Hit Your Screen Refresh Button

If you will hit your screen refresh key you will see the latest, most correct versions of our articles. Sometimes we catch an error late and re-edit, but it won’t show up unless you do the refresh screen. An example of this was in the Trayvon case shown below. The photos appeared lined up nicely in our editing area, but when published they looked all over the place so I had to use some tricks to line them up on your side. Anyway…thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy our work.

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7 Responses to Hit Your Screen Refresh Button

  1. Princess says:

    I’ll consider this an open thread…


    Keith Olbermann got fired from Current TV



  2. Post Scripts says:


  3. Joseph says:

    Tina, this thread is very refreshing.

  4. Tina says:

    Joseph I like your style!

  5. Peggy says:

    For an even better laugh we could all watch his replacement, Eliot Spitzer. hehehehehe NOT!!

    From Wikipedia:
    In 2007, Spitzer was inaugurated Governor of New York after defeating Republican John Faso. During his time in office, he proposed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in New York and issued an executive order allowing illegal immigrants to be issued driver’s licenses; both attracted controversy. In July 2007, he was admonished for his administration’s involvement in ordering the State Police to record the whereabouts of State Senate majority leader Joseph L. Bruno. On March 10, 2008, it was reported that Spitzer was a client of Emperors Club VIP. The scandal prompted him to resign as Governor on March 17.[6][7]

    On August 22, 2011 The New York Times reported that Spitzer has been sued for a combined $90 million over an August 22, 2010 Slate column[8] about Wall Street firm Marsh & McLennan by two former executives of the company, claiming that they were libeled by the column.[9]

  6. Joesph says:

    Tina, I gave my browser a lemon spitzer….er….sorry… a lemon spritzer and now it tells me it is very refreshed.

    It wanted me to thank you for the suggestion.

    (And I would never give my browser a spitzer…especially of the eliot type.)

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Good one Joseph! lol

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