Bernanke on Job Situation and the Economy

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Posted by Tina

“…the increase in employment since the end of 2009 has been due to a significant decline in layoffs but only a moderate improvement in hiring.” – Ben Bernanke

JOBS! Out of work Americans need them…DESPERATELY! The outlook is still not good despite the positive spin the media and our president and his apologists continues to put on the numbers. Bernanke :

“Importantly, despite the recent improvement, the job market remains far from normal; for example, the number of people working and total hours worked are still significantly below pre-crisis peaks, while the unemployment rate remains well above what most economists judge to be its long-run sustainable level. Of particular concern is the large number of people who have been unemployed for more than six months.”

America needs job and to make that happen we need leaders that will quickly create policies to inspire the entrepreneurial spirit and support established business. We need leaders that will reform costly entitlement programs and establish reasonable tax reforms. A conservative mandate from the people in November would ensure that people can get back to work.. It should be clear by now that we cannot support our families and communities without a robust economy. And by now, it should be painfully clear that government can’t pay for even basic services without a strong, broad tax base. President Obama has demonstrated over three years that he does not have the ability, nor the intention to create a robust economy.

“…further significant improvements in the unemployment rate will likely require a more-rapid expansion of production and demand from consumers and businesses”

Vote Republican in November. It’s time for change that actually works for the American people.

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11 Responses to Bernanke on Job Situation and the Economy

  1. Peggy says:

    We would also have more jobs if the illegal immigrants were held to the same laws as legal immigrants and US citizens. Calif. And other states have stopped impounding vehicles owned by illegal immigrants because it creates a hardship preventing them from getting to work. Im not making this up people. Law enforcement agencies have been told to stop towing vehicles for illegals, but theyll keep towing or citing those of us who are legally here.

    Our country has gone insane when being here illegally affords an individual more rights then those who rightfully should have them.

    California Stops Towing Cars Of Undocumented Drivers:
    If you’re an illegal immigrant to the U.S. and you live in California, life is about to get a tiny bit better. if you’re stopped at a checkpoint, the police will no longer be able to tow your vehicle so long as you’re not violating any other laws.

    On the other hand, there’s no denying that there are a huge number of undocumented immigrants in California, and that they’re an important part of the workforce — a workforce that doesn’t take away jobs from U.S. citizens, according to many economists.

    Full Article Here:

    Refinery Closures Lead to Rising Gas Prices and Job Losses:

    Also, the Federal takeover of our states rights is preventing our states from the Constitutions guarantees to separate powers. In addition to the tens of thousands of jobs lost because of the oil drilling shutdowns and lengthy permit approval process, and Keystone pipeline we are about to hear about even more jobs lost because of the coal industry regulations and more oil refineries shutting down.

    Government proposes first carbon limits on power plants:
    The National Mining Association said the rules can only hurt industry. “This proposal is the latest convoy in EPA’s regulatory train wreck that is rolling across America, crushing jobs and arresting our economic recovery at every stop.

    Full Article Here:

    All of this of course will make all of our cost of energy go higher which is what Obama promised to do. At least hell keep one of his pre-election promises.

    Here is also a great article worth reading by Timothy Baldwin, J.D. where he delves into the importance of the powers given to the states and the feds, and what will happen if the Feds take over the powers of the states.

    James Madison and the Gathering Storm Prophecy:
    While the States were considering ratifying the Constitution, James Madison describes a prophetic gathering storm, doomsday scenario for the United States. However, his description was hypothetical and purportedly unlikely. Madison paints a picture of what the union would look like under healthy conditions and then contrasts that with terminal conditions that would destroy the union. His portrayal is fascinating and worth applying today.

    In Federalist Paper 46, Madison discusses the happy and healthy situation where the Federal and State governments respect their constitutional boundaries. Madison says, [the federal government will] be disinclined to invade the rights of the individual States, or the prerogatives of their governments. Congress would be the guardians of a common interest and would not make improper sacrificesof local considerations, to the aggrandizement of the federal government.

    Madison continues, the motives on the part of the States governments, to augment their prerogativeswill be overruled by no reciprocal predispositions in the members [of Congress]. In other words, the States will not want to intrude into federal authority because the Federal government will not intrude in State territory. In this constitutional ideal, Madison sees everyone respecting the authority of the other.

    Full Article Here:

  2. Tina says:

    Peggy your last comments and quotes reflect what some of the justices were getting at today as they heard arguments about the mandate portion of Obamacare. If allowed to stand it would forever alter the relationship of the individual and givernment. But the federal government has been overstepping its authority for at least a hundred years so this may simply be the last straw.

    The burden to return this nation to its founding ideals is great; your efforts are greatly appreciated.

  3. Chris says:

    Peggy: “Our country has gone insane when being here illegally affords an individual more rights then those who rightfully should have them.”

    Peggy, it seems to me that this isn’t what’s happening. The article you quoted says that the cars of undocumented immigrants will not be impounded “so long as you’re not violating any other laws.” To me, that seems to mean that undocumented immigrants will not have their cars impounded simply for being in the country illegally–they would have to be violating another law in order to have their car impounded. That’s not affording them more rights than legal citizens, it’s offering them the exact same rights (which may be problematic in and of itself).

  4. Peggy says:

    Chris, My point was that for you and I to own and drive a car we have to have a valid drivers license AND proof of insurance. If I remember the process I had to give them my DL when I bought my car and when I applied for insurance. Now I have to prove I have insurance before I can register it each year.

    I’m pretty sure if I drove around without a drivers license, insurance and expired tags the cops would probably tow my car and tell me to take a cab.

    The cops are being told to not take their cars because they need them to get to their jobs and the high cost of getting them back is an expensive hardship.

    Excuse me but I thought our laws were supposed to be equally applied to everyone. Being exempt from complying to them just because you are here illegaly while those of us born here are required and expected to is still insane.

    The topic was about jobs. If there are 1-12 million illigals here working in construction, hotel services, landscape, etc. taking jobs from those who are legally here then to be fair to all no one should have their car taken. We should just do away with the law and not require license, insurance or registration be required of anyone.

    Now, that sounds good and fair. I can sure remember times after my husband died when coming up with the insurance payment and registration fee was really hard. I’m sure your mom would appreciate a break from having to pay all those fees and I’m sure with a 9% unemployment rate there are millions more who could use the break too. Why should only those here illegally be exempt?

  5. Joseph says:

    The cops are being told to not take their cars because they need them to get to their jobs and the high cost of getting them back is an expensive hardship.

    And don’t forget that thanks to the DemoNcrats and Geriatric Brown you now pay taxes in Colliefornia (as Ahnode calls it) to fund the college tuition of illegal aliens!

    That’s how absurd this state has become! We now are forced to pay taxes to pay the college tuition and other fees and expenses for people who are not even in the country legally!

    What more do you need before you people will call for succession from the tyrants in Sacramento?

    It is long past time to split the state!

    But instead Colliefornians mindlessly comply with everyting the tyrants in Sacramento cram down their throats.


  6. Peggy says:

    Joseph: “What more do you need before you people will call for succession from the tyrants in Sacramento?”

    Those ELECTED tyrants in Sacramento will approve the budget that will give the two new CSU presidents a 10% pay raise to over $300k a year plus other $$$ benifits given to all 23 campus presidents. AND at the same timethe CSU regents announced an increase in tuition that would begin this fall AND the cutting of classes which will force many students to take an additional semester or two to complete the courses required for their major.

    Yup, it is OUTRAGEOUS what we did to ourselves. Will people be smart this November or stupid again. Will the the same representives be elect or those who will make out state solvent and affordable.

  7. Tina says:

    Peggy: “…I’m sure with a 9% unemployment rate…”

    Yikes! Just read that in California unemployment averages 10.5%…and companies continue to hit the exits…the once Golden State is no more.

  8. Tina says:

    Joseph, I agree completely! But his remarks, posted above, are accurate. Do you suppose he’s working on his resume?

  9. Joseph says:

    Miss Peggy,

    And they cover up the total compensation for these gold plated bureaucrats.

    This will make your blood boil

  10. Peggy says:

    Mr. Joe, I wonder what the 110 (I believe) community college presidents and district chancellors are getting now? They’re all tax supported with student enrollment fees instead of tuition. The college I used to work for was paying the chancellor almost $500k plus huge perks. I’m sure all of the other colleges are up there too.

    Oh, and don’t forget the UC system and the 10 or so universities and all the K-12 districts with their supervisors, assistant supervisors, and on and on and on….

    Community college and K-12 are run by ELECTED school boards who control administrative salaries, since they don’t belong to a union. Teachers and support staff do belong to unions, but all negotiated salary and benefit contracts require the Boards approval. HINT!!

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