What Was he Thinking?

6167-Obama Kenya 2012-05-18.jpg

Posted by Tina

The above includes a portion of a brochure (left side of image) that President Obama’s publisher released in anticipation of a book deal ( never written) back when Obama was not yet in state politics in Chicago. The publisher had to be working with Obama and the person that wrote the brochure would certainly have asked Obama for information about his background. WHY…would he have said he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii? To make himself seem more mysterious and interesting? To sell books?

I’m sorry to bring this up again but is anyone else a little bit curious about the odd nature of Barack Obama’s background and history?

Adding to the controversy Jeremiah Wright is giving interviews with revelations that only add to the mystery:

Mr. Wright says Mr. Obama possessed an “Islamic background” and despite his conversion to Christianity has never abandoned his Muslim roots. In short, Mr. Wright appears to be confirming what I have argued for years: Mr. Obama is a cultural Muslim whose Christianity is deeply tied to black liberation theology – the belief that America and the West have an evil, imperialist civilization bent on oppressing the Third World.

Mr. Wright’s comments beg a fundamental question: Why now? Why is he speaking out about Mr. Obama at this moment? The racial firebrand admits he feels burned; Mr. Obama threw him under the bus to win the 2008 election. Mr. Wright is bitter and angry. Yet what if he is telling the truth? He has injected himself into the center of a potential political storm.

I know…the economy is the most important aspect of this political season!

But isn’t the fact that this man appears to be a bit of a fraud important given that his policies hurt America? Isn’t it important, in terms of the election, for this mystery president to be fully vetted?

Image HT: Lucianne.com

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19 Responses to What Was he Thinking?

  1. Chris says:

    “You’re undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.” –Miriam Goderich


    Tina, the claims about Reverend Wright come from a man, Ed Klein, who also wrote a book claiming that Hilary Clinton is a lesbian and that Chelsea is the product of rape. You may want to treat anything he says with a great deal of skepticism.

  2. Peggy says:

    Im with you on this Tina. I too am not a birther, but do believe every candidate should be required to provide official documents proving eligibility for the position theyre seeking.

    I know Chris will say Obama already did, but apparently its not considered official to have someone say theyve seen it and post it on a website.

    Below is another article, that came out today, concerning Ariz. Sec. of State writing to Hawaii, to verify the facts contained in his birth certificate,

    Ariz. Secretary of State Threatens to Keep Obamas Name Off Ballot Without Birth Certificate Verification:

    Arizonas secretary of state is threatening to keep President Barack Obamas name off the November ballot unless the state of Hawaii can verify that Obamas birth certificate is valid.

    Im not a birther, I believe the president was born in Hawaii or at least I hope he was, Bennett said on KFYI. My responsibility as secretary of state is to make sure the ballots in Arizona are correct and that those people whose names are on the ballot have met the qualifications for the office they are seeking.

    Because of the importance and profile of the presidents case, and at the request of many constituents, I have gone the extra step of asking the state of Hawaii to verify the facts contained in his birth certificate, Bennett wrote in response to concerns last month.
    [I]f Hawaii cant or wont provide verification of the presidents birth certificate, I will not put his name on the ballot, he wrote.

    Full article here:

  3. Post Scripts says:

    I just wanted to weigh in this “typo” thing, where the publisher is saying Obama was born in Kenya, and somehow they missed it and Obama missed it…a typo.

    Now stop and think how many times have you made a typo like that? Happens all the time.

    Why just the other day I was writing about this lady and where she was born and I accidentally wrote she was born in Kenya, instead of where she was really born, which was Hawaii. The K and H keys are kinda close on the keyboard, it’s a common mistake to write Kenya when you really meant to write Hawaii…perfectly understandable.

  4. Tina says:

    Chris quoting publisher fall person:

    “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.”

    So…do you think they pulled the information out of a hat? The low lwvel editor just thought, gee I don’t know where this guy was born so I’ll just say it was Kenya? If you were charged with writing a bio on a potential cliet would you ask questions of the person you were writing about or would you just make things up or possibly rely on heresay and rumors?

    “…the claims about Reverend Wright come from a man, Ed Klein…”

    Yes and that would make this information controversial and debatable except it isn’t heresay or assumption or a made up story (unless Wright is lying) because there is tape. Klein interviewed Wright and wrote about this based on the information. I’ll post the Hannity YouTube video from Hannity’s show in a second.

    And the point once again…why wasn’t any of this thouroughly investigated before the last election? Why did the media cheer lead for this guy over Hillary? Why did they go after Sarah Palin so hard?

    “You may want to treat anything he says with a great deal of skepticism.”

    I have no interest in reading the book. It isn’t the book or what Klein says that is curious. It is what Wrright says. Could be revenge and pay back but on the other hand it might not be.

  5. Chris says:

    Peggy: “I know Chris will say Obama already did, but apparently its not considered official to have someone say theyve seen it and post it on a website.”

    Peggy, what are you talking about? Obama has posted not one, but two legal birth certificates on the web for all to see. Several officials from the state of Hawaii, including the current governor, the former governor (a Republican), and the Health Director have all spoken on behalf of the validity of these documents. The most-relied upon fact-checking agency on the web has also inspected both documents and said that they were legit. Some have claimed that the long-form is a forgery, but this claim was debunked by the National Review and FOX News, among others. And you think that I’ve just been relying on the word of one person this whole time? After all this time discussing the issue, how can you still be so uninformed?

    From your article: “Arizonas secretary of state is threatening to keep President Barack Obamas name off the November ballot unless the state of Hawaii can verify that Obamas birth certificate is valid.”

    This is insane, because the state of Hawaii has verified that Obama’s birth certificate is valid SEVERAL TIMES ALREADY. If the Arizona secretary of state were really interested in the truth, he would know this; maybe he does know, but he’s lying about it to get attention and stir up the ignorant base. Either way, it constantly amazes me how birthers continue to claim that they are just trying to get to the bottom of things, but they CONSTANTLY ignore or don’t know basic facts about this issue.

    The insanity of Arizona politics seems to have no bottom these days.

    Jack: “I just wanted to weigh in this “typo” thing, where the publisher is saying Obama was born in Kenya, and somehow they missed it and Obama missed it…a typo.”

    Can you read? No one said it was a “typo.” You just made that up. They said it was a “fact-checking error.” There is a huge difference. Given Obama’s Kenyan ancestry, I can see how the mistake could have been made. He may have talked about his father or his ethnicity and the agency assistant made an assumption or misinterpretation. There are articles written about Obama before this which state that his birthplace was Hawaii.

    Also, just noticed the image on this article, which has Obama standing in front of a podium with the web address “www.islamocommie.com” on it. Keep it classy, Post Scripts.

  6. Peggy says:

    Chris: Peggy, what are you talking about? Obama has posted not one, but two legal birth certificates on the web for all to see. Several officials from the state of Hawaii, including the current governor, the former governor (a Republican), and the Health Director have all spoken on behalf of the validity of these documents. The most-relied upon fact-checking agency on the web has also inspected both documents and said that they were legit.

    Chris, I have searched the web and can not find any person of authority who has seen Obamas birth certificate, beside the WH.

    Since you are a student and I worked at a college let me see if I can explain my concerns using the chain of authenticity process for official versus unofficial transcripts. If you havent already been required to obtain an official copy of your transcripts you will if you attend a different university and when you get hired for a job.

    An unofficial copy can be obtained upon request in writing by the student and only the student. It would be a copy of the original and either hand delivered over the counter or mailed to the students home.

    An official copy would also be obtained upon written request by the student, but would be mailed in an envelop with a seal stamped over the flap and mailed directly to the receiving university or employer. All college and universities that Im aware of will not accept an official transcript from a student. It must be mailed from one institution to the other.

    The problem that has arisen over Obamas birth certificate is because it hasnt followed the chain of authenticity. Going from Hawaii to the WH web site is the same as you getting your transcripts, posting them on Face Book and telling that university and/or employer they are official. Do you really believe they would accept them? I not only dont think so, I know they wont.

    I believe what Arizonas Sec. of State is doing makes complete sense. Hes in a position of authority much like an employer would be and simply requiring an official copy before placing Oamas name on the ballot. Apparently AZs law require/permit the proof and he is following the mandate and the wishes of the people of AZ. I believe other states also have similar laws. A Georgia judge for one has also said the birth certificate has probable cause for not being authentic. So, its not just the crazies in Arizona.

    I believe a simple process done by tens of thousands of students every semester should be required of just two to three individuals when they apply to be the leader of this country and possible serving as the President of the United States of America.

    Chris, Obama is also responsible for adding to this issue with his refusal to release any of his college transcripts and other educational and professional documents. Pres. Bush released his college transcripts and we all learned he was no great scholar. Why wont Obama release his? Is he hiding something? He could make this all go away so easily.

    If you have proof that someone in a position of authority other than someone at the WH or the state of Hawaii has an official copy of his BC, I would be interested in seeing it and may change my position if it does exist. Until then I will remain skeptical along with apparently many other like-minded individuals.

  7. Chris says:

    Peggy: “Chris, I have searched the web and can not find any person of authority who has seen Obamas birth certificate, beside the WH.”

    Wow. Which search engine did you use? What terms did you employ?

    I just did a Google search for “obama birth certificate hawaii officials,” and instantly got several results verifying that two different Hawaiian health directors have attested to seeing Obama’s birth certificate.

    One of the results on the first page took me to a Snopes article about the birther controversy, which provides this quote from Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy:

    We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawaii…I have seen the original records filed at the Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawaii.

    Here is the Snopes page in case you somehow can’t find it by using the same search terms I did:


    And here is the original document, from Hawaii.gov, which Snopes links to:


    After reading this, I then ran another Google search using the words “hawaii health director,” because I remembered that there was a different health director in 2009 and I remembered her saying that she had also seen the birth certificate. The USA Today article I found on the first page of results confirmed this:

    “I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago….”


    My search also confirmed that former Hawaiian governor Linda Lingle, a Republican who supported John McCain in 2008, as well as current Governor Neil Abercrombie, have said that the document is authentic (though I am not sure if they have personally seen the records, or if they are basing this on the findings of their respective health directors.)

    I don’t understand how it is that you were not able to find this information, or how it is that you didn’t already know all this, since the quotes I cited were widely reported in many different news articles on the subject over the past few years. I have also cited these quotes in the past when we have discussed this issue. You could have easily found these quotes on the Hawaii government website. This is an issue you say you are interested in. Why aren’t you informed on even a basic level? And why do you repeat so much misinformation about it?

    The only explanation is that you are using bad sources. In my search I found a lot of misinformation from birther sites such as WND. The most common claim was that Neil Abercrombie said that he couldn’t find the birth certificate, which wasn’t at all true. You’ve linked to WND before. You’ve been getting your information from the wrong people.

    “Since you are a student and I worked at a college let me see if I can explain my concerns using the chain of authenticity process for official versus unofficial transcripts…”

    I know the difference, and I have had to provide official transcripts before. But I’m not sure what this has to do with this issue…

    “I believe what Arizonas Sec. of State is doing makes complete sense. Hes in a position of authority much like an employer would be and simply requiring an official copy before placing Oamas name on the ballot.”

    No, actually, that’s not what the secretary is doing. You’re misinformed again. Bennet has not asked for an official copy of anything.

    “On Thursday, Bennett said he sent his request to Hawaii officials eight weeks ago but has yet to get the proof he was hoping for. He said he didnt want another copy of the birth certificate. He wants Hawaii to give him what he described as a verification in lieu of a certified copy of a birth certificate.”


    So again, he’s asking them to do something they’ve already done multiple times.

    “Apparently AZs law require/permit the proof”

    No, it doesn’t.

    “Chris, Obama is also responsible for adding to this issue with his refusal to release any of his college transcripts and other educational and professional documents. Pres. Bush released his college transcripts and we all learned he was no great scholar. Why wont Obama release his? Is he hiding something? He could make this all go away so easily.”

    I think he should release his transcripts, but he is not required by law to do so, and they wouldn’t have anything to do with his eligibility to be president. And obviously, his decision not to release his transcripts does not at all indicate that he’s hiding his birth certificate. He HAS released his birth certificate. These are two separate issues.

    And given that birthers still constantly make false claims and reveal a lack of basic information about the birth certificate issue, your assertion that Obama “could make this all go away so easily” is clearly untrue. It’s obvious at this point that there is no amount of proof that will be good enough for the birthers. They’re not basing their positions on evidence, they are basing it on what they want to be true.

    “If you have proof that someone in a position of authority other than someone at the WH or the state of Hawaii has an official copy of his BC,”

    Wait, what? When did the argument change to “other than the state of Hawaii?” This doesn’t make any sense. Who else would have a copy of Obama’s birth certificate? What better authority is there then the state of Hawaii? I hope I’m misunderstanding you, because otherwise this new request of yours is completely irrational.

  8. Peggy says:

    Chris: Wow. Which search engine did you use? What terms did you employ?

    I just did a Google search for “obama birth certificate hawaii officials,” and instantly got several results verifying that two different Hawaiian health directors have attested to seeing Obama’s birth certificate.

    Yes, I saw all the Hawaii articles along with those about and from the WH, but thats not what I was looking for. Sorry I didnt make myself clear in my first sentence.

    I was looking for someone that didnt have a vested interest either in issuing the BC or connected with Obama and the WH. Both Hawaii and the WH have vested interest in it. I would expect the governor and the health directors of Hawaii to attest to seeing it since it is their process of issuing BC that has also been challenged.

    Sorry for not making myself clear from the beginning, so Ill do it now. Ill accept just one individual from any state (except Hawaii) holding a position of authority verifying receipt of an official copy.

    As I have stated in the past I really hope Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen. I believe very strongly that the problems that would arise from us having someone serving as our president that was not qualified to do so would bring this nation to its knees in an instant. Every act performed would be considered null and void. Every law signed and foreign treaty agreed upon would be rescinded.

    A simple process change of requiring the submission of an official BC be filed with the first state a presidential candidate files with would eliminate this situation from ever being an issue again. I said earlier this would only apply to 2-3 people, but Im going to change my mind and say every candidate during the primaries should have a copy on file and not just those running for the general election. So, the number would increase to more then a handful instead of just 2-3, but still be very manageable when considering the tens of thousands of students sending transcripts to universities all over the US.

    I hope Ive made myself clear about my concerns and why I believe an official copy should be submitted to a state and not just published on the WH website by an individual already residing in the WH.

  9. Chris says:

    Peggy, your request is unreasonable. No president has ever had to submit to a state proof of his citizenship. No law has ever existed requiring candidates to do so. In fact, Obama has done more to prove his citizenship than any other president ever has. How can that not be enough for you? By your logic, any of the past 44 presidents could have been foreign-born, and we’d have no way of knowing since none of them ever sent their birth certificates to the states. Why do you want to add more paperwork and bureaucracy to the political process to solve a problem that doesn’t exist? I thought conservatives were supposed to be against that kind of busywork?

  10. Post Scripts says:

    Obviously Chris its because we have a legitimate problem and we’ve only had one such problem before and it was with McCain when he ran and he was born outside the continental US. But, it was determined that he was legally born a US citizen so that ended, problem solved. Obama’s case has not ended. However, no amount of explaining will ever convince you that its still a problem that needs to be resolved. This is why I won’t bother debating this issue, this was just submitted in support of Peggy. -Jack

  11. Tina says:

    I agree Jack and add my support of Peggy…we’re in this mess because for too long the media, and rabid O supporters, keep saying, “Move along, nothing to see here”.

  12. Peggy says:

    Chris, I dont believe it is unreasonable to question someones birthplace when there is a constant flow of contradictive information. Below are just two. The first is the facts about the resent brochure and the second is Michelle Obama in her own words referring to Kenya as his place of birth.

    With everything that has come out I think you are the one being unreasonable. The facts are what they are and should not be dismissed because you dont agree with them.

    As I have said I hope Obama is a natural born citizen and the day never comes out that he isnt. My very simple recommendation of requiring proof of eligibility does not seem unreasonable if it would prevent this problem from ever coming up again.

    End of subject. It is obvious I am not going to change your mind and youre not going to change mine. Peg

    Evidence Obama Born In Kenya Goes Beyond 1991 Brochure
    Paul Joseph Watson
    Friday, May 18, 2012

    The establishment media hastily seized on yesterdays explosive story about a literary publication listing Barack Obamas birthplace as Kenya in an effort to claim that the 1991 brochure was the origin of the entire birther issue. In reality, evidence that Obama was born in the African country is abundant.

    A literary agents promotional text for a 1991 brochure released yesterday by Breitbart.com states Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.
    Yahoo News, along with a deluge of other mainstream news outlets, responded by reporting that the document was potentially the source of the birther controversy and had merely been a mistake.

    The literary agent who wrote the description, Miriam Goderich, now works with Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its clients. Unsurprising therefore that Goderich hastily claimed listing Obamas birthplace as Kenya was nothing more than a fact checking error.

    However, evidence to indicate that Obama war born in Kenya is plentiful and it goes significantly beyond the 1991 version of the brochure.

    – Despite claiming the passage about Obamas birthplace being Kenya was a mistake, the listing still maintained that Obamas birthplace was Kenya until after Obama became a U.S. Senator. Goderichs statement fails to explain why the fact checking error persisted for sixteen years, through at least three different versions of Jane Dystels website, and through at least four different versions of Obamas biography, reports Breitbart.com.

    – The literary agency also updated the text in June 1998, but the part about Obama being born in Kenya was retained.

    – The text was again updated in February 2005 to reflect the fact that Obama had become a Senator, but Kenya was still listed as his birthplace.

    – After an April 2007 modification of the text, the passage still read Obama, was born in Kenya.

    – As Steve Boman reveals, the Dystel & Goderich agency asks its clients to submit their own biography, meaning its virtually impossible the listing of Obamas birthplace as Kenya could have been a fact checking error on behalf of the literary company itself.

    – During a speech about HIV, First Lady Michelle Obama said she and Barack Obama visited his home country of Kenya. Watch the clip below.

    – In 2008, Obamas paternal step grandmother appeared to indicate publicly that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. In an interview conducted by American Christian minister Ron McRae, Sarah Obama was asked, Were you present when your grandson was born in Kenya? McRae testified in his sworn statement. This was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she replied, Yes! Yes she was! She was present when Obama was born.

    – Another source who met Sarah Obama told World Net Daily, I have keenly and attentively listened to the tape over and over again, and I can confirm from Sarahs own confession that Barack Obama was born in Kenya in her presence.

    – A separate Kenyan government official agreed, stating, I have listened to the tape. The preacher asked whether Barack Obama was born in Mombassa, and the translator asked the same. When she said Mombassa, it was like a surprise, and those there thought she could not have meant to say Mombassa.

    – When New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi traveled to Kenya to investigate the claims, he was almost immediately kicked out of the country by Kenyan officials.

    – When Kenyas National Security Intelligence Service investigated claims that Obama was born in Kenya, officials in Nairobi found relevant birth records may have been removed or were missing.

    – Obama has deep political connections in Kenya. From 2006 onwards he rallied in support of Islamist Raila Odinga in Kenya, helping him impose Sharia law. When Odinga lost the Kenyan election in 2008, his supporters rioted, unleashing a wave of violence. Despite the bloodshed, Obama used his influence to aid Odinga in retaining his position as part of a coalition government.

    Full story with videos:

    Michelle Obama speech: Born in Kenya

  13. Peggy says:

    Thanks Jack and Tina for your support on this issue. I really do wish it was a non-issue, but fear based on the constant release of past information being brought forth it will come up again.

    Chris, One more thing and then Im really done.

    Chris: No president has ever had to submit to a state proof of his citizenship. No law has ever existed requiring candidates to do so.

    Your statement is not logical, because no previous presidents place of birth has ever been challenged like Obamas. The Constitution (see below) states what the qualifications are, therefore, proof is implied.

    Also, the Twelfth Amendment was added when a problem arose with Article Two. Therefore, an amendment could/should be added to remedy this problem. I like my simple solution, but am willing to consider a different one.


    Main article: Article Two of the United States Constitution
    See also: wikisource:Constitution of the United States of America#Article II
    Article II, Section 1 creates the presidency. The section vests the executive power in a President. The President and Vice President serve identical four-year terms. This section originally set the method of electing the President and Vice President, but this method has been superseded by the Twelfth Amendment.

    The President must be a natural born citizen of the United States or a citizen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, at least 35 years old and a resident of the United States for at least 14 years. [23] The first president to be born an American citizen was Martin Van Buren.[24]

  14. Tina says:

    Peggy you might want to take a gander at the following:


    You will find that the literary agency required potential authors to provide their own bio information and that the information was changed several times but was changed to change his birthplace only after hiss candidacy for the presidency was announced.

    The person with the information was represented by the agency as well.

    The mystery does continue.

  15. Chris says:

    Peggy, much of the information you posted is false, and that’s because you insist on receiving your information from crazy people. InfoWars.com is run by Alex Jones, who has repeatedly claimed that the Bush administration was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. He is essentially the king of the 9/11 truthers:


    The author of the specific author you cited, Paul Joseph Watson, has also furthered the 9/11 truther conspiracy theory. Both Watson and Jones say that their mission is to fight against the “New World Order.” Yeah…they sound on the up-and-up!

    It’s too early to verify or debunk Watson’s claims about the brochure, but let’s take a look at some of the other claims he makes in that article and see how they hold up:

    “During a speech about HIV, First Lady Michelle Obama said she and Barack Obama visited his home country of Kenya. Watch the clip below.”

    It isn’t unheard of for someone to refer to the home country of their father as their own “home country,” even if they were not born there. Is this really the first time you’ve heard someone say something like this?

    You have to ask yourself, what’s more likely: That President Obama put tons of work into hiding his actual birthplace, requiring a conspiracy involving several officials of the state of Hawaii, only to have his wife publicly spill the beans in a speech? Or that she’s using the phrase “home country” to mean “ancestral homeland,” and not literally the place of her husbands’ birth?

    “In 2008, Obamas paternal step grandmother appeared to indicate publicly that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. In an interview conducted by American Christian minister Ron McRae, Sarah Obama was asked, Were you present when your grandson was born in Kenya? McRae testified in his sworn statement. This was asked to her in translation twice, and both times she replied, Yes! Yes she was! She was present when Obama was born.”

    The grandmother’s words were purposefully taken out of context, and this rumor has been completely discredited. Even Aaron Klein, a WND reporter who writes Obama-bashing books, does not believe this one. In his book “The Manchurian President,” he wrote:

    “During that conversation, however, Sarah Obama immediately clarifies that her illustrious grandson was born in Hawaii, not Kenya, and she was not present for Obama’s birth.

    So the entire ensuing controversy involves a brief few seconds of the conversation in which President Obama’s proud grandmother appears to have said she was present in Kenya for Barack’s birth. Critics point out many reasons to be skeptical of the claim, including the possibility that something was lost in the translation between an American minister who presupposed Obama was born in Kenya and an elderly African woman who reportedly knows no English. Amid cross-talk in a combination of English, Swahili, and the local Luo tribal dialect, could she have understood McRae simply to be asking where she was when Barack Obama Jr. was born?” [Page 71]

    Here is more context on the conversation between the street preacher and Sarah Obama:

    MCRAE: Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?

    OGOMBE: Yes. She says, yes, she was, she was present when Obama was born.

    MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

    OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

    MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

    OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

    MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

    OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.


    “When New York Times bestselling author Jerome Corsi traveled to Kenya to investigate the claims, he was almost immediately kicked out of the country by Kenyan officials.”

    According to the Kenyan government, this is because Corsi lied on his entry papers (which wouldn’t be surprising, as Corsi is a known liar). From the New York Times:

    “Kenyan officials were quick to claim that this had nothing to do with politics.

    His immigration forms were not in order, said Elias Njeru, a spokesman for Kenyas immigration department.

    Mr. Njeru said that Mr. Corsi had arrived on a tourist visa, which made it illegal for him to work.”


    “When Kenyas National Security Intelligence Service investigated claims that Obama was born in Kenya, officials in Nairobi found relevant birth records may have been removed or were missing.”

    Peggy, I have diligently searched for anything on this claim over the past thirty minutes, and I can’t find a single reliable source that verifies it or even mentions it. Every result I got, on every page I looked at, using every combination of search terms I could, only took me to conservative blogs. The claim seems to have originated from World Net Daily, which has been caught in dozens if not hundreds of lies. If you can find me a single reliable source (i.e. not a conservative blog) that confirms this claim, I will discuss this further with you.

    “Obama has deep political connections in Kenya. From 2006 onwards he rallied in support of Islamist Raila Odinga in Kenya, helping him impose Sharia law. When Odinga lost the Kenyan election in 2008, his supporters rioted, unleashing a wave of violence. Despite the bloodshed, Obama used his influence to aid Odinga in retaining his position as part of a coalition government.”

    This claim is completely false. There is no evidence that Barack Obama ever supported Raila Odinga.



    To support this, Paul Joseph Watson links to Pamela Geller, another crazy conspiracy theorist who once forwarded the bizarre claim that Malcolm X is Barack Obama’s biological father. Last year, the Southern Poverty Law Center condemned Geller as a hate group leader. Read the link below to see how she earned this label.


    These are the people you are getting your news from, Peggy. You are smarter than this. You worked at a college for God’s sake, you should know how to tell a good source from a bad source. You owe it to yourself to get accurate information from reliable sources, otherwise you will continue to be misinformed.

  16. Post Scripts says:

    Peggy, I could be wrong… but when he published his biography don’t the book publishers usually ask for a short bio, name, age, place of birth, etc.?

    I’m wondering if it was one of these of “deliberate mistakes” made to enhance his book sales and he just let it ride on purpose until it was important to fix it? You don’t suppose he also made another mistake on his Harvard admissions application too, to enhance his chances of being accepted? Being born in Kenya might make the difference between getting in and not. I don’t know…I’m just thinking out loud because there is an awful lot of strange things connected to his birth certificate and related things.

  17. Peggy says:

    Tina, It sure does. It’s a never ending story with the final chapter still to be written.

    Really good article the provides a historical trail. Thanks!

    Jack, I do believe you’re right about the bio. information. Logically it makes sense to have someone submit their own personal information.

    Do you mean like Elizabeth Warren claimed to be a native American on college admissions forms and job applications because she remembered her great-grandmother say she was? But it’s all turned out to be a lie?

    Question: Why do people lie?
    Answer: Because they have something to gain.

    Are we to believe that Ms. Warren is the only one that has ever put down false information on an application or other form of document? Of course not. That’s why reference checks are made and “official” documents are required BEFORE a person is hired or admission approved.

  18. Tina says:

    It may be something as simple as pride or it may be deliberate enhancement of his biograpy for effect. Either way it seems pretty clear to me that Obama has been less than forthcoming or thruthful about the years before he was in the Senate in Illinois.

    While Chris makes many perfectly logical arguments the one thing that makes no sense at all is the sealing of his records…unless there is something to hide. We know about his bullying and his drug use from in his books…so it can’t be those things. It’s been reported that he attended Occidental on full scholarship but to my knowledge we don’t know from where…or whom. Could it be he doesn’t want his mentor revealed?

    His secrecy is what drives the questions. He may feel like he’s above it all but as a servant of the people I think he has an obligation to open his records.

    What could possibly be so significant or devastating that he doesn’t want anyone to see?

  19. Peggy says:

    Tina: It’s been reported that he attended Occidental on full scholarship but to my knowledge we don’t know from where…or whom. Could it be he doesn’t want his mentor revealed?

    What could possibly be so significant or devastating that he doesn’t want anyone to see?

    Could the answer be in the sworn affidavit of Allen Hulton, mailman for the Ayers family?

    Someone is not telling the truth. Who?


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