Is It Time to Attack Israel?

by Amir Taheri (New York Post)

Has the time come for Iran to destroy Israel?

With “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad promising to wipe Israel off the map, the question is being debated in Khomeinist political and theological circles.

Khamenei has recently claimed that, under his leadership, the Islamic ummah is heading for victory against Israel and the United States. Implicitly comparing himself with the Prophet Muhammad, Khamenei asserts that his victories will be as great as those of the founder of the faith at Badr and Kheibar.

The battle of Badr (624) resulted in the expulsion of “pagan forces” from the region of Medina, where Muhammad ruled. Khamenei believes that, with the United States retreating from the Middle East, his Islamic Republic is about to score as great a victory.

The battle of Kheibar (629) brought the destruction of the last Jewish state in the Arabian Peninsula. Plainly, Khamenei believes the destruction of Israel is more than a theoretical possibility.

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8 Responses to Is It Time to Attack Israel?

  1. Rex Crosley says:

    Here is some better information for you guys.!

    You can chose to believe what ever you want but for the love of god please listen to both sides.

  2. Tina says:

    I always take the “you will know them by their fruits” approach when evaluating believability. No man or country is perfect, so how are we to “know them”? We look at a broader picture.

    What is Israel like overall?

    Israel has an open free society that includes and allows participation by diverse groups of people. They negotiate and participate in good faith. They contribute to the betterment of mankind through research and charity. They are not an agreessor nation. (aliveness, love, faith)

    How about Iran?

    Iran is an oppressive, closed society. They sponsor terrorism. They play games rather than openly participate internationally. Their people suffer because of the governments tyrannical control and creativity and innovation is suppressed. (death, hatred, ego)

    Rex the idea that Israel orchestrated 911 is ridiculous. Jew haters are going to love that you buy it, though.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    And we do Rex, all the time. Do you?

  4. It Is Hard To Suffer Fools says:

    Regarding Rex Crosley’s admonition, “You can chose to believe what ever you want but for the love of god please listen to both sides.”

    1) For the love of God, what makes you think people do not listen to this sort of blatantly one sided propaganda and mosaic of lies constructed out of a few facts, half truths, and outright falsehoods? This is what you absorb as the “truth” or at least as a legitimate representation of “the other side”?

    2) Didn’t some fools, er people, like Rex Crosley say the same thing about the Nazis and Adolf Hitler before WWII?

    3) Has Israel ever had a policy to eradicate Muslims or Iranians?

    4) No, Mr. Crosley, reaonable people support Israel precisely because we DO listen to “the other side”, and it is listening to “the other side” that has convinced us.

    If Israel had not been under siege and threatened with genocide for over 1/2 century by intolerant, extremist, xenophobic Muslims who control 99% of the vast Middle East and cannot bring themselves to suffer even the tiniest strip of land to be under the laws and governance of Jews, Israel would have no reason to take actions to protect themselves.

    What is truly amazing about this utter piece of garbage linked to by Mr. Crosley is that it, incredibly, attempts to attach the 9/11 attacks to Israel. Anyone so stupid as to actually believe this nonsense and take it as fact deserves to be deluded.

    Moreover, Muslim citizens of Israel enjoy more personal protections, human rights and freedoms than anywhere in the Muslim world where the norm is suppression and oppression under the despotic rule by a corrupt , dictatorial elites. Israel is a rich mix of people of many faiths and ethnic backgrounds. All Israeli citizens, no matter what their religious or ethnic backgrounds, enjoy human rights and protections under the law.

    Mr. Crosley, I, and I am sure the people who create Post Scripts, are fully aware of the evil refuse fools like you allow others who are more clever than you to shovel into your empty, un-critical, un-thinking minds. I, at least, am painfully aware of that. Napolitano was fired for good reason. He has dug his own grave. Evidently he has pulled you and more than a few other zombies in along side him.

    Under Yasser Arafat’s corrupt dictatorship the so called “Palestinians” (ironically, a Roman derived name) suffered while he and his wife looted millions (if not billions) in foreign aid.

    Today the “Palestinian” Authority follows in Arafat’s footsteps. The are no human rights in the Gaza strip or the West Bank. Palestine, like all Muslim Arab states with the possible exception of Iraq, is a thugocracy and it is worse than most.

    The PLO was not created by Palestinians but by the Arab League and the PLO never existed to create self-determination for anyone. Its own declared purpose has always been to “push Jews into the sea”. The “Palestinian” people have not been used and abused by Israel, they have been used and abused by Arab Muslims to create a continuous, unending war by proxy whose aim is to destroy Israel.

    Get a clue, fool.

  5. Rex Crosley says:

    I really am trying to see your guy’s side of the story. It seems like the logic is pretty interchangeable. There is no doubt in my mind, that they say the same things you guys say about them, about us. I have met several Iranians are they are great people. I don’t know why you people are so blood thirsty, but we should be with drawing all of our troops out from all of the bases around the world and we should cut our military budget in half. We would have plenty of arms to protect ourselves still, but hopefully we would we stop terrorizing the world and learn to be more self sustainable.

  6. Tina says:

    Rex: “It seems like the logic is pretty interchangeable.”

    What? What is interchangeable? All people do bad things? All people do good things? All people are exactly alike?


    “I have met several Iranians are they are great people.”

    I’m sure they are! A lot of great people who live in Iran are great people too and they are being oppressed and would love to be as free as the people you have met here. They have nothing to do wit the murderous dictatorial regime that rules the country.

    “I don’t know why you people are so blood thirsty”

    I don’t know why you think defending ourselves is equal to those that are threatening the world and sending terrorists around the world to murder, frighten and maim people.

  7. It Is Hard To Suffer Fools says:

    Evidently Rex Crosley didn’t even bother to take the time to watch the ridiculous video he posted. Nor, it appears, has he ever taken a close and studied look at the history of the Arab conflict with Israel, the Arab relationship with Nazi Germany and the Arab continuance of Nazi rhetoric and policy with regard to the extermination of Jews.

    Talk about unsustainable. No wonder Crosley is so lost. You cannot expect anyone that ignorant and dim to sustain even the merest wisp of a logical or reasoned thought process. Crosely stands as an sad example of that impossibility. A very sad example.

  8. Rex Crosley says:

    100,000-1,000,000 innocent Iraqis are dead. They were just defending their country from invasion. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. How can you believe that we are defending ourselves when you have admitted that war is an essential evil of obtaining resources.

    Please watch this link, it will save your life.

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