Violent Crimes Hitting Chico Hard

by Jack Lee


If you live in Chico you know there are some streets or neighborhoods that have more than their share of low-life’s and calls for service by the cops. These areas are crime riddled and a few of the really bad neighborhoods just happen to be close to northwest corner of the CSUC campus. An area where students should avoid, if they can.

Can you guess what is the main thing these rough areas have in common? Yep. . .welfare. This question was way too easy. So, what else do you think these places have in common? If you said, single parent families with lots of kids who all have different last names, you would be right. And dare I say it… yes, there’s at least a 50-50 chance alcohol, drugs and/or child abuse is involved somewhere.

This is the kind of high risk environment that produces future inmates. The kids in these hoods grow up to be predators and they do real bad things to people..people like naive college students who wind up being raped, beaten or stabbed because they didn’t know they were at risk in our nice little community.

Walk down Columbus Ave. in the daylight and you’ll see what I mean, what a zoo! Then come back after dark, no on second thought, better not unless you are looking to be victim. Between you and me, if that whole street was blown up, I bet crime would drop by 20%! The police know this only too well. They spend way too much of their time in these areas and I know they would do something about it if they could. Ask any officer and they will tell you 10% of our population are generally responsible for 90% of the calls. Well, it just doesn’t have to be like that.

There’s no good reason why the people of Chico have to put up itinerant bums, punks, drunks, dopers and criminals endangering lives and property. The City of Chico needs to get tough to match the tough threat. And I bet they could, if the new Chief really wanted too, but right now he’s still new and just getting settled in. So, we may have to wait a little longer for some action…but time is not on our side, nor his. People are expecting a lot from the new Chief.

Crime is a big problem that seems to be getting worse every year – take a look the violent crime stats above? Average out the graph and you got a constantly growing problem.

What could be done? Here’s a really old tactic, but it still works great to clean up seedy areas. The cops could start notifying the slum-lords that their property may soon qualify for a red-light abatement (seizure) because of re-occurring crime on the premises. Whoa, now that always get’s the landlords attention. It often results in a whole lot of evictions too! Now that’s but one of dozens of pro-active things that can be done if there was half a will to do it.

I sure hope this Chief starts getting some inspiration, because the guys on the department would love to be making some good busts and taking back the streets from hoods, instead of simply doing tedious patrolling and responding to crimes after the fact. That’s bad for moral! A cop is there because he wants to make a difference – he wants to drop crime right on its head, but he must rely on his bosses to let him.

Here’s another idea…I’ve long wondered why the police don’t try to use a police decoy in these high crime areas? Wouldn’t take much trolling to bag some felons. But, for some reason we sure haven’t seen much creative law enforcement? With all the high tech electronic surveillance equipment available, the stake out cars, ect. you would think the cops would be all over these dirtbag predators. Wonder what’s holding them back? (see above)

I’ll make a real safe prediction, if something isn’t done about the violent crime here, the word is going to get around and then students are going to start looking for safer places to attend college, then we all lose.

Chico has always been a nice place to live and I would like to keep it that way, but the liberals in city government have been working against us property owners, catering to the welfare bums, parolees and psychos like they were family…hmmm, maybe they are? As a result, Chico is sliding right into the sewer with crime just like Oroville. Do we really want to be like Oroville?

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18 Responses to Violent Crimes Hitting Chico Hard

  1. juanita says:

    how about the military guy up in Redding who tried to have his pregnant girlfriend murdered? I wonder what “hood” he grew up in!

    Chico has always been a nice place to live? Tell that to the late Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Chiapella, tortured for three days in their Chico home and finally murdered, by a guy the college sent over to mow their lawn. And then there was the beating death of that transient, right in Downtown Chico – killed by two drunk Butte College students, just beaten to a pulp with one of those large water bottles. And let’s not forget the boy from Willits who was beaten to death by the boy from Vallejo – two Chico State students living at “The Zoo”, getting into a fight over a car.

    I could go on, but I’ll get to the point. Explain to me how the cops could have prevented any of those above crimes? Explain to me how structured overtime protects us?Tell me, when will Chico PD start DOING THEIR JOBS?

    As for that crack about Oroville – listen Jack, next time you’re out on that ranch in Butte City, you can think about my grandmother’s old friend Anna Cecil. Ask the folks down at the Afton Store about the 83 year old woman who was raped and murdered in her home out there. They’ve never caught the culprits. Sleep tight, locked and loaded.

  2. Harold Ey says:

    Hot topic Jack, I hope this gets people thinking about what can be done, verse whats happening right now in Chico.
    Yes a stronger police presence is needed ,at least until we can thwart the criminal element from invading Chico any more that it has already. I feel that one place to start is rebuilding a City council that is pro active toward community safety, verse the anal direction the majority of five have taken on issues of this nature. I.E Holcomb for example, who’s idea of creating a homeless tent city would only add to the the problem of street crime. A city the size of Chico should only be expected to help it’s citizens re enter society as a productive person, not invite the world to camp here for free room and board. Of the people I know on the CPD, they are as concerned as I am, but when a city council and city manager restricts the police department as they do , the only positive remedy would be replace them with Civic stewards that have basic common sense, and less of the Bay Area liberal ideology. Chico was once a great place to raise a family, however these past liberal council majority’s have turned it into a destination of the aimless, and criminal faction you are taking about, while depleting ALL city cash reserves on frivolous projects, like the ‘PLOW’. So until the Welcome sign is removed by a safer community minded group on the council, and we deal with the scope of current crime problems at hand, one can bank on the fact, that nothing will be done by this majority of Five on the current council!

  3. Tina says:

    There is a difference between sudden unexpected violent or criminal events and the criminal culture that exists in our cities today. Jack is looking at ways we could discourage these criminally intentioned elements. Unfortunately the police can mostly act only after crimes are committed.

    Section eight, administered by HUD, has helped to make our cities less safe by moving criminal cultures into our neighborhoods through liow cost housing.

    In the Section 8 Program, tenants pay about 30 percent of their income for rent, while the rest of the rent is paid with federal money.


    Moving section eight housing into the suburbs seems to have been the big idea back in the early eighties when drive by shootings were terrorizing poor communities in big cities. This move may have been well intentioned, and I hope it has helped some families with young children, but the menace of the criminal culture was supplanted along with families looking for opportunity for their kids.

    As for hitting those absentee owners there are certain limitations that make eviction a challenge. HUD requires judicial action to evict and California eviction laws are pretty tough:

    Recent laws designed to abate drug dealing 295 and unlawful use, manufacture, or possession of weapons and ammunition,296 permit a city attorney or prosecutor in selected jurisdictions 297 to file an unlawful detainer action against a tenant based on an arrest report (or other action or report by law enforcement or regulatory agencies) if the landlord fails to evict the tenant after 30 days notice from the city. The tenant must be notified of the nature of the action and possible defenses.

    An unlawful detainer lawsuit is a “summary” court procedure. This means that the court action moves forward very quickly, and that the time given the tenant to respond during the lawsuit is very short. For example, in most cases, the tenant has only five days to file a written response to the lawsuit after being served with a copy of the landlord’s summons and complaint.298 Normally, a judge will hear and decide the case within 20 days after the tenant or the landlord files a request to set the case for trial.299

    The court-administered eviction process assures the tenant of the right to a court hearing if the tenant believes that the landlord has no right to evict the tenant. The landlord must use this court process to evict the tenant; the landlord cannot use self-help measures to force the tenant to move. For example, the landlord cannot physically remove or lock out the tenant, cut off utilities such as water or electricity, remove outside windows or doors, or seize (take) the tenant’s belongings in order to carry out the eviction. The landlord must use the court procedures.

    If the landlord uses unlawful methods to evict a tenant, the landlord may be subject to liability for the tenant’s damages, as well as penalties of up to $100 per day for the time that the landlord used the unlawful methods.300

    Even if the tenant chooses to leave quietly, the property is often pretty much destroyed and neighborhood property values continue in a downward spiral.

    The current fill in building policies in our fair city will create a few future ghetto areas…little boxes jammed into small spaces easily become low rent areas as first home buyers move on.

    I don’t think there is much hope of saving us from the current criminal culture. If there is any hope at all it would follow getting the people back into churches and committed to the stability of the family. A strong no quarter attitude toward criminals is also needed but for that we will need prisons and very strict sentencing. It may be that the private sector will have to be enlisted to make this cost effective…our current public prisons are very expensive to run. We need to end prisoner perks, like exercise equipment and television.

    I’m also all for Arpaio Tent Cities with hard work requirements for first and minor offenders.

    Bottom line: we need to send the message that we will not tolerate criminal behavior and if you do the crime life will be very hard and very restricted.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Yep… this is why I got out of the house rental business.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Juanita, the murdered woman you speak of lived just down the road from the ranch, we pass it every day or we did until they finally tore the place down. The word was, she was murdered by an illegal Mexican passing through. The Doc and his wife, they were done in because well meaning liberals lowered the bar and allowed a predator to attend CSUC and he did what predators do.

    He murdered these people in cold blood and he should never have been here and he wouldn’t have been here, except for the idiot liberals who invited him.

    If we had no affirmative action in the college system at the time we probably would have avoided a lot of problems, but on the flip side a lot of decent, struggling minorities got a break. They didn’t commit any crimes, so things like that murder became a trade off… in blood… for them. I hope they appreciate it .

    Juanita, as a cop who worked the streets of Oroville. I know up close and personal how mean that place can be, even though there are plenty of decent folks living there. The small minority of bad people make it miserable. And it doesn’t take much. Sadly, Oroville was a dumping place for parolees, it was home to a lot of people living on the fringes of society. It was the Welfare Center. We also had the south side, a rough place. We had the rednecks, the bikers, the gangs, the crank labs too. At one time Oroville had the highest per capita violence of any city in the state. We need to learn from what happened to Oroville because Chico is starting to look a lot like Oroville.

  6. Rex Crosley says:

    Hey you rich people are complaining about the plethora of trash that fills our streets yet you refuse to fund programs that will educate and rehabilitate these people. Instead you blame them for wanting a handout meanwhile our government is funding a no bid jihad against poorer nations.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    How much would it take to educated and rehabilitate “these” people Rex? Do we have enough to cover everyone who needs it, but doesn’t want it? How do you force them Rex? C’mon, I’m waiting for some answers. And whats a no bid jihad?

  8. Tina says:

    Rex I don’t know what rich people you are referring to but I do know there’s a big hole in your argument.

    America offers all children a free K-12 education. Multiple scholarships for higher education are available and many go unused year after year. A lot of students manage to get higher education degrees by working and going to school. If they can accomplish these things it’s possible for others to do the same.

    The blame for the plight on many of these people, if that is what we are dishing out, is on themselves for failing to take advantage of a free education and their own innate skills and abilities. There are other factors that figure in but a lack of educational opportunity isn’t one of them.

    Also a lot of money is given freely each year to places like the Salvation Army to help the homeless and indigent. We pay taxes…a lot of taxes…for various programs to help the poor…so for you to say we “refuse to fund” programs is not really the truth either.

    Drug or alcohol abuse and/or mental problems plague a lot of the people in our streets and many of them refuse help. The progressive big idea to set some mental patients free in the seventies has added to the problem.

  9. Rex Crosley says:

    “What is a no bid jihad?”

    When Israel points us at their enemies, our soldiers fight in the name of Christ and haliburton and G.E. go in to rebuild their infrastructure using billions of our tax dollars.

  10. Rex Crosley says:

    Tina, it is hard for an under privileged person to take use of many of our bureaucratic opportunities when they are busy worrying about sustaining their own basic human needs (food, shelter, healthcare, safety, etc…) The amount of money we put towards helping and educating people is a pittance compared to what we spend on wars, government salaries and bailouts. Your argument assumes that everybody has had the same healthy upbringing and guidance you had, but the truth is that the people on the street don’t know how to get off the street and there is no one willing to teach them. The people that steal and commit crimes aren’t doing it because they like it, they are doing it to feed themselves the only way they know how. There are so many solutions that don’t even get brought up because both sides of the argument have been taken over by the mainstream and marginalized. In my opinion it would probably be cheaper to feed these people and give them all the drugs they want, than it would be to keep locking them up and having them come out more dangerous and mentally ill than when they went in, over and over again.

  11. Harrriet says:

    About 1990 or so,I read in the ER someone warning about gangs in Chico, She stated that it is beginning and we would do well to “nip it in the bud”, this woman was given grief to dare suggest that gangs were in Chico,

    Sad that people did not listen.

  12. Post Scripts says:

    Harriet the one agency that had the best opportunity to nip gangs in their very beginning was LAPD, and their stupid liberal mayor Tom Bradley and their stupid liberal council put an end to it. LAPD could have wiped out 90% of the budding street gangs we now see moving up the coast and infecting small towns like Chico. WHAT A FREAKIN SHAME AND DO LIBERALS TAKE ANY ACCOUNTABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR THIS DISASTER? Of course not.

  13. Tina says:

    Rex: “When Israel points us at their enemies, our soldiers fight in the name of Christ and haliburton and G.E. go in to rebuild their infrastructure using billions of our tax dollars.”

    How old are you, Rex? It seems like your worldview is pretty limited.

    Israel is an ally for several reasons. We are both secular democracies. That means religion is a matter of choice in both nations. Our laws and mores are both heavily influenced by the Ten Commandments and teachings of the Bible but we are both still secular. Neither nation has an interest in taking over and ruling in other nations.

    Israels enemies ARE our enemies because they hate both countries for this reason. it is a threat to their desires to establish a worldwide caliphate ruled by a Muslim Imam under Sharia.

    I offer the following quote as evidence…there are many more:

    Osama bin Laden told a CNN interviewer in 1997, “We declared jihad against America because America is unjust, criminal and tyrannical.” excerpt from an al Qaeda manifesto:

    “America is the head of heresy in our modern world, and it leads an infidel democratic regime that is based upon separation of religion and state and on ruling the people by the people via legislating laws that contradict the way of Allah and permit what Allah has prohibited. This compels the other countries to act in accordance with the same laws in the same ways . . . and punishes any country [that rebels against these laws] by besieging it, and then by boycotting it. By so doing [America] seeks to impose on the world a religion that is not Allah’s.”

    Ayatollah Khomeini said, “Americans are the great Satan, the wounded snake.”

    Given the Ayatollah’s opinion I recommend the following article about how he came to power:

    Recently Jimmy Carter was on television, denouncing President Bushs policies in Iraq. I find this highly ironic, because Jimmy Carter and his liberal advisers helped the Ayatollah Khomeini to come to power in Iran a quarter of a century ago. Thus they gave radical Islam control of its first major state. How this happened is worth recalling, because from Carters failure theres a valuable lesson to be learned in Iraq.

    Islamic radicals have been around since the 1920s, but for decades they were outsiders even in the Muslim countries. One of their leading theoreticians, Sayyid Qutb, argued that radical Muslims could not just promulgate theories and have meetings; they must seek to realize the Islamic state in a concrete form. What was needed, he wrote, was to initiate the movement of Islamic revival in some Muslim country. Once the radicals controlled a state, he suggested, they could then use it as a beachhead for launching the takeover of other Muslim countries.

    In 1979, Qutbs goal was achieved when the Ayatollah Khomeini seized power in Iran. The importance of the Khomeini revolution is that it demonstrated the viability of the Islamic theocracy in the modern age. And to this day post-Khomeini Iran provides a viable model of what the Islamic radicals hope to achieve throughout the Muslim world.

    Khomeini also popularized the idea of America as a great Satan. Before Khomeini, no Muslim head of state had said this about America. Khomeini was also the first Muslim leader in the modern era to advocate violence as a religious duty and to give special place to martyrdom. Since Khomeini, Islamic radicalism has continued to attract aspiring martyrs ready to confront the Great Satan. In this sense, the seeds of 9/11 were sown a quarter of a century ago when Khomeini came to power.

    Our country has NEVER fought in the name of Christ! We defend ourselves and others under the banner of freedom. It is the ONE duty that the federal government was given under the Constitution.

    Haliburton and GE are among the few companies in our country with the capability to quickly put in place those things that are necessary to support our military in defense of the nation. It’s not a big conspiracy!

    ” Your argument assumes that everybody has had the same healthy upbringing and guidance you had…”

    Sorry big guy that’s not an excuse that holds water. A lot of the kids IO went to school with were from poor families. My own mother was an orphan by aged twelve. She was pushed, as she put it, from pillar to post as a teenager until she married my dad at aged 21. She managed to clean house, cook, and babysit for the people that took her in and still get good grades and win a music scholarship. Her experience after her dad died in 1928 was a lot of days when she, her mom, and six brothers had very little to nothing to eat! The depression years were tough but most of the kids still managed to take advantage of the FREE K-12 education that our nation provided.

    Attitudes, excuses, and temptations to take up the use of drugs and alcohol, rather than working toward a solid future, are the self imposed handicaps that plague street people…unfortunately our culture has encouraged and celebrated all of the wrong things and people have had little to support them in making good choices when they are brought up poor or parent-less (including emotionally absent). However, the individual cannot be forced to get himself help and no amount of funding will help until he does. This is basic. They teach it in AA but it applies to all addictions including the addiction to failure.

    “In my opinion it would probably be cheaper to feed these people and give them all the drugs they want…”

    Rex if that’s the answer why not just let them die of hunger in the streets; it would be cheaper to shovel up their remains and dump them in a land fill too.

    Look I understand it’s a problem but to suggest we don’t spend enough attempting to help these individuals is just not true:

    Defense and international security assistance, $718 billiontotal includes the cost of supporting operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, funding for which totaled $159 billion in 2011.

    (Total war cost $159 B…Safety net and food stamps $466 B and $78 B…

    Social Security $731 billion

    Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP: $769 billion.

    Safety net programs: $466 billion

    The cost of food stamps has increased in recent years as more people join the program, which will continue to expand through at least 2014, according to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report released Thursday.

    From 2007-2011 spending on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (the SNAP program, informally known as the food stamp program) increased 135 percent to reach a cost of $78 billion last year alone, the report reveals.

    Do some googling and you will find entries that show American charities are spending a lot on the homeless:

    Amount spent on charity care by Mary Washington Healthcare in 2009 $36.4 million

    During 2006 the Army spent $3 billion in serving people

    Gotta go…back later

  14. juanita says:

    Wow, Jack, I never knew the inside of your mind. I’m sorry. I wish you’d take the CTA off your mailing lists – we don’t want to take part in that rally you’re planning this fall after all.

  15. Post Scripts says:

    Wow, Juanita, then consider yourself removed. But, until I hear that from Casey, the CTA stays on the mailing list.

  16. Rex Crosley says:

    Look, ever since the beginning of time Christians and Muslims have been trying to exterminate each other. Why we as a nation take sides is a sign of ignorance. If people could just see that religion is a fake construct and that god isn’t real than perhaps humans could start evolving harmoniously instead of killing each other over fake ass religions and resources. Their extremism is a direct result of our oppressive policies.

  17. Post Scripts says:

    “Look, ever since the beginning of time Christians and Muslims have been trying to exterminate each other. Why we as a nation take sides is a sign of ignorance.”

    Rex…some might see this as supporting the side who doesn’t wish infidels dead and actively tries to make them that way.

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