PS Link not completely accurate

I apologize for running a link to a more recent picture of Trayvon Martin, however that link also showed another picture that was alleged to be him, but it was not. In the wrong picture it showed a shirtless person The link has been removed to avoid any picture confusion. Thanks go to Chris for pointing out my egregious error. We strive to be 100% accurate.

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6 Responses to PS Link not completely accurate

  1. Chris says:

    Thank you, Jack.

  2. Toby says:

    No harm. Stuff happens.

  3. Harold Ey says:

    Jack, considering the amount of misinformation in media, you and Tina do a excellent job of keeping us current with the issues of the day. I also would compliment Chris on his desire and ability to look into articles that he feels contain possible hurriedly released misinformation.
    If nothing else I feel PS awakes all of its readers to information that is topical, and many of PS readers will add in information to further help clarify the reporting errors. This all makes for a better informed public.
    Keep up the excellent work with PS and it’s great source for information.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Harold thank you for your generous comments. We do try our best to be accurate. Facts are important to us here and so are opinions. Opinions and news sometimes overlap here when we editorialize and in that sense I suppose you could say we can be unfair and unbalanced – but, at least we won’t try to hide our bias like the MSM. We’re conservatives! Our bias is towards the right, but we do offer everyone an opportunity to express their opinions in balance. Thanks again Harold, we always appreciate your commentary.

  5. Tina says:

    Thank you Harold, your contributions are also much appreciated. We’re in this together for better or worse, yes?

  6. Post Scripts says:

    Tina, Harold is one of these guys who calls em like he sees em. It doesn’t matter if its a popular opinion or not, it’s about being honest and having the courage to back it up. I don’t think he could be any other way…he’s one of the most honest guys I’ve every met. In that sense he is a rare individual and I wish we had more like him…this country would be a far better place.

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