by Jack Lee
In another revelation of your TAX DOLLARS AT WORK, we are pleased to present to you Assembly bill 1594. This bill will extend the free hot lunch program to include the summer months while school is not in session and it would include all Charter Schools.
“At the Blue Oak School in Chico, where 60 percent of the charter school’s student body comes from low-income households, it’s a source of school pride that the soft tacos and chicken pot pies served at lunch are made from organic and locally sourced ingredients.” Bernice Yeung, California Watch. It might be a source of pride to some liberal morons, but it’s not helping students learn or improve their health, going organic is an expensive gesture to add more cost to an already costly program.
Food is abundant here, there is no reason for any student to go hungry unless the parent/s are negligent. This means they are using their (welfare) money on other things than food for their children. That is negligence! Taken to an extreme it is criminal. If they are negligent or criminal, the police or CPS ought to deal with it, not the taxpayers who become unwitting co-dependents to cases of child neglect/abuse by lazy, irresponsible or criminal parents.
A good way to encourage parents NOT to feed their children is to tell them, don’t worry about it, we’ll (the government nanny) do it for you…no accountability, just let the gov take over. We’ll feed you, house you, put clothes on your back, we’ll pay for your healthcare, we’ll buy you a car, a TV, a microwave or whatever else we deem is needed to sustain you. We’ll give you even more spending money for each child you produce too. We’re telling you that you don’t need an education and you don’t need to work. All you need to do is be sure you re-elect your friends (the democrats). They will squeeze the rich to get the money you need and they will spend whatever it takes to keep you happy and living with all our lavish safety nets. Just vote democrat.
Reality check time: We have finite resources and the democrats are running a ponzi scheme that will eventually implode. It is unsustainable to operate this way.
Now here is another way. Make parents responsible, take away their welfare money if they neglect their children. In some cases put them in jail. If they are child abusers this should include sterilization. It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s better than what we’re doing now, which is teaching people to be dependent on the government for everything. When we do this they become a kept human being and they have NO reason to change.
One of the leftists pushing the free lunch program is Alexis Fernandez at or 510.433.1122 x111 Read about it at:
Here’s the program as it is now:
Jack: “If they are child abusers this should include sterilization.”
It would really behoove you to be more consistent with this whole “limited government” act you have going on.
Feeding children strikes you as oppressive, socialist tyranny, while sterilizing criminals without their consent, as if they were animals, is good public policy for America? You just haven’t thought your philosophy through even a teeny bit, have you?
I dont agree we should go as far as sterilization like China does, but I support placing children into protective custody if their parents/guardian are spending the money on anything that does not feed and provide for the child. There are to many reports of food stamp cards being traded for cash, and used in casinos to not realize that a major problem exist. Duplicity of abuse doesnt make the problem better just bigger.
Add to the long list of teaching our young people to be dependent is the giving of free cell phones and paying for the monthly bills. And in ObamaCare the student loan forgiveness clause where theyre learning that future debts will not have to be paid off in full. Deep-pocket Big-daddy government will always be there to pick up the tab.
Today, every taxpayer now owes approximately $200k of our nations debt. Lets all just write another check this month and pay it off. No? Cant afford it? If not you and me, who? Not the future taxpayers. Theyre being taught they dont have to pay either.
Some in Congress have suggested the food stamp credit card isn’t working out well and suggest we go back to the old form of issuing food stamps.
As long as we are asked to support these programs through our taxes there needs to be some controls on what is distributed. At the very least it would be wise to limit what those stamps will buy. But even here the thieves just trade the stamps for cash and then go buy booze and cigarettes. It wouldn’t bother me to go to a distribution model. I hate the fact that our country has come to this but since it has, discouraging bad habits rather than encouraging them may be the only way to get out of this mess.
Our schools need to be teaching a work ethic too. The bleeding heart “service” theory has failed miserably.
I’m also for boot camp style programs rather than never ending free checks. Get the GED, learn a skill with two or three years of help and then you are on your own.
Child abusers are removed from the children…why shouldn’t they be removed from the ability to have children? A strong suggestion of compliance would at least be something we could do.
It’s too late to have limited government any time soon because after sixty or seventy years of progressive policy and education the mess that must be turned around is huge and could take generations to fix. Limited government follows when people CHOOSE to be independent, responsible, contributing members of society.
Churches could really make a difference but first the clergy needs to be re-educated. So many have confused love with pity. Jesus preached tough love…his rules are not easy by any means. Compassion or empathy for problems and hurts doesn’t mean coddling…coddling only furthers and motivates the individual to a life of failure and low expectations. True compassion sees the capable human being behind the pain and trouble and supports that person in lifting himself (with Gods help).
Tina: Churches could really make a difference but first the clergy needs to be re-educated.
I think a lot of churches have done a lot of good as a part of their mission. The Catholic church of course and the Salvation Army are just two huge ones, but there are many more that get little attention such as the Baptist Builders who have been at every large and small disaster like Katrina and the fires in Paradise.
What impact will the attack on religious freedom taking place now have on these churches in the future if ObamaCare is not overturned? Will St. Judes Childrens Hospital only serve sick Catholic children? Will there be another Mother Teresa helping the poor that are sick and dying? Baptists only helping members of their own churchs rebuild instead of all of those in need.
Maybe this is the avenue our nation needs to go down to learn just what it means to have massive govt controlling every aspect of our lives. The old saying, Freedom isnt free, could not be more evident.
One of the leftists pushing the free lunch program is Alexis Fernandez…
Well, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.
Now, will people like Chris be willing to pay their fair share?
“If they are child abusers this should include sterilization.”
It would really behoove you to be more consistent with this whole “limited government” act you have going on.
Interesting take on Jacks comment from Chris, when Government intervention is needed, due in part to governments flawed intervention on certain matters to begin with, Jack’s comment is considered ‘inconsistent’ by Chris. I on the other hand realize he is on target as well as Tina.
We give, oops, are forced to facilitate this type of neglect of children, while allowing their parents to continue on as easily as possible, and while doing contribute to raising another generation of the same aimless abusers. As citizens and tax payers, we realize some limited basic Government guidance is necessary, we should all realize, recognize and admit it when we perceive it to be ineffective and requiring change. I like to believe thats called compromise through people that really want to improve society. However what we have today are career politicians that either pander for votes using tax dollars, or are afraid to speak up, take a stand for fear of losing their power and golden goose life style. Thankfully there are a growing number of us that care enough for ‘everyone’ to try and set a more positive course for America.
Harold: “However what we have today are career politicians that either pander for votes using tax dollars, or are afraid to speak up, take a stand for fear of losing their power and golden goose life style. Thankfully there are a growing number of us that care enough for ‘everyone’ to try and set a more positive course for America.”
On a different but children related issue.
This should motivate everyone to vote this November. California needs a balanced budget and representatives that will stop robbing funds from the children of parents who died in 9/11.
AP: Schwarzenegger, Brown Used 9/11 Funds to Plug Deficits
May 29, 2012, 11:25 am Posted by KQED News Staff and Wires
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) After the 2001 terrorist attacks, California lawmakers sought a way to channel the patriotic fervor and use it to help victims’ families and law enforcement. Their answer: specialty memorial license plates emblazoned with the words, “We Will Never Forget.”
An AP review of the $15 million collected since lawmakers approved the “California Memorial Scholarship Program” shows only a small fraction of the money went to scholarships.Part of the money raised through the sale of the plates was to fund scholarships for the children of California residents who perished in the attacks, while the majority 85 percent was to help fund anti-terrorism efforts.
But an Associated Press review of the $15 million collected since lawmakers approved the “California Memorial Scholarship Program” shows only a small fraction of the money went to scholarships. While 40 percent has funded anti-terror training programs, $3 million was raided by Gov. Jerry Brown and his predecessor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to plug the state’s budget deficit.
Millions more have been spent on budget items with little relation to direct threats of terrorism, including livestock diseases and workplace safety.
Moreover, the California Department of Motor Vehicles has been advertising the plates as helping the children of Sept. 11 victims even though the state stopped funding the scholarship program seven years ago. The specialty plate fund continues to take in $1.5 million a year.
Californians who lost loved ones in the attacks take the raid on the license plate fund as an affront to the memory of those who died.
Full story here:
Peggy I believe the same has been done with lottery money! I know funds that were supposed to be dedicated to roads and bridges (gas taxes) have been “borrowed” to the general fund.
Its a find the pea under the shell game for sure. They transfer huge funds from one dept/division to another until its impossible to follow the amounts to the original point of record.
Remember when we voted the Lottery in to help our schools? Well guess what, with the passage of Prop. 98 all they did was reduce the amount allocated and supplant the monies. The schools budgets either stayed the same or increased very little.
This has been going on since I was working many years ago.
2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Proposition 98 Education Programs
In this report, we analyze major budget issues affecting K12 education, child care, and CCC, with a focus on Proposition 98 issues. Voters enacted Proposition 98 in 1988 as an amendment to the California Constitution. The measure, which was later modified by Proposition 111, establishes a minimum annual funding level to support K14 education. Proposition 98 funding constitutes around threefourths of total K14 funding, with the remainder of support coming from federal funds, special funds (such as lottery revenues), fee revenue (such as CCC enrollment fees), and nonProposition 98 state General Fund dollars (which are largely dedicated to debt service on school facilities and costs for teacher retirement).
The 2010-11 Budget:
Proposition 98 and K-12 Education
The Governor portrays his 201011 budget proposal as protecting education from additional deep cuts. Nonetheless, the administrations budget plan would affect areas of education quite differently. Under the Governors plan, Proposition 98 support for K12 education would be cut from currentyear levels by $1.9 billion, and total funding for child care and development (CCD) programs would be cut slightly more than $300 million. In contrast, higher education mainly receives augmentations, with state funding for the California Community Colleges (CCC) increasing by $200 million, and funding for the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) increasing by about $800 million combined.
Some children of parents on food stamps are not getting the healthy food they need. Those who died in 9/11 are not receiving the schollarships guaranteed them with the purchase of special license plates and huge amounts of Lottery funds are not going toward supporting K-12 education as it was designed.
And they want to raise more taxes, add new taxes and ask us to vote them in again so they can continue to do more of the same? I don’t think so!!