Posted by Tina
President Obama and his pal Tim Geitner screwed the people that worked for Delphi, among others, in the deal they brokered to “save” GM from going through the normal bankruptcy process. The bailout gave union workers a piece of GM and “saved” their medical and pension plans. As we have already reported it also put several profitable dealerships out of business and threw bond holders, that would normally be the first to recoup their investment in the company, out in the snow. Now the Daily Caller is reporting more shenanigans and lying to Congress too:
Emails obtained by The Daily Caller show that the U.S. Treasury Department, led by Timothy Geithner, was the driving force behind terminating the pensions of 20,000 salaried retirees at the Delphi auto parts manufacturing company.
The move, made in 2009 while the Obama administration implemented its auto bailout plan, appears to have been made solely because those retirees were not members of labor unions.The internal government emails contradict sworn testimony, in federal court and before Congress, given by several Obama administration figures. They also indicate that the administration misled lawmakers and the courts about the sequence of events surrounding the termination of those non-union pensions, and that administration figures violated federal law.
Delphi, a General Motors company, is one of the world’s largest automotive parts manufacturers. Twenty thousand of its workers lost nearly their entire pensions when the government bailed out GM. At the same time, Delphi employees who were members of the United Auto Workers union saw their pensions topped off and made whole.
Somebody should go to jail. This administration is the sleaziest bunch of opportunistic thieving criminals to ever occupy 1900 Pennsylvania Avenue!
I am thoroughly disgusted.
” …the U.S. Treasury Department, led by Timothy Geithner, was the driving force behind terminating the pensions of 20,000 salaried retirees at the Delphi auto parts manufacturing company.”
But I thought you were all for dumping pensioners when there is no money? WILL you make up your minds? Is there some distinction I am not grasping between a private and a public pensioner?
Besides which, the Daily Caller is not being explicit. In the public and the private sectors both, there is not going to be anymore retiring at 55. I dare say the 56-year-olds feel screwed, but that’s what you get of electing representatives who let Wall Street run amok. Learn your lesson.
Regarding Libby’s idiotic comment “But I thought you were all for dumping pensioners when there is no money?”
Since when has anyone who writes for Post Scripts ever said they were “for dumping pensioners” public or private? What sort of bizarre parallel universe do you live in, anyway? One you invent daily?
On a side note, just who is Barack Hussein Obama? This video (inaptly titled) explains quite a bit.
Looks like the answer is that the union has their own pension program, that wasn’t effected by the Delfi bankruptcy. Delfi was acquired by a Private Equity firm, who liquidated the assets including the pension fund.
This is how Romney made his money. While I don’t think he was involved with this deal, he did the exact same thing to many other companies.
Do you feel that Romney should go to jail too?
They should go to jail for lying to Congress.
They should go to jail for screwing bond holders in the bailout.
They should be tossed out on their butts for taking over the restructuring of GM, the closing of successful dealerships…many of whose owners just happened to vote for McCain.
They should be kicked out on their butts for the fallout from the bailout which is the destruction of selected Delphi pensioners.
They should be kicked out on their butts for the other small companies that got screwed as they GIFTED part ownership of GM to union members rewarding the very people that helped to bankrupt the company through sheer acts of greed in labor negotiations.
It takes a bunch of real dumb-asses to destroy the very thing you count on for your daily bread…union bosses could give a s**T.!
Some of the Delphi pensioners were in the union and their pensions were not harmed with the failure of Delphi…how to explain that?
Let’s see what we can find:
Turns out Delphi was spun off (dumped ) by GM in 2005 as a failing GM tried to survive.
In July 2009 Delphi was acquired by Platinum Equity:
So the bailout money was used to save those Delphi union pensioners but not the non-union pensioners. And what happened to Delphi under the funding and tutelage of Platinum Equity? They survived and moved on to do business with others(Id have suggested Honda or Toyota after being treated like crap by union thugs making deals with the unscrupulous corporatist in the White House)
Delphi survived better than GM by handling their troubles privately:
July 27, 2012
Looks like it was Bain Capital helped the company FCI too.
Sep 29, 2005 2:02 PM
Jim what I want is for people to make an honest living and to deal with each other in ways that makes sense for everyone involved. I define success as when all parties involved (Employer, employees, vendors, customers, and stock holders if any) are satisfied. I want people to be able to acquire and save without being tricked, screwed by government, or taxed and regulated unfairly.
I despise unscrupulous meddling and dirty dealing, which is what I think happened here in a quid pro quo for the money and support the unions gave Obama for his election. I think that the mob tactics used by union bosses and by the Chicago way mob that now runs our country is not only criminal but abhorrent and absolutely against everything this country represents at its heart…I also think that ultimately they do a great disservice to union members by negotiating toward destruction. When the “company” is the taxpayer its even more disturbing.
We have laws to deal with crooked dealings in business and I support taking anyone that breaks our laws to court with stiff penalties for wrongdoing.
The only way to rid ourselves of the trash in DC is to expose them and rid ourselves of them in November. That is the purpose of this post.
“Since when has anyone who writes for Post Scripts ever said they were “for dumping pensioners” public or private?”
You’re a newbie, Zed. There has been no end of griping about the funding of public employee pensions. It’s a theme. We got several, and several of them rather threadbare, but what are you gonna do?
Chris and Tina wage epic battles of minute detail, while I tend to brush with the broad strokes. Pithy ones.
You … of the personal abuse … you need to work on your technique. It’s not really very effective.
Libby I’m asking sincerely, do you read this blog?
What I favor is reform and restructuring of pensions.
George Bush had a plan that would have been a good starting point for Congress to consider and tweek. He suggested transitioning to personal accounts for younger workers and means testing for older workers as part of his proposal:
Republicans have been forthright and honest in their attempts to fix this looming problem. They have shown a willingness to work with Democrats to accomplish the goal.
For their part Democrats have done the kind of thing that Pelosi is currently doing…lying to her constituents about the intentions of Republicans. Today she mimics you asserting that Republicans would poison water that they have to drink.
The dishonesty is blatant and destructive to the country.
Do you care about that at all or are you truly as horridly dishonest as Pelosi/Reid/Obama?
Libby, now that’s not quite true and I think you know it.
[We at PS] have ONLY said that pension benefits were a bit too lavish to be sustainable given the State’s declining income and PERS needs some reform. I think Tina may have mentioned something similar about GM and the Auto Workers Union in comments, but as far as I can recall it was only in terms of sustainability and being reasonable – it was not for robbing anyone of their retirement!
Back to the State… I have repeatedly indicated that I support giving those folks who were hired under a particular retirement plan their retirement as it stands and further that only new hires be switched to a more affordable retirement plan. Perhaps one as devised by our liberal democratic governor, Jerry Brown? But, something must be done soon. If we fail to reform our retirement funds won’t be there for everybody. We are running low and State experts are telling us PERS won’t be able to support the all the future retirees without pension reforms.
Now does that sound like we want to rob everyone of their hard earned retirement benefits? It’s all about sustainability, be it at GM, the State or anywhere else.
Jack in addressing Libby’s remarks: “as far as I can recall it was only in terms of sustainability and being reasonable – it was not for robbing anyone of their retirement!”
If anyone is into robbing people of their money it is democrats that have always considered our money their money! The super majority Congress under Pelosi/Reid was considering “taking” our 401K’s:
October 16, 2008
Did you catch that. the tax is deferred. There is no $80 Billion in annual tax breaks because if you don’t take it out of the account it isn’t income for that year. It would be just like this group of covert thieves to make a deal with the public and years later change the rules to screw those people out of more of their own hard earned money.
Did you catch that? They plan to abscond with this money (create a new tax) and use it to create a big collective fund that others get to enjoy!
LOST!!! It isn’t lost you scum bucket…it is in the accounts we have privately set up (according to your rules) with promises that it would be taxed only when we begin to take it out at age 72 (I believe).
Speaking about this money as if it is their money they continue:
“Libby I’m asking sincerely, do you read this blog?”
Bits of it.
“What I favor is reform and restructuring of pensions.”
Well, that’s nice to hear. It’s not the impression one gets from the bits.
This bit, for instance:
“George Bush had a plan that would have been a good starting point for Congress to consider and tweek. He suggested transitioning to personal accounts for younger workers and means testing for older workers as part of his proposal.”
Personal accounts? You mean 401k’s … crocks, frauds and scandals that they are, making more money for the financial services companies that “manage” them, than the would-be-pensioner? Remember, the 401k is a bare 40 years old, and I’ve seen stats where a bare 40% of people who have them realize anything like a pension you can live on.
But I’ll go for means testing of prospective SS recipients.
“Jim what I want is for people to make an honest living and to deal with each other in ways that makes sense for everyone involved. I define success as when all parties involved (Employer, employees, vendors, customers, and stock holders if any) are satisfied. I want people to be able to acquire and save without being tricked, screwed by government, or taxed and regulated unfairly. ”
We once had that in this country, and believe me, I wish it was still that way. There was a time when you could get a job in the same factory your father worked at, and you could work your career there too. The factory was usually locally owned, and you knew the owner. You’d see the owner at church, and your kids would play together. Yeah, he was rich, but he gave you a job and you respected each other.
Then in the ’70s and’80s something happened. The Wall Street people messed with the system. The private equity firms got in the act, and the ‘Greed is Good’ philosophy took over. Some factories abused the workers and the environment, which lead to more government regulations and more powerful unions. Then globalization took over and the days of working at the same company for your entire career are gone.
Unfortunately these sleazy deals, like Delphi, have become the norm. I don’t like it one bit, either. There is little morality in business anymore. The Gordon Gekko types have now become heroes.
There is certainly plenty of blame for both Democrats and Republicans. Both parties have become controlled by the corporations. Money is more important than people.
We need to start demanding morality in politics. Lying has become acceptable for these folks, and I’m tired of it. This is American, and we deserve better.
In response to another one of Libby’s presumptive and idiotic statements: “You’re a newbie, Zed. There has been no end of griping about the funding of public employee pensions. It’s a theme.”
Yes, I am a newbie to commenting, but I have been reading this blog for over two years. I have read enough of the the blogs and comments section to know that you are the perfect example of the witless progressive moron. You, obviously, don’t actually read what the Post Scripts bloggers have to say, you just fire away with your own moronic prejudices and progressive, full-of-assumptions mind set.
I will give you this, Libby, when it comes to making an ass out of yourself, you have no equal.
As for your ridiculous charge “But I thought you were all for dumping pensioners”, I think the Post Scripts folks have answered that, no need for me to expound.
Regarding Libby’s “You … of the personal abuse … you need to work on your technique. It’s not really very effective.”
You have personally abused the writers of Post Scripts with ridiculous and idiotic false statements about their positions. Whatever a dope like you may think of my style (like I care one whit) do you really think making an ass out of yourself on every post you have ever made is working for you, dear?
Try looking in the mirror every now and then, if you can stand it.
Zed, there is a big fat difference between disagreement, argument and rebuttal … and “ass, idiot and moron”?
Can you truly not see this?
He really can’t, Libby. Even when you present him with irrefutable proof that what he’s saying is false–like when I showed him the DNC lawsuit that proved he was lying when he claimed that the Obama campaign was suing to “restrict military voting” in Ohio–he will just reply with insults and profanity. He has basically admitted that he tells lies just to get a rise out of me (like when he called President Obama a Muslim), which makes him an internet troll. The best response to Zed is no response at all. Trolls demand attention; it’s time we stop giving it to him.
But then, there are also people who, when they get disagreed with, FEEL like they’ve been attacked and insulted, and react badly … violently, even.
Zed, you don’t beat people, do you?
Or … on the other hand … we could just be having our chains yanked.
Zedren K … is that you?
Jim I agree with a lot of what you wrote but I don’t think all companies are driven by greed. Most companies in America are not represented on Wall Street. Most are not led by CEO’s with ridiculous salaries and benefits and most have fewer than 100 employees.
The very same principles of greed that apply to unscrupulous Wall Street business types also exist in unions. Unions were established when there was a vital need for someone to lead workers in standing up to brutal and controlling owners. But good intentions very quickly transformed into brokerages that existed primarily for the power of the union bosses. Employees were used as much by these union leaders as they were by the company owners. The bigger unions were controlled by the the mob. Their dishonest dealings and greed, not to mention their brutality, is the stuff of legend. Workers went along with the thug tactics because they were looking out for their own self-interest (greed is good).
But I think you’re wrong about Bain and the intent of Romney and others who invest their money through companies like Bain. Yes they make money but they could make money doing a lot of other things that would require less effort so I don’t think greed is the prime motivator. I think they have a genuine desire to share what they know to see others succeed. I think it is very gratifying for them to be able to use their expertise in business (and their money) to help other people realize their goals and dreams.
I don’t know anyone that wouldn’t expect to make money in this type of agreement. (I certainly paid dearly for the money I borrowed.) Not every investment works but 80% is a pretty good track record for Romney. Sometimes even when the infusion of money and talent works and the company succeeds it can still go out of business later for unrelated reasons…I think that is exactly what happened at the steel company that Democrats are using in their ads. The ads currently running about the steel company that Bain helped are very misleading and downright shameful. One of them implies that Romney is responsible for one worker’s wife’s death from cancer.
There isn’t an ounce of truth in that scurrilous ad.
We have all be influenced by sensational Hollywood movies that distort the truth and demonize groups. Villians used to be recognized as bad people…the ones wearing the black hats. Today they criminalize people just for being in business and make heroes out of thieves, rapists and killers. The politics of division have also harmed our society and those who engage in such are criminal in my mind.
How do we bring back ideals that support people in dealing with each other honestly? How do we bridge the divide that pits workers and employees against each other. How do we remind Americans to live by the principles that this country was founded upon and that offer opportunity for all?
I think one way to start is in open, honest public discussion like we engage in at Post Scripts and to that end I appreciate your participation here Jim.
The Wall Street Journal has an article that tells the real story of GST:
Libby: “Personal accounts? You mean 401k’s … crocks, frauds and scandals that they are, making more money for the financial services companies that “manage” them, than the would-be-pensioner?”
How, pray tell, do you suggest those who manage such accounts be paid if not in fees. They actually do provide a service and the return on investment is in line with other investment options…except of course, when government mucks up the works as it did in the housing debacle managed by F&F’s Raines, Gorelick, et al.
If we can rid ourselves of the redistribution thieves that currently occupy the White House the economy will have a chance at recovery and our investments will again begin to earn positive returns.
New rules are supposed to make it easier to determine the costs associated with managing 401K accounts:
Here’s how to take advantage of the rules:
Adults Libby…we’re supposed to be adults! ALL investments have fees and risks associated with them. It’s time we Americans learned how to be involved in our own retirement futures.
Do you have any idea what the public sector defined benefit pension plans cost the taxpayer? The insurances alone are killers! Given the chance I’d rather those workers took on the responsibility to make their own investment decisions.
Since you have already revealed that you don’t bother to read what we post most of the time it is useless to go into the plan GWB suggested to save SS for future generations. But for the benefit of those who do read…it is clear that something must be done! The Social Security scheme brokered by FDR is not only a crock, a fraud, and a scandal…but it’s also BROKE.
Congress swiped a lot of the tax deposits we diligently made and didn’t bother to post the fee for this theft…they just kept raising the taxes…then they issued useless IOU’s…DEBT passed on to future generations. This is hardly a great deal for the “investor”. The managers of this account in DC certainly haven’t been honest or forthright with the public.
There are only a few avenues for making adequate retirement money. They all have a cost in one way or another. SS doesn’t work and will soon fail in spectacular DC fashion. Using a portion of SS investment to go into a 401K with safe investments would be a better alternative for future generations of workers because it will result in a higher return.
What’s your plan, bury it in the yard…stick it in the mattress? Invest in municipal bonds? They have a downside too. Good at times like this they can’t compete in better times for return on your money. They also have fees:
If you want to play you get to pay…or, you can stick it in that mattress and watch it collect dust. Not giving young people a better deal than the one currently offered by government would be both irresponsible and wrong!
“How, pray tell, do you suggest those who manage such accounts be paid if not in fees.”
You don’t think 25% is a little rich? Remember, the 401k’s are managed for the profit of investors in, say, Fidelity, rather than the holders of the 401k accounts. That’s why you would rather be a PERS account holder, as the managers thereof are salaried, and keep their positions on the basis of competent service to those account holders.
25% is excessive; I’m glad something is being done to bring fees into the light. Not all administrators charge excessive fees and ADULT people need to learn to ask the right questions so they can find someone who doesn’t charge such fees.
The administrators of PERS may or may nor be doing a good job…they may also be grossly over compensated on the taxpayer dime As we know the pensions negotiated by the unions are bloated and straining the budgets of taxpayers. They are being asked to “pony up” with money they could otherwise be investing in their own pensions or child’s future higher education. Instead they are forced to take out student loans. Meanwhile massive debt is piling up in the state and teachers and firefighters are being threatened with layoff. This is a stupid arrangement.
By the way…over time stocks have continued to make steady gains while municipal bonds have headed downward.
401K’s are a better deal for retirees and progressives should get educated before suggesting they aren’t.
Libby until such time as you stop making an ass out of yourself with asinine comments that have no bearing in reality, why should I not call an a– an a–? If you were to cease and desist from making moronic comments, there would be no need to point out that you are a ——. But we all know THAT is not going to happen. Libby cannot help herself.
Libby, in light of the responses from the people who write Post Scrips in this thread, perhaps you can explain why you should not be identified as an a– and a —–?
Perhaps your mental equal Chris could find a way to explain, if you cannot, Libby.
By the way, Chris, while I know knee jerks like you love to try and discredit the late Andrew Breitbart and his website, the military is rightly concerned about the legal attack from Obama’s henchmen in Ohio.
Personally, I think this is the best move made yet by the progressives in charge of the Obama campaign, even better than the ridiculous, nasty, and specious dirt slung about Romney and cancer victim.
How’s that working for you two progressive scum, Libby and Chris? Mr. “Hope and Change” Obama is going down.
Hoooo RAH! and drop dead
“401K’s are a better deal for retirees and progressives should get educated before suggesting they aren’t.”
Tina, darling … I have nothing to say about which Financial Services Corporation manages the 401k for the corporation that pay me … or what they choose to charge. The FSC and the Partners, they work that out between them, and not to my benefit, like as not.
I could quit, of course, and I have … repeatedly. It does not move them to mend their ways. Would you have any idea why that is?
Libby dear: “Tina, darling … I have nothing to say about which Financial Services Corporation manages the 401k for the corporation that pay me … or what they choose to charge. The FSC and the Partners, they work that out between them, and not to my benefit, like as not.”
I’m the fool? Libby you really are going to have to learn to think for yourself…I know it’s tough for those who have become enamored by the collective but you do/did have a choice beyond quitting your job.
The victim act is just nuts, not to mention tiresome, for a self-described liberated person. You have worked most of your life acting as if you have no control. That is really sad…and apparently you weren’t liberated at all.
The President is out today crowing about the great success of GM. He says they are #1 (nope…Toyota is). He says he wants to do for all business what he has done for GM…and what has he done?
20,000 Delphi workers lost their pensions in a shady deal to benefit unions
Bond holders that would normally be compensated in first position in a bankruptcy filing above stockholders were screwed
800 successful dealerships, many of them high sellers of cars for the company, were put out of business (scroll down for full list):
The stock has still not recovered to a point where taxpayers can recover the money they got from Obama’s stimulus “investment”
government deciding who will win and who will lose?
This is more of the transformational redistributive socialist policy Obama promised…the controlling government takeover of business.
NO THANKS A government that can and will take from one citizen WILL get around to taking from us all.
“20,000 Delphi workers lost their pensions in a shady deal to benefit unions.”
Delphi workers work for Delphi, and the corporation owned the pension fund. GM workers work for GM, but their UNION owns their pension fund. The two separate entities did separate bankruptcy deals with the government dictated by the law governing these separate entities and their assets.
The GM employees made out MUCH better, but not at the expense of the Delphi employees, and for you make this insinuation is for you to, well, make a monstrous misrepresentation of the facts to further your political position … or for you, simply, to parrot the mouthings of a couple of “lawmakers” who don’t make law, just write silly letters.
You could go to work for the Romney campaign … and add to the number of times they get called out … every day! … for fibbing.
Hi Tina,
I found your research excellent & I am very synchronized with what you see going on with theis administration….I had seen this coming almost 4 years ago.
I have a question with the link to the Huffington Post & the 800 dealerships put out of business. Were all the 800 dealerships put out of business directly related with the GM debacle? And if so why were there Ford dealerships as well?
Thank you for your time
Thanks for your interest Stan. the following articles might be of interest to you. I have excerpted from them but I recommend reading the articles in their entirety for a better understanding.
Ford’s Bailout Proposal
Ford requested a $9 billion line-of-credit from the government, and a $5 billion loan from the Energy Department. Ford pledged to accelerate development of both hybrid and battery-powered vehicles, retool plants to increase production of smaller cars, close dealerships, and sell Volvo. Ford is in better shape than GM or Chrysler because it had already mortgaged its assets in 2006 to raise $24.5 billion. Although Ford didn’t need, and didn’t receive any funds, it also didn’t want its competition to get the upper hand thanks to the government bailout.
Tom and Libby, thank you for pointing out the facts about this story. I assumed it was false–as I now do with most things posted here–but I hadn’t had time to research this issue.
Of course, conservative partisans will likely still cling to this story as if it were the gospel truth, and attack the fact-checkers who have debunked it as biased. The Republican Party has now decided to declare a war on fact-checkers, after all.
“The Republican Party has now decided to declare a war on fact-checkers” Chris S.
Chris, do you ever stop to listen to yourself and the key words you are using? lol “Declared war on…” “Cling to this… “….Gospel”
Previous democrat rhetoric about right-wingers used those words. Remember: Christians, clinging to their Bibles and guns? GOP declaring war on women rights to her own body…
It sure looks like you’ve taken their leftist bait!
Chris you’re repeating their leftist swill like another one of their automatons! : (
I thought you were smarter than that? I thought you tried to be fair and objective and you were not about stereotypes?
Are you diverting away from your own core principles because you have been brainwashed?
Our readers can decide what they think about the dispute:
Here’s the Daily Caller article:
Emails: Geithner, Treasury drove cutoff of non-union Delphi workers pensions
One of these things is not like the other:
The Daily Caller
The Blaze
Can you tell which thing just doesn’t belong?