Do Fish Think?

Posted by Jack

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4 Responses to Do Fish Think?

  1. Zed says:

    Do fish think? Of course they do! Recently a wild brown trout thought my mosquito imitation to be something good to eat.

  2. Toby says:

    I just finished feeding my fish before I got on here and saw this. I have no idea what fish think but I am pretty sure they can. Fish have good instincts so does that mean they can reason and if they can reason does that mean they can problem solve? I am pretty sure I saw one of my fancy guppy tell another one to pull its fin.
    They are fish, they swim,eat,crap and reproduce, dumb them down a little and you have the ideal Obama voter.

  3. Joseph says:

    Can fish think, eh?

    Well, they could do a much better job running this city than the gang of 5 on the city council!

    At least the fish wouldn’t pilfer as much money as possible from taxpayers and bankrupt the city along with micromanaging our lives right down to deciding if we will be allowed to receive a damn grocery bag in the grocery store!

    Free the fish, jail the politicians!

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