More on the George Zimmerman Case

by Toby

So as it turns out it was not just the empty baggy with pot residue in it that got the kid killed. They also found a pot pipe, a burglary tool (flathead screwdriver) and several pieces of jewelry (wedding rings, diamond earrings, watches) in his back pack he claims are not his. Oh and something else new. It was not just a random search that found all this stuff. A school security officer saw the kid painting “WTF” on school property. The search was for paint or markers used in that criminal activity. Turns out they should have arrested him and locked him up. He would probably still be alive. BTW, I refuse to use the kids name. I do not want to end up having to pay his mother for infringing on his copy right.

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15 Responses to More on the George Zimmerman Case

  1. Post Scripts says:

    So Toby if I read you right, you probably won’t be joining the protest march in Oroville today?

  2. Toby says:

    If I can get my “Kill Whitey” Obama Hoodie in time I will be at the protest. They need to redefine the word irony. Turns out the racist shooter is a registered democrat.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    He was a democrat. Hmmm… I also heard he volunteered to teach black kids how to read. Double hmmmm…. And the media was working so hard to create this character of a racist republican and then this comes out…life just isn’t fair is it?

    As for this teen carrying a screw driver and having women’s jewelry, heck when I was a cop I knew a lot of teens that carried a screw driver around and had misc. jewelery items, course I had to take it away during the booking process.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    FYI, when I went to high school some of my classmates were considered friendly, had no criminal records and got along well with their teachers. They also broke into 6 homes that I know of… and at least one store.

    They did door kicks or pried open doors with a flat blade screw driver. They went to the bedroom and looked in the jewelry boxes for items of value and for spare change. They were between the ages of 13-17 when they did this. They quit breaking into houses before any of them got caught. You would be surprised how many kids break into homes for the thrill of it and swipe little items.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    And now, for something completely different —

  6. Tina says:

    There’s a great article over at that lists the ten laws, some felonies, that the NBP may have committed:
    1. …solicitation to kidnap, Florida Code 787.01. It makes it a felony to by threat, confining or abducting, or imprisoning another person against his . . . will without lawful authority with intent to . . . terrorize.; 2. soliciting someone else to do this is also a felony in Florida under Florida Code 777.04. A person who solicits another to commit an offense prohibited by law and in the course of such solicitation commands, encourages, hires, or requests another person to engage in specific conduct which would constitute such offense or an attempt to commit such offense commits the offense of criminal solicitation.; 3. The solicitation and threat to seize Zimmerman may also constitute a crime under Florida Code 876.35. The felony of combination against part of the people of the state occurs when someone is unlawfully seized by a mob, or at the behest of a mob. (continues)

    Rush just announced the NBP have upped the bounty to over $1,000,000. I wonder if that will get Holders attention?

    Is it not a sad turn of events that the Holder office has not acted on this or even spoken against it? Is this the America we faught so hard for in 1965? Is this the America in which we wish to live?

    I don’t think so. I pray not. November can’t come soon enough

  7. Princess says:

    Oh for crying out loud. This kid was murdered. And the more that comes out about it the worse the Police Department looks. The kid’s dad had to report him missing, he was calling his cell phone. Why didn’t the police answer it?

    I realize that a lot of information is coming from that idiot Michelle Malkin whose website posted a picture of the kid that actually wasn’t the kid, so people might want to stick with legitimate news sources like the Miami Herald on this one. There has been pretty good coverage of this in the Washington Post too.

    When we make up “facts” it just reduces the whole thing to nonsense. Getting a “Kill Whitey” shirt? Come on.

  8. Toby says:

    You got to figure the MSM knew up front Zimmerman is a democrat or they would have painted him as a Tea Party member from the start.

  9. Tiffany says:

    Toby are you really stupid enough to believe that a kid had burglary tools in his back and a bag of recently smoked weed and no criminal action was taking against him besides suspension? There is no proof of his school records besides him being suspended for painting W.T.F on a locker and he just did what most kids think on a daily bases. Oh and that does not change the fact he had a reason to be in the neighborhood and was unarmed. Your argument is weak and even if Martin was a thief on that night he was innocent and that is all that matters in the justice system.

  10. Toby says:

    Tif babe, I am just reporting what the MSM is reporting. Go take a midol and chill.

  11. Tina says:

    Princess: “Oh for crying out loud. This kid was murdered.”

    Princess you are using the word murder when that hasn’t been established. Martin was killed but we do not know under what circumstances. Opinion doesn’t mean anything.

    The word murder has a legal definition that must be backed up by evidence…so far the local authorities and the local DA haven’t been able to establish that a murder was committed. Had they been able to Zimmerman would have been charged with murder, or manslaughter. Police have reported that Zimmerman’s account and the wounds he received match up with what a witness told them. they have not released more information and I imagine that is because another investigation (actually at least three) is underway.

    You have yet to show any evidence that would support your assumption that the police have not done their job or that a “murder” was committed.

    For crying out loud indeed!

  12. Libby says:

    Oh, Toby … no credit to the Republic, you.

    And, Jack, you spew what’s fed you, indiscriminately, all too often.

    Note the terror.

  13. Yvonne says:

    This case is so sad.It’s hard to try to even comprehend how a 17 yo teenager is fatally shot by a neighborhood watch captain;while just walking home from schoolon a rainy nite unarmed with just a bag of skittles and a drink.We are all now aware that he is presumed to have been carrying items in his bookbag(plastic bag with weed residue-jewelry-watches- wedding rings-flat head screwdriver that could be used to break into homes) that highly suggest that he”may”very well have been involved or linked to the burglaries that occurred over the past year in that neighborhood.No one really knows yet.However even if Trayvon were a suspect by George Zimmerman.It was not his right or duty to shoot him at all.His duty was to call 911 and report his suspicions to the local police;and let them do the chasing,accosting,interrogating if needed and speak to his parents. I think George took the law into his own hands he played the judge/jury/and executioner all in 20 minutes.Sure George probably had been watching Trayvon in the past few weeks and knew he was zeroing in on at least 1 of the presumed thefts.Again in our legal system a person is innocent until proven guilty.He may have been innocent.George acted to hastedly.if 2 people are struggling and 1 has a loaded weapon pointed at another;there is a chance that weapon can fire accidently due to being bumped or hit.Yes George did shoot Trayvon ;but was it accidental.How do we know we were not that case he should go to jail “accidental” or “involuntary” homicide. I ” strongly ” believe that George is racist.However I strongly” believe ” he did not intend to” kill” Trayvon that fateful nite for both of them.I think George wanted the credit of being the one who was working or bringing an end to the rash of petty theft going on in the neighborhood.George should have been arrested that very nite.George was “not” defending himself that nite.That’s a “lie” straight from “Hell.” Trayvon was the one trying to “defend ” himself from George.Trayvon was fighting for his very life that night against a man, his senior,about 10 yrs older than him’with a loaded gun.Yes George needs to- Go To Trial-Be Convicted of Involuntary Manslaughter-Sit in Jail For While-Give His Apology to Williams’ Family-Repent to GOD- and Be Forgiven.Because all of make mistakes in life.Sometimes things don’t always work out the way we think they will.George Zimmerman did not wake up that day and plan to go out and shoot and kill anyone that nite.I think he carried a gun to scare people away/or self defense.But in this case things got very twisted and the outcome?Well a jury of his peers can decide that.I hope they decide right;and that Justice be served.

  14. Tina says:

    Yvonne I agree this case is very sad. One of the saddest aspects of it is that it now may be impossible for Mr. Zimmerman, if brought to trial, to get a fair trial. The jury pool has been tainted by misinformation, emotional assumption, and decisions about his guilt. Your comments are indicative of that probability: 1. You believe he was is racist, 2. You think he’s guilty and should be convicted of manslaughter 3. You think self-defense is “a lie from hell”. Your comments show us that finding an unbiased jury will be very difficult. How will justice be served if Zimmerman can’t get a fair trial?

    If the facts and the law find Zimmerman is not guilty his life has forever changed in his community and he knows he will be hated and reviled, perhaps even experience coninually being targeted for death by some elements. He won’t have another minute of peace nor will his family. That results from the irresponsible hyping of this case. Since he cooperated with police and seems to have been a decent man, helping kids and serving in his community, he will most likely feel remorse for his part in this for the rest of his life and will likely be unable to forgive himself. Actions have consequences whether or not the justice system finds him guilty.

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