Government Workers Should Pay Their “Fair Share”

Posted by Tina

Liz McDonald (see video at link) of FOX Business thinks they should be fired:

FOX Business

According to Internal Revenue Service data, 100,000 federal workers and contractors owed $1 billion total in unpaid federal taxes in 2009, the latest figures available. They simply didn’t pay what they owed. And that dollar amount is up 67% since 2004, when federal workers underpaid by nearly $600 million. In fact, every year since 2004, the IRS has had to deal with about 100,000 federal workers and contractors who underpay their taxes each year.

Now these workers, many of them union, could be fired under a bill that gets a vote in the House today. That includes government contractors, too.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) has today introduced the new bill, which would fire federal employees and outlaw the hiring of federal employees or contractors with seriously delinquent tax debts. The congressman has already attempted to get similar bills passed — then Senator Barack Obama sponsored an identical companion bill, S. 2519, in 2007.

“Federal employees, contractors, and grantees have an obvious obligation to pay their taxes,” said Chaffetz in a press release. “Because they draw their compensation and funds from the American taxpayers, they owe it to the taxpayers themselves to be compliant. Those that do not, should be fired or lose funding.”

A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon we’re talking real money!

(And this is a just drop in the bucket…waste fraud and abuse is everwhere in our big bloated federal government. This is why problems are best handled as close to home as possible)

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One Response to Government Workers Should Pay Their “Fair Share”

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Fire the Dept. of Education, Dept. of Energy, Dept. Dept. of the Interior, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Agriculture, Department of Homeland Security and lay off about 50% of the bureaucrats in D.C. in the remaining departments. That’s a start!

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