Regulation Explosion – Price Tag Rises Sharply

Posted by Tina

A lot has been said about how bad the Bush years were in terms of the economy but a new chart, courtesy of The Heritage Foundation, shows us that Obama is in a league of his own when it comes to expensive complex regulation.


The Washington Examiner reports the high cost of regulation isn’t helping business and the economy and new regulations due to go into effect next year under Obamacare will make things even worse!

Some 10,215 new federal regulations from the Obama administration are costing consumers, businesses and the economy overall $46 billion annually, more than five times the regulatory price tag of former President Bush in his first three years in office. Worse: just implementing those regulations had a one-time additional cost of $11 billion, according to a Heritage Foundation analysis provided to Washington Secrets.

Ironically, Bush instituted more regulations, 10,674, but they cost just $8.1 billion annually, said the Heritage report, titled “Red Tape Rising: Obama and Regulation at the Three Year Mark.” It will be released Tuesday.

The analysis backs up complaints from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business groups that the president’s regulations are stalling the economy and employment growth. It also calls into question Obama’s promise to put the brakes on new regulations and his State of the Union bragging about issuing less red tape than Bush.

The fact is, said Heritage’s review, hundreds more costly regulations are coming, especially those targeting energy companies and Wall Street. They threaten “to further weaken an anemic economy and job creation,” said Heritage’s James Gattuso and Diane Katz.

November is coming soon…are we ready to vote smart?

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8 Responses to Regulation Explosion – Price Tag Rises Sharply

  1. Peggy says:

    Further proof Obama and his regulations need to go.

    I just received and email from the HR dept. of my former employer saying Anthem Blue Cross of Calif. had cancelled the contract with three hospitals for retirees and their families.

    Is this a direct result of Obamacare? Don’t know. The email doesn’t say why.

    To: All XXXXX District Retirees, Dependents, and Surviving Spouses enrolled in Anthem Blue Cross Plan:

    Yesterday I was informed that Anthem Blue Cross has TERMINATED their contract with the following hospitals effective March 3, 2012:

    Regional Medical Center of San Jose

    Los Robles Regional Medical Center (southern California)

    West Hills Hospital (southern California)

    Please note that from March 3, 2012 forward, anyone covered by our group who receives care at the facilities above on or after the termination date may be subject to greater financial liability or Anthem Blue Cross may not authorize or approved scheduled or elective admissions. This does not affect emergency services.

    Those of you who are pregnant, currently undergoing a course of treatment, have a current authorization for health care services, or are otherwise concerned about disruption of treatment at one of the facilities above should contact Anthem Blue Cross Customer Service Representative at the 800-xxx-xxxx.

    Nothing in the notice indicates that negotiations are continuing, but I will update you if I receive any further information.

    For a complete list of all Anthem Blue Cross contracted providers, please reference their website

  2. Tina says:

    Peggy I don’t know how it could be otherwise.

    When you consider the regulatory costs already in place from Obamacare, and the fact that more costs are due to kick in next year it’s hard to imagine that insurance companies will be able to continue for very long…this goes for hospitals and docs as well! Hospitals were already struggling before Obamacare due to pressures from illegals and people who use the emergency rooms like a docs office.

  3. Peggy says:

    Tina, Oh I’m sure it’s related to the Obamacare regulations and rising cost for medical care.

    I was wondering why it only changed for us retired staff and our families. This notice wasn’t sent to current employees, just those of us retired and living on fixed and limited income.

    Even when I was working, I was involved in a bad accident and taken to a hospital with a trauma unit staffed by non-participating, contracted doctors. Their bills came in at over $10k and Blue Cross refused to pay it in full. Even though I was unconscious for over five hours I was told I was somehow supposed to interview those doctors and ask them if they were on my coverage list of approved providers.

    My point being, whether employed or retired the cost for all medical care WILL be go up for those most vulnerable with the increasing numbers of doctors pulling out of being providers for health care companies and demanding payment in cash from patients instead.

    I fought those bills for years and ended up paying just under a thousand dollars after being told by the districts HR director to use my credit card when I told her I didn’t have the money to pay their bills, and getting no support from my union or hearing back from my complaint filled with the state of Calif..

  4. Peggy says:

    I just received another notice saying another hospital has been added to the prior list of hospitals that will no longer provide health care under Blue Cross.

    Im now thinking since this is directed only at retirees it is how the insurance carriers are preparing to adhere to the regulations outlined in Obamacare for limited coverage for the elderly. Good Sam. Hospital is huge in the San Jose area.

    Talk about shoving nanny off the cliff. Just whos pushing that wheelchair now?

    Notice from HR:

    Please know that Anthem Blue Cross and Good Samaritan Hospital have terminated their contract as of March 3, 2012 as well as the hospitals below.

    I will send you updates as I receive them, both via email and US Mail.

    Benefits Analyst, Human Resources

  5. Tina says:

    Hmmm…I wonder if Blue Cross had a one year waver that just ended?

    States run by lefties are scrambling to set up public options maybe BC figures retirees will be covered that way under Obamacare and they want you screaming for the state option.

  6. Peggy says:

    This proves our world has gone insane!!

    Homeless people will go hungry because the “Food Police,” cant assess the nutritional content of donated food, so shelters have to turn away good Samaritans,

    “New York City homeless shelters have Mayor Michael Bloomberg to thank for a halt in food donations, for which hungry families are waiting, according to one public policy advocate.

    The Bloomberg administration is now taking the term food police to new depths, blocking food donations to all government-run facilities that serve the citys homeless, says Jeff Stier, a National Center for Public Policy Research senior fellow.

    Currently, no food can be given to government-run, New York City facilities, despite hungry crowds perfectly willing to receive it, he said.

    There was also the story recently of a man arrested for drinking raw milk. The “Food Police” had decided what was best for him too and even though he believed drinking fresh raw milk was healthier he was arrested.

    And I’ll never forget the couple who were stopped from building their home by the EPA with a threat to charge them approx. $35k a day after winning their case in court.

    The family is forced to live in a small travel trailer.

    Every day there seems to be another bite taken from our rights to, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

  7. Peggy says:

    Update: The Supreme Court ruled today in favor of couple in legal battle with the EPA preventing them from building their home and the right to appeal.

    Mike Sackett said he and his wife were subjected to hell by federal bureaucrats.

    We are very thankful to the Supreme Court for affirming that we have rights, and that the EPA is not a law unto itself and that the EPA is not beyond the control of the courts and the Constitution, he said. The EPA used bullying and threats of terrifying fines, and has made our life hell for the past five years. It said we could not go to court and challenge their bogus claim that our small lot had wetlands on it. As this nightmare went on, we rubbed our eyes and started to wonder if we were living in some totalitarian country.

    Now, the Supreme Court has come to our rescue, and reminded the EPA and everyone that this is still America, and Americans still have rights under the Constitution. We want to thank Pacific Legal Foundation for defending us, without charge! Without Pacific Legal Foundation, this day would have not come, and this court ruling that vindicated the rights of all Americans against bureaucratic bullying, would not have happened.

    The family bought the small parcel in 2005 in an area surrounded by other homes. The EPAs decision, without hearings or notice, that it was a wetlands was accompanied by threats of fines and penalties.

    The Sacketts wanted to challenge the EPAs decision, but the agency refused to hold a hearing, and then the 9th Circuit Court said they had no right to judicial review at that point. The court said the couple would have to pay for a years-long wetlands permit process first.

  8. Tina says:

    That is excellent news on the Sackets. What a nightmare this ordeal has been for them.

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