Iraq Violence Continues Without Us to Blame

by Jack

They claimed the violence was because of our presence as an occupying force. Now the military is gone and the violence is worse than ever…only they are killing each other, not US soldiers.

Iraq is being hit by a blitz of car bomb attacks all over Baghdad, over 60 dead reported dead and scores more wounded in the last attack. The government is claiming its Al Qaeda working with another local terrorist group, which probably translates to… Iranian agents. The Shia connection to Iran’s militants and Shiite’s in Iraq looking to seize power from Sunni’s has been a historical source of trouble, long before we were ever involved. Ultimately it will become a showdown between the Sunni’s and the Shiite’s. I can’t see this as working out with diplomacy. You would think they would be getting sick and tired of the violence and just want to live in peace?

Our army may have left Iraq, but thousands of civilian security forces remain along with a huge embassy staff…

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One Response to Iraq Violence Continues Without Us to Blame

  1. Tina says:

    Since we made the investment it would have been wise to stay in the country as a presence just as we did in Germany and Japan. If there was any hope at all for securing the fledgling democracy that’s what it would have taken. Obama has made sure that that will not be an option.

    The religion of “peace” was created by a warrior with a narcissistic mission to rule the world; it’s not surprising that modern extremist followers find war the only goal worth pursuing.

    (Holy Moley! Rush just played a Diane Sawyer sound bite of a reporter talking about rising gas prices. The tone in each of their voices was up beat, giddy even! Heavy duty psych manipulation of alarming news for consumers…and voters. Pathetic Obama support!)

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