    We may have been forced into the war, but I do not believe our country was forced into targeting civilians in the way we did. WWII is often remembered as the “good war,” but that’s just not the case.

  6. Toby says:

    Good war? By who is it “remembered” as a good war? You are talking out of your six again.

  7. Tina says:

    Chris: “I do not believe our country was forced into targeting civilians in the way we did…”

    Depends on how you look at it. The decision was made when the only options available were both terrible. They chose the one that was least horrible. It was estimated that an invadion of Japan to end the war would cost much more in terms of lives and destruction for Americans and the Japanese.

    Have you ever had to make such a terrible decision? I doubt it. I certainly haven’t. You might want to wait until you have before you mindlessly judge those who came before you. Also if you are going to judge cast your eye on the Emperor of Japan. It took TWO bombs on TWO cities before that prideful man was willing to surrender. His initial decision to bomb Pearl Harbor was an invitation to destruction. He believed Japan (he) was superior, just as Hitler idid. In the face of such ego it took all of the might we could muster to show him his methods and his pride were not something the world was willing to endure.

    FREEDOM! It matters! It matters because there are those who will do anything to take it from you. We have been spoiled in this nation. We have not suffered the destruction to our humanity and our infrastructure that evil dictators ALWAYS bring. But if we continue along the current path it won’t be long until we get to experience this kind of devistation. The only kid on the block that the bully leaves alone is the big smart kid that won’t back down to intimidation. When we give up our strength and when we give up our freedoms little by little as we have been doing we create the space for evil men to rise to power. Add to Ghandi’s list “strength without a big stick”. We have no intention to use it unless we are pushed.

    My God how long must we suffer ignorance that blames the defender of freedom, the liberator of the oppressed, the champion who risks life to thwart and defeat dictators, tyrants, and bullies?

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