Get Out!

Thanks Peggy!

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6 Responses to Get Out!

  1. Peggy says:

    Here’s another one. Boy are they rolling in.

    Top 8 Reasons to (Dis)like Mitt Romney

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Very well done, the people that put this together are incredibly talented…and smart!

  3. Peggy says:

    Between now and Nov. 7th just could be fun.

    The news tonight says Obama is burning thru money faster then he’s bringing it in.

    He’s away from the WH trying to get more while he hasn’t met with his job’s council for over 6 months.

    His own party voted down his jobs bill.

    Only 18 congressional democrats have paid their dues to DNC. DNC is removing all the pictures of those who haven’t paid. (Guess the democRats feel they are on a sinking ship.)

    Romney IS going to Israel and two other countries Obama dissed for his whole first term. Today he said he’d go during his second term. Right! Like we’d believe him now.

    Think he’s kicking himself for going on vacation to Martha’s Vineyard and Hawaii twice, Florida and played over a hundred rounds of golf? Oh, and all of those countries he did visit, but bowed or apologized to.

    We are now in the worst times for jobs since 1965. Not something to be proud of.

    Census report is due out in October, just before the election. Hope the RNC and Romney’s PACs hold onto enough to get those results out.

    Yes, the next 100 or so days are looking pretty good. I think I’ll go pop some pop corn.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Hi Peggy, I sure hope people across America get the message and vote out Obama, I will sure do what I can to unseat him, albeit from a distance. But, here in California we are not allowed to be represented in the Presidential race because democrat dominated California is a winner take all state. All our delegates go to Obama and there’s not a thing we can about it.

    Being involved in the race was one of the main reasons why we joined our CRC organization and now millions of voters in California have no say in the race. It makes me sick. This is another reason to do away with the electoral college and go to a direct vote.

  5. Peggy says:

    I hear you Jack. Ive lived in CA all of my adult life and cant believe what a mess this beautiful state has turned in to under the democrats control. Its such a loosing battle and those that can are moving out because they are fed up. We used to be the state people moved to. Not any more. If I could talk my kids in to moving out I’d have the house up for sale tomorrow.

    Nationally, I know our presidential and senators votes dont count other then a protest. Our only voice is our House representative. Hopefully, well be successful in electing La Malfa to replace Herger. At least well have that. We do have several Republicans from CA in the House.

    It all depends on just how bad our economy is and if people will educate themselves to the facts and not fall for the used car salesman talk again used in 2008. At least with Romney he has a track record of being successful with his businesses and has provided jobs and helped others to enjoy a better life. With a success rate of close to 80% the odds are sure better with him then Obamas zero success rate.

    It cracks me up to hear the negative slams against Romney. First they say he wasnt successful and want to talk only about the jobs that were created in other countries. Then they vilify him for being successful and having all that money he earned from being successful. Id love to see Al Gores, Nancy Pelosis, Harry Reids and Obamas tax returns for every year theyve been in DC. Lets see where the money we gave them from the taxes we paid is. Id much rather see how much of our tax dollars is over seas and in secret accounts over someone who earned his from private enterprises.

    You and I Jack are about the same age with kids that deserve a better life then weve had, not a worse one. Were to old for this election to make a big difference in our lives, but its the only chance our kids have. So, through CRC and whatever else we can do we just have to try.

    Afraid the Electoral College will never change. Thats a battle not worth fighting.

  6. Peggy says:

    New York Times article about how and why our news is being approved by Obamas campaign headquarter.

    Latest Word on the Trail? I Take It Back
    Published: July 15, 2012

    The quotations come back redacted, stripped of colorful metaphors, colloquial language and anything even mildly provocative.

    They are sent by e-mail from the Obama headquarters in Chicago to reporters who have interviewed campaign officials under one major condition: the press office has veto power over what statements can be quoted and attributed by name.

    Most reporters, desperate to pick the brains of the presidents top strategists, grudgingly agree. After the interviews, they review their notes, check their tape recorders and send in the juiciest sound bites for review.

    The verdict from the campaign an operation that prides itself on staying consistently on script is often no, Barack Obama does not approve this message.

    Must read full story here:

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