by Jack Lee
Obama’s, Speech to the Proletariat, given on July 13th, was exactly what the opposition needed to go on the attack and score big time.
In baseball terms this latest Obama speech was like a slow high pitch that hung ever so gently over home plate and all Romney had to do was wind up and knock it over the left field fence. But, he didn’t and I am just stunned and at a loss to explain why? Maybe you can tell me, why… WHY…. Romney isn’t ripping Obama to shreds over this? Just look at this material and this is only a sample:
“If you’ve been successful you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own! I’m always struck by people who think, it must be because I’m so smart! Well there’s a lot of smart people out there, and then they say it must be because I worked harder than everybody else! Let me tell you something, there are a whole bunch of hard working people out there!
If you were successful somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges, if you got a business, you didn’t build that – somebody else made that happen! The internet didn’t get built on its own, government research invented that so that all the companies could make money off the internet.
“You [wealthy people] moved your goods on roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces the rest of us paid for.” Excerpted from the speech by Barrack Hussein Obama, July 13th, 2012, Roanoke, Va.
Let me sum it up for you, Obama just said, it’s not you fault if you are not successful, it is the fault of the system and those who are successful.
See what I mean now? If Romney took this apart word for word he could make a good case that our President is a communist, or at the very least an extremist out of touch with the realities of the capitalist system. The roads and bridges were there for all of us. How does that have anything to do with some people being more successful than others? It doesn’t. But, being smart, risking everything and working damn hard sure does! Every business owner in America should be offended by his snide remarks. Everyone who understands the free enterprise system and is gainfully employed should be offended.
The President is a college professor and a community organizer and this guy doesn’t know the first thing about what it takes to make a go of it in the private sector. He has no concept of the challenges to running business and employing people. His speech proves it, this was just a string of catchy phrases strung together to evoke wild cheers
from the liberal masses who are being told, if you are not successful its not your fault, it’s the rich! That’s a populist message, it’s class warfare and it’s this kind of material you would expect to find in the old cold war rhetoric.
Let’s be perfectly honest and blunt, what Obama is talking about comes straight from a collectivist (communist) mindset. No, I don’t believe Obama is a true communist, but I think he comes from that theoretical world of academia where their communist leanings have strongly influenced his core beliefs. How else do you explain this speech and the one before in Columbus, Ohio, May 5, 2012, which sounded very similar.
How many of your friends are subscribers to Marxism, former terrorists or black militants? Zero probably, but our president has a list of friends of highly questionable far left character that all of the above.
This backdrop and these leftist speeches was the perfect setup for Mitt to go bonkers and creme Obama. It was his time to swing for the fences and knock this commie speech right out of the ball park. This was last Friday, and what have you heard Mitt say about it? Yeah, that’s right…not much.
Mitt is trailing in the polls and every opportunity that he has to hold Obama accountable for his words and his deeds should not be missed. On Saturday morning Ed Gillespie, Romney’s campaign adviser was on a political talk show. The moderator had Gillespie stuttering, stammering and avoiding answering a direct question all over this Bain Capital thing. Gillespie looked like a liar trying to weasel out of the answer and divert it to answering a question that was not asked. I was embarrassed by his performance and for the Romney campaign.
Folks, I am so disappointed at this juncture. We can’t afford 4 more years of Obama and yet, missed opportunities and missteps is exactly the kind of thing that is going to get him re-elected!
If you didn’t like his last 4 years, you sure won’t like the next 4 when he has no more reason to hold back or moderate his leftist agenda.
Want to read more of Obama’s speech? CLICK HERE.
Please. Every word of Obama’s you quoted is 100% true. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase, “No man is an island?” Or do you think that’s just a communist propaganda tagline?
I don’t understand this growing, extreme aversion to the very idea that human beings need other human beings to survive. The idea that no one can completely do it on their own without some form of help seems like common sense to me. I didn’t learn this idea in college, or “propaganda school” as Tina so charmingly calls it. I learned it from my parents, and from living my life. I think it’s an idea that most Americans agree with. Perhaps Romney isn’t challenging this because he knows it would be absurd to do so. The statements you quoted should not offend anyone. Any non-delusional successful person knows that what Obama said was true.
The implication is, of course, that to be successful, you are dependent upon government to make it possible.
And here I thought that Jimmy Carter was the premier presidential horses’ ass. Barack Hussein Obama has far excelled him.
Who does Obama think he is reaching out to other than a narrow base of witless progressives?
Good job Obama! But you are right, where the heck is Romney on these slow pitch softballs going straight over the plate? He should be ripping this idiot to shreds.
Maybe Romney is going by the old saw that when your opponent is digging himself a hole you should simply stay out of the way.
Addenda to the above: Just heard Romney addressing commie Obama’s idiotic speech about success in a news sound bite. He is starting take him to task.
Perhaps Romney did not pounce because your contrivance is not what Obama said at all, but a creation of your own.
Obama was making a pitch to sustain the system of “leg-ups” that’s made the country what it is, i.e., public expenditures on health, education and welfare. Romney can hardly stand up and assert that a public health clinic is a waste of money, now can he?
Zed: “The implication is, of course, that to be successful, you are dependent upon government to make it possible.”
That’s correct. The American system of government does make success possible. Are you really going to pretend to disagree with that? Why? What purpose does that act serve?
Libby, so you can’t believe it, huh? That’s good Libs, if you can’t believe Obama would say such a thing then it shows you have your limits of what you will put up with.
Good for you.
Would you like to hear the speech in his own words? It’s out here on the net and that is how I got it. I had to keep starting and stopping the speech so I could get it all word for word. What you saw is absolutely correct.
Here, I’ll save you the trouble of doing your own homework… here’s a link to the speech in question, but there are others including ABC News.
Libby: “Obama was making a pitch to sustain the system of “leg-ups” that’s made the country what it is, i.e., public expenditures on health, education and welfare. Romney can hardly stand up and assert that a public health clinic is a waste of money, now can he?”
If true he has proven his utter incompetence to encourage the golden goose that supports these government contrivances of health, education and welfare.
It is a a flawed belief that government MUST provide these. The people did pretty well without the government’s involvement in these areas. for decades. An argument could be made today that we would be better off had the people relied on themselves and each other more and government less.
The incredible debt that has accrued in the federal government, the various states, and the local municipalities is a testiment to the total lack of capability of government to serve the people well. Our educational system has failed to produce well-educated young adults despite all the money spent (wasted) and still you want more of the same? Healthcare has been ruined by the introduction of government programs.
Jack BHO has never done anything without the help of someone else. He was sponsored to private schools and promoted in politics. He benefitted from the largess of others. He has no experience of putting his own money at risk or meeting a payroll. It’s not surprising, since his many mentors were communists, that he has no appreciation for freedom, individual risk and effort, or the many contributions that business people make.
This lack of understanding and experience makes for a terrible leader of the free world, however. He should have stuck with community organizing…Chicago is his kind of town.
He said: “Somebody (i.e., all of us) helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.”
How you can twist this to feed your insatiable and numerous resentments is beyond me.
Libby he said if you have a business you didn’t do that…somebody else made that happen. That is a lie. It is a lie because it denies individual effort and sacrifice and implies the collective is necessary. We live in a free country and freedom allows the individual to pursue his dreams. Everyone stands on the shoulders of nthose who go before us but not everyone takes the chance to become a wealth builder and grow a business.
Obama doesn’t get it because he didn’t do a damn thing to make his special life happen nor did he risk personal treasure. he was promoted all along the way by others…it is all he knows!
Tina: “… government contrivances of health, education and welfare…
It is a a flawed belief that government MUST provide these. The people did pretty well without the government’s involvement in these areas. for decades.”
I have to know, did you manage to type that with a straight face? Were you drunk?
Or do you honestly believe that most Americans were better off in terms of education, health care, and income before the 1900s?
I’ll bet Pres. Obama was referring to his wife Michelle’s trip to Africa. She sure didn’t get there on her own, did she? No, we paid for it.
After all she is the president’s wife and deserved to relish in the benefits accorded his success and have us pay for her vacations.
No, she sure didn’t do it alone did she? She had lots of help. Ours!
Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Detailing the Cost to Taxpayers for Michelle Obamas Family Trip to Africa
Charges for the Aircraft and Crew Alone Amount to $424,142
Washington, DC October 4, 2011
Judicial Watch, the organization that investigates and fights government corruption, announced today that it has obtained mission expense records and passenger manifests from the United States Air Force related to the June 21-27, 2011, trip taken by First Lady Michelle Obama, her family and her staff to South Africa and Botswana.
Judicial Watch obtained the documents pursuant to an August 19, 2011, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Air Force (No. 11-1496)). Judicial Watch is investigating the purpose and
itinerary of the trip as well as a breakdown of the costs to taxpayers.
On June 28, 2011, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request seeking the mission taskings, transportation records, and passenger manifests for Michelle Obamas Africa trip. Documents were only provided after Judicial Watch filed suit:
According to U.S. Department of Defenses published hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip, Judicial Watch calculated the total cost to American taxpayers was $424,142 for use of the aircraft
(34.8 flight hours x $12,188 per hour). (The C-32 is a specially configured military version of the Boeing 757.) Other expenses meals (off the plane), transportation, security, various services, etc. have yet to be disclosed.
The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obamas daughters, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as Senior Staff. The manifests also list Mrs. Obamas mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obamas
makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright).
The expense records also show $928.44 was spent for bulk food purchases on flight. Overall, during the trip, 192 meals were served for the 21 passengers on board.
The professed purpose of Michelle Obamas trip to South Africa and Botswana was to encourage young people living in the two growing democracies to become involved in national affairs; and during her scheduled stops in Pretoria and Cape Town, South Africa and in Gaborone, the capital of Botswana, the First Lady used the opportunity
to speak on education, health and wellness issues. The trip also included such tourist events as visits to historical landmarks and museums, plus a nonworking chance to send time with Nelson Mandela, a meeting that Mrs. Obama described as surreal. The trip ended with a
private family safari at a South African game reserve before the group returned to Washington on June 27. This trip was as much an opportunity for the Obama family to go on a safari as it was a trip to conduct government business, said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. This junket wasted tax dollars and the resources of our overextended military. No wonder we had to sue to pry loose this information.
“Libby he said if you have a business you didn’t do that…somebody else made that happen.”
No, you said that.
Pull a quote … I dare you. And don’t go partial … I have access … the internet is a wonderful thing.
The unhappy fact is you’ve been fed this … “construction” … by Romney’s twisters, and you need to go read the speech … all the words … like they are on the page.
Libby he was off teleprompter and he said, “…if you have a business you didn’t do that somebody else made that happen. His remarks about the collective contribution is just more on the same collective theme. He said it because he believes it. To Obama, and folk like you, the collective is all there is. “WE” do everything…even if we do nothing and others do all the work it is still something “we do”. That makes all money generated by those who work “OUR MONEY”. Obama is the guy that the collective put in charge of spend “OUR MONEY” and he want to keep spending OUR money. He wants to decide how OUR money is distributed. MARX WOULD BE SO PROUD!
You need to read between the hucksters lines. You are a dupe…and quite possibly a dope to boot.
Outraged citizens spoke up on this remark before Romney got his own licks in. This was the most revealing thing Obama has said since he dropped the facade in 2007 with Joe the plumber and made that spread the wealth remark.
Tina: “You need to read between the hucksters lines.”
Are you admitting that this is what you have done, refused to take the man at his word, and in context, but gone off, half-cocked, on some wildly resentful tangent of your own creation?
I just can’t see any point in doing that, so I won’t.
The pundits were very cute today, saying that all this nit-picking has actually got our candidates discussion an actual issue of some importance: in these less-than-prosperous times, are we going to continue our commitment to, nay, even improve upon, the social institutions that make it possible for an individual in this country to thrive?
We are all panting to hear from Romney how slashing federal education spending will accomplish this. I’m looking forward to some wildly obfuscatory verbiage on that point.
I am taking the man at his word. He thinks government is our father provider…its a crock. All that extraneous nonsense about the collective just wraps the Marxist message in warm fuzzies and you buy into the ruse like a good little girl.
I think people are on to the causes of cuts in education. Instead of educating kids with taxpayer dollars we’re filling the pockets and pensions of educators, service employees, and the bureaucrats of government. Those early retirement fat pensions and healthcare perks are helping to bankrupt municipalities all over the country…our kids are paying a heavy price for all of that greed. Tenure ensures lousy teachers can ruin kids chances for decades but hey the teach hit the jackpot!
Now the house of cards is crumbling and what do progressives do? Take responsibility for their ridiculous unsustainable demands and make amends? Hell no! Instead they double down to federalize the entire health care sector to save their own sorry butts while pretending its for “the poor”. Then they point fingers at Republicans using innuendo and lies.
Talk about making us PUKE…Jack nailed it with that one.
Oh and by the way…when it comes to failing to educate kids while wasting piles of cash try looking into the Obama/Ayers Annenberg Challenge fiasco (From a 2008 article):
Note: The so-called greedy private businessman pledged (gave) a half a billion dollars; the progressive know-it-alls wasted every dollar!
The article failed to stop the Obama Obama frenzy and Obama was elected President.
Utter failure has been repeated with our entire budget with Obama and progressive Democrats in control. They have spent (wasted) three years worth of taxes and stimulus and all we have to show for it is greater debt, high unemployment, a bunch of failed or propped up energy companies including some outsourced to other countries, more people than ever on food stamps and disability, another expensive complex entitlement program, future taxes that will further erode jobs built in to the health care law, less money for education, sloooooooooow to zero recovery in the housing market, and a president that has held over one hundred fund raisers for himself and in his three years played almost 4 times as many rounds of golf (93) as GWB played in eight years.
Progressives love to live high on the hog…on other peoples money…they don’t give a rats butt about producing a great product or a workable, successful, valuable result.
FREEDOM creates the space in which individuals, taking a personal risk and investing their own creativity, time and effort, grow a business, create wealth and opportunity for others AND generate ALL of the monies that flow to government for roads and services. That is how it works in America and that is what has made America the destination of peoples from all over the world. Central planning they had in their own countries…it is why they leave to come to America.
Tina: “Libby he was off teleprompter and he said, “…if you have a business you didn’t do that somebody else made that happen.”
It’s kind of amazing how you think that you can take the president’s words out of context even AFTER you’ve already quoted him in context, and no one will notice.
What he actually said was:
“Somebody invested in roads and bridges, if you got a business, you didn’t build that – somebody else made that happen!”
It’s not his most eloquent construction, but it seems clear that “you didn’t build that” refers to the roads and bridges, not the business.
You didn’t get there on your own, Tina. None of us have. Pointing that out isn’t Marxist. It’s just a fact. Perhaps you and many other conservatives are offended by this fact and find it politically incorrect. But that doesn’t make it any less true.
Chris: “It’s kind of amazing how you think that you can take the president’s words out of context even AFTER you’ve already quoted him in context, and no one will notice.”
I didn’t think any such thing! His full remarks have been well covered and placed in context…you he still can’t avod the fact that he said, “…if you got a business, you didn’t build that – somebody else made that happen!”
His comments contained a blatant lie: “You moved your goods on roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces the rest of us paid for.”
So wealthy people and business and factory owners DON”T PAY TAXES? Wealth builders don’t make all of those other things possible? What a crock!
Business and factory owners pay the employees and the taxes associated with their employment. They pay both corporate and business taxes if they are incorporated. They pay property taxes that fund education. They pay gasoline taxes that (supposedly) go toward the infrastructure. To dismiss this achievement (and contribution) is absolutely nuts…and extremely Marxist.
The president is GROUNDED in his community organizer, us against them, mentality! He’s so indoctrinated (Marxist) he can’t think straight! He has no respect or appreciation for the millions of Americans that risk and create businesses, that put people to work, that create the wealth that funds EVERYTHING in this country. He has no money to spend on Solyndra and big labor unless those people take that risk.
“You didn’t get there on your own, Tina. None of us have.”
A very nice philosophical axim…no man is an island and all that feel good stuff. If anyone appreciates and understands that he “didn’t get there on his own” it is the business owner…because he knows on a very personal level what it takes to create something from nothing and what it takes to engage others in support of that idea.
But the President’s remarks reveal a very different basic underpinning. NOBODY that has ever started a business would make that remark. NOBODY!!! Nobody with the slightest understanding of how wealth is created would make that remark. Grandmothers whose pensions include investments would not make that remark. Only an inexperienced community organizer that has never had to work very hard, and that made his living by playing in local, state, and federal politics paid with OTHER PEOPLES MONEY, would make such an ignorant, insulting, direspectful, and terribly wrong remark.
Obama has been coddled, funded, and promoted to the highst office in the land with money and energy provided by the work of others and that is why he could make that statement. He didn’t get there on his own!
His remarks are Marxist because they reflect his collective thinking…there is no room for extraordinary achievement because “you” didn’t do that…”we” did that. It’s a crock, Chris, and deserving of the contempt and derision it’s receiving.
“So wealthy people and business and factory owners DON”T PAY TAXES?”
Extreme partisanship is very bad for your reading comprehension, Tina. Obama never said that business owners don’t pay taxes. He is saying that they are not the ONLY ones who pay those taxes. The roads and bridges are paid for by all.
This is really not that difficult to understand.
“A very nice philosophical axim…no man is an island and all that feel good stuff.”
That “feel good stuff” is 100% true.
“If anyone appreciates and understands that he “didn’t get there on his own” it is the business owner…”
OK, so here you admit that what Obama said is 100% true…
“But the President’s remarks reveal a very different basic underpinning. NOBODY that has ever started a business would make that remark. NOBODY!!!”
And here you say that even though it’s true, and business owners know it more than anybody, no business owner would ever say it? Huh? That makes no sense.
Why shouldn’t they say it? Because it’s politically incorrect?
You are so hysterical that you’re not even making sense any more. And you wonder why I think you are motivated by hatred the president? When your comments are so irrational, over-the-top, and contradictory, what am I supposed to think? You have presented no valid arguments against this speech by Obama, only emotional whining.
“Those ads taking my words about small business out of context – they’re flat out wrong. Of course Americans build their own businesses. Every day, hard-working people sacrifice to meet a payroll, create jobs, and make our economy run. And what I said was that we need to stand behind them, as America always has — by investing in education and training, roads and bridges, research and technology.
I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message because I believe we’re all in this together.”