Improving Economy, But…What is Projected for the Future

Posted by Tina

Over the last couple of years we’ve been told over and over that things are getting better. The President talked about “green shoots” to create a vision of spring time in America and the promise of a warm hopeful season ahead. The American people are still waiting. This is a brand new year, an election year, and once again he is promising that things are improving and we are headed in the right direction. Now and then a report is issued and touted as proof that things are improving. But is it? Is the news broad enough in scope to make spring turn into summer? I have grave doubts. To me the so-called recovery looks more like a repeating cycle of green shoots followed by a plunge back into winter.

The American Thinker has put together an article citing reports and remarks from the Congressional Budget Office, The Heritage Foundation, Christine Romer, President Obama’s former financial advisor, and private economists that describe current conditions, address the long term economic view, and predict likely economic outcomes based on policies now in place. The information signals a perpetual sluggishness in the economy and permanent high unemployment for years to come if we continue with Obama’s vision of recovery. The immediate improving economy is one thing but the long term view might be more important as we decide the future leader of this nation as well as those running for Congress. Excerpt:

“in the recovery [from the 2008-2009 recession], the pace of growth in the nation’s output has been anemic compared with that during most other recoveries since World War II.” – “production and employment are likely to stay well below the economy’s potential for a number of years.” – CBO

Between 2013 and 2019, Obama’s tax increases on small business owners and investors will cost an average of 799,000 jobs per year. Moreover, the destructive effects would continue for years beyond that. Enactment of Obama’s tax plan would cut GDP by more than $1 trillion over the following decades.

My take…summer will never arrive unless we rid ourselves of the most power grabbing president we’ve ever seen and the lieutenants in Congress that believe not in the American people but in the power of big government to control and decide outcomes.

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2 Responses to Improving Economy, But…What is Projected for the Future

  1. Peggy says:

    Wow, almost 800,000 jobs lost every year between 2013-2019 from small businesses?!

    What is that, 48-56 million or billion more people we’ll need to be taxed more for to support? That’s insane!!

  2. Tina says:

    The left seems to be married to alternative energy to the point that they will, as Libby has often told us, create a suppressed economy to accomplish their goals. We can, as she put it, just get used to doing with less. I appreciate Libby for her honesty.

    Most liberal progressives pretend they are for freedom and “progress” but they are in fact deliriously happy to see jobs lost and businesses die if it means we use less energy from coal, oil, and gas. Of course those who create the policies that lead to using less of these commodities won’t have to get used to living with less. Like the king of green, Mr. Al Gore himself, the elite progressives will continue to jet around the world “solving” the “crisis” at important conferences where they talk and talk and talk…and eat and drink and be merry. They continue to buy houses and vehicles and boats and consume energy like a convention of tubbies at a smorgasbord.

    I didn’t have time earlier today but I intend to post the stats on recoveries in previous administrations following recession.

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