Hey Ladies, Look Who is Selling You Dog Fur

From ABC’s Goodmorning America….

“…a recent investigation by the Humane Society found that what’s labeled and advertised as faux fur isn’t always fake. In testing a sampling of coats, they found that 24 out of 25 samples were mislabeled — most contained the fur of a raccoon dog, a dog that looks like a raccoon.

Wayne Pacelle, CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, found the news that fur advertised as fake can actually come from dogs outrageous. “The images that we have seen in China are truly chilling — animals literally skinned alive for a product where we have an alternative this day in age,” he said.

In testing a sampling of coats, they found that 24 out of 25 samples were mislabeled — most contained the fur of a raccoon dog, a dog that looks like a raccoon. The Humane Society collected the coats they tested from a variety of major retailers including the following:

Lord and Taylor
Saks Fifth Avenue
Burlington Coat Factory
JC Penny
P Diddy’s
Sean John
Beyonce Knowles’ House of Deron brand.

When the designers of Jay-Z’s and P Diddy’s lines learned about the charges, they offered to pull the offending goods from the racks. Knowles’ mother issued a statement endorsing truth in labeling, saying “we don’t want to have to guess about what types of products we are using and consumers shouldn’t have to guess either.” This comes a little too late…the damage is done.

Why would these companies risk their reputations and do business with China after all the poisonous and illegal crap the Chinese have sent us? You can buy FAKE fur right here, why mess with China? For a buck? They don’t make enough off their overpriced fashion crap already? Why would they not do a simple test on their own to insure the quality of their merchandise?

I hope the women that bought this crap are sickened over it and they burn their coats on the steps where they bought them.

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4 Responses to Hey Ladies, Look Who is Selling You Dog Fur

  1. Jim says:

    It’s disgusting. Don’t forget the poisoned dog food from China. Slowly we are wising up to the cost of importing from these unscrupulous companies.

  2. Tina says:

    I have no sympathy for the Chinese manufacturers that have a lot to learn about global standards and safety and health. But I think looking down our noses at some practices that are not seen the same way in their culture has been taken too far in some cases.

    We would probably be very surprised by a lot that goes into the manufacture of products in American too if we knew about them. Some Americans are vegans because they cannot stand the thought of an animal dying no matter how humane the treatment of the animal. It’s a personal decision.

    People have always used and worn animal feathers, hide and fur…when Indians do it it’s looked at with reverence and awe…usually by leftists (Daryl Hanna?)

    The humane society: “The images that we have seen in China are truly chilling — animals literally skinned alive for a product where we have an alternative this day in age…”

    “This day and age” hasn’t happened in China…it’s a country that is slowly emerging out of the darkness of totalitarian collectivism.

    Animal rights types always sensationalize their stories; it’s part of the money game…how they get those same dumb women to throw lots of cash to their “non-profit”. I don’t trust their imagery. How do I know this nut is telling the truth when he says they “skin them alive”. For all I know they shear them like sheep. some dogs have hair rather than fur…maybe this is one

    I don’t purchase fake fur products but if I did and I found out it had dog hair mixed in with the synthetic I wouldn’t freak out.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Tina I am no China expert, but from what I have seen in person it would not surprise me in the slightest if the animals in question were seriously mistreated.

    As for skinning alive, no, I don’t believe that, I think that was just a figure of speech used to incite people.

    I understand that people (in China) can be loving towards their pets, but when iut comes to commercial food or clothing, well, animals don’t rate much sympathy or compassion.

    They know better than to send dog hides to America and try to pass them off as synthetic fur, but greed in China is turning out a lot bad capitalists willing to take a chance for a fast buck. Under communism they did NOT have much of a moral anchor, its hard to explain, but we’re far more advanced than them when it comes to many issues of moral behavior.

    Few Chinese have any reservations about eating anything that flies, slithers, crawls, or walks on 4 legs. So killing dogs for fur is just not a big deal to them. It’s a different culture, but they are improving…give em a couple of more generations and they will be like the rest of the world.

  4. Toby says:

    We as a Country are regulated to our F ing eyeballs, while the rest of the world is doing crap like this 24/7, unimpeded. We need to revamp our way of dealing with business in this Country and get back in the race. That is how you force $hit-hole Counties like China from trying to sell cheap crap in this Country.
    I try hard not to buy anything from China, it is getting harder every single day.

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