Posted by Sean Morgan
Link to terrific video about our future. We have the ability to stop the progression, this is after all, a republic. It starts at the local level. Our government has been taking away freedom in the name of progress for years. They can be stopped!
Please watch the attached video and when you’re thinking about the future of your family, your security, and your personal economy, think and vote for freedom.
I’m tellin’ ya. This blog is reading like a diary of psychosis. You need to broaden your sources of imput … you really do.
And if I wanted Chico to fail I would just outlaw grocery bags like Schwabbie, Hokum and the rest of the nut cases in this community want to do. Just check out the link below for the consequences.
If Schwabbie and the rest of those nut cases are going to take away our grocery bags you know this type of thing is going to happen sooner or later, and I hope someone sues Schwabbie and her nut cases back to the stone age when it happens.
This is distrurbing.
Paul Harvey 47 years ago.
Re Libby’s: “I’m tellin’ ya. This blog is reading like a diary of psychosis. You need to broaden your sources of imput … you really do.”
OK, how about this for broadening —
Libs is always telling us how psychotic we are when her side is murdering liberty and opportunity.
Does she believe herself to be a magician? does she thing that by simply making a silly remark we will forget: the personal wealth that’s been lost, continuing high unemployment, higher taxes looming that will kick in next year, massive debt (4.6 trillion) in just three years with little to show for it, attacks on private businesses, the gun walking scandal, Reid failing to pass a budget for nearly three years, demand for food stamp and other services in overdrive, a terrible jobs prospect, the temporary “saving” of public union jobs described as “investment”, the failed companies that got stimulus cash, inflation, 4200 new or pending regulations costing trillions to implement…and in the midst of this and more, let us not forget, the high times, partying, and fund raising with the rich and opulent Hollywood crowd that dear leader and spouse have been enjoying during last three years of economic pain and blight.
Somebody out there is is psychotic but it’s not those who can clearly see the utter lack of hope and the terrible change that has occurred under President Obama’s watch.
We told you this would happen if you elected a this untested man to the white House and we have been proven accurate by the One you were fool enough to believe was a superstar just because he could perform with the aid of a teleprompter.
Libby is an idiot. Get over it. She is the left. There is nothing you can do about it. You might as well try to teach a baboon phenomenology. Libby will never get a clue.
Liberalism/Marxism/Progressivism is a mental disorder and Libby has it. (So does Chris.)
Pie, you must remember that Libby helps us see ourselves as those on the far left see us and that is a real asset. It’s almost impossible for us to conjure this ill conceived, dangerous and often wacky vision, so we rely on Libby to do it. (Thank you Libby)
This has been very helpful in addressing the left’s issues head on with cold reason and fact. Libby has provided us with so many opportunities to set the record straight I’ve lost count.
Pie, we’ve got the link and scheduled it for tomorrow. Thanks.
Our government has been taking away our freedom.
Ah! But who, or what, is behind our government? Who gives Reid and Pelosi their money to keep getting elected? Find out, cut the source, and we can take America back.
“Libs is always telling us how psychotic we are when her side is murdering liberty and opportunity.”
Yes, you keep saying this, but you cannot tell us, exactly, how your liberty is infringed by the left.
Let’s look at “opportunity”, for instance. Is it the Dems who have systematically decimated funding for higher education? Nooooo. I think we can trace that to Ronald.
Is is the Dems who have systematically decimated funding for any number of public health initiatives? Nooooo. I think that can also be traced to Ronald.
Once upon a time, my sister had a job testing north state ground water for toxins, but the Deuk didn’t think that was worth doing, and blue pencilled her job … and that’s why you all are spending all that money, and wasting petrochemicals drinking bottled water … that has nitrates in it too.
Ronald and the Deuk … both told you suckers that you could have stuff without paying for it. Well, you can’t.
Here’s how to get America to succeed instead of failing.
Please tell me this guy is eligible to be our VP and how to get him on the “short list?”
Governor Luis Fortuno on How Puerto Rico Avoided Becoming “America’s Greece” April 8, 2012
Libby: “…but you cannot tell us, exactly, how your liberty is infringed by the left.”
Ask the Coal mining companies in West Vkirginia or anyone who ever worked on a rig, supplied to a rig, or provided services to oil producers in the Gulf region…they’ll give you an earfull.
Try blocking parents from having school vouchers to get their kids out of terrible schools because your party is in bed with the teachers unions. the liberty to pursue the best possible education is pretty important.
Ther are as many ways as there are stars in the sky!!!!!
” Is it the Dems who have systematically decimated funding for higher education?”
Higher education is TOO EXPENSIVE precisely because of progressive leftist notions, policies, egoes and greed. Professors, administrators, and college boards are overpaid and priviledged and they are not getting the job done. They have lost sight of the mission.
The big prestige colleges have endowments that run in the billions. Do these educators care about educating or money? How many of them do you suppose vote dem?
As long as parents fork out cash and as long as students are willing to go into debt our colleges will not have to reconsider the policies and spending that create the unnecessary high price of a college education.
Reagan wasn’t against spending on education; Reagan was against wasting education dollars on a huge federal bureaucracy. Money spent well wil produce the desired result…we are far from getting a positive result.
Reagan: “Education is the principal responsibility of local school systems, teachers, parents, citizen boards, and state governments.”
Liberals have had a lock on education for decades Libby and the quality has gone down while the price goes up. It’s time we citizens quit buying a pig in a poke.
“Is is the Dems who have systematically decimated funding for any number of public health initiatives…”
Once again Dems are willing to waste money for a poor/inadequate result. All of the big expoensive programs and bureucracy don’t provide healthcare. It does ,make healthcare and insurance more expensive and less accessable. Dems don’t pass and fund initiatives because they care; they want power and control to be vested in them.
“Ronald and the Deuk … both told you suckers that you could have stuff without paying for it. Well, you can’t.
I can have what I can pay to have. So can you. With government out of the way it won’t cost any of us as much and we will be in control of quality by our choices. You are too thick to let the obvious penetrate.
We are not against education or healthcare. We want and expect to get what we pay for and it has become quite apparent that when government is given the responsibility both the investment and the ouitcome fail. There is no lever for accountability in government; there is no incentive to achieve the best result at the best price.
Republicans are not the enemies of education, healthcare, or the truly needy. Progressices are. Big government solutions lead to poor quality and high prices.
Education spending Carter and Reagan:
1970 $56 Billion
1075 $95.8 Billion
1986 $152 Billion
1989 $263 Billion
Pointing up Reagan’s hypocrisy is no way to win an argument.
Score this one for Libby.
Goals are often unrealized by presidents as they are required to work with the Congress. Bills are extensive and come with attachements. Some legislative matters are more important than achieving one goal.
Failure to meet a goal doesn’t make the goal, or the president, wrong. Edison failed thousands of times before perfecting the marketable light bulb.
Libby was not accurate on her point, which was that Reagan cut education spending. She lies, you cheer her on, and supposedly I’m the loser?
Not buying it.
(Q? Sneaking in again? Quite possibly.)
Since the people, through their representatives, continue to support more spending as a solution to education failures increased budgets will continue.
I sense this may be changing, however