Gun Control Won’t Create a More Civil Society


by Tina Grazier

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. – John 1:5

Stronger gun control won’t lead to a more civil society and it won’t make our citizens more law abiding. Gun control laws only attempt to increase power in the hands of the few; it fails to acknowledge, much less address, the underlying causes of incivility and lawlwessness. But this obvious truth didn’t stop the usual suspects from calling for stronger gun laws last week. At least two prominent Democrats were up on their gun law soapboxes following the multiple murders that rocked the Aurora community in Colorado. Senator Feinstein weighed in Friday:

“Today is a time for grieving, but my hope is the country will also reflect on the roots of gun violence that has again visited terror on an American community, claiming the lives of more innocents.”

Apparently Senator Feinstein prefers sticking with the old familiar “guns are violent” meme. But in Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell seemed to favor a more emotional appeal:

“The sad part is the only time we discuss any reasonable attempt to limit the sale and distribution of guns is after tragedies like this.”

Even sadder is the fact that these lawmakers would use an event like this to push the Democrat gun control agenda! What…are they less committed to gun control and violating the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms when all is quiet on the violence meter? Or is it that he doesn’t want a tragedy to go to waste?

Rendell is distraught but not because of the tragedy this man has visited on the victims and their families and friends. His deep concern is that politicians won’t grab this opportunity to push for gun control legislation and says it’s because they irrationally “fear the NRA”.

I’m concerned about Senator Feinstein’s and Governor Rendell’s lack of support and defense of our Constitution! Even if Rendell is right about lawmaker fears he would be wise to note that NRA members are fervently joined by most Americans, 73% total, who support the Second Amendment right of the individual to “keep and bear arms”. The people do not fear gun owners or guns. They do have a reasonable fear of those who would usurp the power and rights of the people in violation of the Constitution! And in today’s violent world they strongly believe they have a right to defend themselves against murderers, robbers, and intruders. And they know at the most basic human level that gun control is not the answer to the epidemic levels of violence, immorality, and disrespect that permeate our society.

Any country that hopes to remain civilized and maintain public order must also know and embrace the concept of right and wrong and hold individuals responsible for wrongdoing.

Modern Americans have failed miserably in this vital area. Those we place in positions of power and influence are part of the problem only because they too are the product of past decisions to eschew traditional morals and values. Many of today’s adults are of the generation that rejected the teachings of their elders. They substituted love of self, an open style of living and a collectivist brand of politics. This new context for America placed self-gratification at the forefront of ambitions, relieved the individual of responsibility, and disallowed judgment of others to create the illusion of collective innocence and peace. The reality, decades later, is dysfunction in every segment of our society.

Within the context of the basically good and peaceful the collective must create inanimate villains when peace is shattered and things go terribly wrong.

This is so because within the collective human beings are not responsible; circumstances, groups, conditions, and outside evils are responsible. Since individuals are not held to account the Tea Party can be blamed when a a violent shooting spree occurs. There is no need to make a connection of actual involvement. The perceived wrongdoing coupled with seriousness of the charge is sufficient to place blame. The Tea Party is not a person so it can be held up for judgment without violating the “thou shalt not judge” law of the collective.

In like fashion the SUV, rather than the driver, can be deemed guilty for crashing into a tree. The SUV’s crime is that it is not “green”…it is not environmentally correct.

Inequality or racism become the dastardly evil that keeps people of color from achieving the American Dream.

Justification often appears as “defendant” in court in the form of a poor upbringing or a disadvantaged childhood. It’s no surprise that these nonpersons are often sympathetically found “not guilty” even when evidence says otherwise.

These twin conditions are also the excuse when bands of youths go on murderous rampages in Chicago. They are the terrible forces that compel flash mob violence.

In contrast the rich 1%, is deemed guilty of “robbing” the 99% of wealth and opportunity. The designated percentage becomes a celebrated excuse for mayhem and destruction of property.

Is it any wonder our young people become involved in criminal lifestyles or succumb to commit acts of violence?

Stricter gun laws won’t prevent incidents like the one in Colorado. Recreating a moral, responsible context in America will also not put an end to these incidents. The Colorado shooter is an inevitable condition of fallen man in a fallen world.

We can, however, do something about the widespread criminal lifestyle. This condition lives in our society as a direct outcome of the failure to teach right and wrong, Teaching morals and values and holding individuals personally responsible is vital if we are to once again enjoy a more civilized, law abiding society.

Rededicating ourselves to principles and values would certainly give future generations of children a solid grounding. That firm grounding is missing today and is evident in the deplorable acts we witness in our cities on a daily basis. The event in Colorado, apparently the result of a mental and spiritual breakdown, will be handled in our courts and will determine what is to be done with Mr. Holmes. But what is to be done about lifestyles that consist of robberies, rapes, assaults, property destruction and murder? What’s to be done about acceptance of these elements in our society and blaming criminal activity on inanimate villains like a poor childhood? These criminal acts are not a result of a mental or psychic break. They are the result of a nation that left its moral underpinnings in the dust and mindlessly marched along a path toward an inevitably destructive and lawless future. We must vow to change that for future generations.

Our Founding Fathers warned about this outcome and suggested the cure.

“Self-love . . . is the sole antagonist of virtue, leading us constantly by our propensities to self-gratification in violation of our moral duties to others.” – Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, third president of the United States, and founder of the University of Virginia

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams, our second President and signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

“Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of that law which is divine. . . . Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other.” – James Wilson, Signer of the Constitution; U. S. Supreme Court Justice.

Certainly we need to restore solid family foundations and encourage church attendance. There’s a good chance that teaching our children more about the values our founders held dear would also help to make future generations more likely to be law abiding citizens. Gun rights are an important part of our heritage. Students should be instructed about gun rights and gun safety as part of their education. Unfortunately, we would probably have to re-educate many of our educators first but wouldn’t a more civil society be worth these efforts?

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9 Responses to Gun Control Won’t Create a More Civil Society

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Tina this may well be your finest writing.

  2. Tina says:

    Thank you Jack. This subject means a lot to me.

    Rush brought another element to my attention this morning that fits in with the self-love and self-gratification element. We have made celebrity the be all and bend all in life. Within this expectation making a living and having an ordinary successful life isn’t enough…it is failure. Our kids end up foregoing studies that would help them to earn a decent living in search of, for the majority, an empty dream. The constant reminder that to be someone you must be beautiful, hip, and celebrated adds a lot of pressure to a young mind.

    People seem to be uncomfortable talking about this stuff today. Nobody wants to be seen as old fashioned, snooty, or closed minded. But I think we had better get serious about it. The conditions in Chicago are ongoing and nobody thinks its a tragedy…why the he** not?

  3. Harold Ey says:

    I agree with Jack, I read this twice and then copied it and sent to friends. Outstanding work Tina, and Thank You for some common sense insight

  4. Tina says:

    Thanks for the words of encouragement, Harold, I’m pleased that you found it worthy of your, and apparently your friends’, time. We do what we can to serve this great nation, don’t we?

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Tina, you were a topic of conversation at the last BTA event Sunday. This event was to promote good candidates to run for our city council. Anyway, several folks mentioned your name because they love your writing and one person asked me if you were in the audience? I said no, that your true identity is confidential and you therefore can’t appear at our events. You must remain a mysterious figure for many reasons. ; )

  6. Tina says:

    Jack I greatly appreciate the kind words and support from these good citizens. Although I’m restricted in my ability to participate, I am prepared to offer whatever assistance to the cause my writing and posting brings as long as I have breath in my body. It’s the only power I have to effect outcomes in the city of Chico, our state and country.

    I’m very happy to see that more of those who are in the mix of things at the city level have begun to post comments and suggestions for articles on Post Scripts. Their voices are important and add significantly to our purpose.

    Right now…I gotta go!

  7. Libby says:

    “The Colorado shooter is an inevitable condition of fallen man in a fallen world.”

    That’s all very pious and uplifting but, in fact, he was a Ph.D. candidate in Neuroscience who (I expect we will find), had something go seriously wrong in his brain. No amount of church-going will prevent such a thing, but a ban on assault rifles would sustantially limit the amount of damage such people can do. It’s just common sense.

    “We can, however, do something about the widespread criminal lifestyle.”

    Again, he did not have one of those. And our civic leaders seem to lack both guts and common sense. Otherwise they tell the NRA to get stuffed, and do the sensible thing.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, I know you mean well when you say a ban on assault weapons would have prevented the Aurora killings, however please pay close attention to these facts:

    The weapons that did the most killing were not classified assault weapons. That’s right. Two pistols and a shotgun, they were not assault weapons.

    The AR-15, semi-auto, .223 cal., rifle he used with a 100 round drum magazine was the one weapon that jammed after a few rounds. And predictably so! A 100 round drum magazine is not reliable and no soldier would want to go into combat with that! He didn’t know squat about what he carried. That shotgun was far more lethal – but is would any lefty dare propose to ban shotguns? Nah, but the dangerous looking AR-15 gets a lot of attention, and often times non-gun people will call them AK-47’s.

    This should not be about looks. And it should not be about restricting the rights of 150 million legal gun owners because on demented person abused guns.

    Cars kill a thousand of times more people than guns in America, but do we call for a ban on cars?

    The fact is we have over 200,000,000 guns in our society and only a very tiny percentage of our population abuse them to commit crimes. Almost every time they do, they do it in a manner which violated an existing gun law! Why would you or anyone else think adding more gun laws would give us a different outcome?

    Libby, now pay extra close attention, this is very important and tell me how more laws would have helped. The theater in which Holmes shot all those people had a sign posted outside that said carrying a gun with a permit into the theater was prohibited. Everybody but one obeyed that law and you saw the results.

    Next point. When Holmes purchased his weapons he may have done so illegally because he probably checked that he was mentally competent. If you want to do something positive, then encourage that mental health facilities on campus be more proactive in spotting trouble.

    This guy was taking medical subjects related to neuroscience, funny that none of his professors notice he was freaking nuts.

  9. Tina says:

    Our leaders won’t tell the over 70% of Americans that support the Second Amendment to get stuffed because they would tell them to get stuffed and not bother to seek election next time.

    You are a minority voice, girl, you just don’t want to accept it.

    Someone that wants to rain such horror on citizens will always find a way…after all, it was once accomplished in spades with a few box cutters and airline tickets…no guns required; the folks just let em ride!

    “That’s all very pious and uplifting”

    Not at all…just the truth. Human beings are flawed and do despicable things. No amount of gun control will change that.

    It is also a statistical fact that our population was more likely, not less likely, to listen to his better angels (Jiminy Cricket) when the kids were going to church regularly:

    Good bye? Huh? Good bye? [Sees Pinocchio going off with Foulfellow and Gideon] Hey, Pinoke! You can’t go…! There he goes. What’ll I do? I’ll run and tell his father. No, that’d be snitching. I’ll go after him myself.

    Guns don’t kill people…PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.

    Our society is so cynical and sarcastic about the spiritual nature of mankind that it no longer lends support to the poor fallen sots of the world, men like Holmes, rather, it encourages the “Foulfellow” in him.

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