The Coming Economic Crisis

by Jack Lee

Some days I think it doesn’t even pay to get out of bed, just more bad news. Prison inmates are being dumped back into society prematurely because of overcrowding, and the headlines reflect the consequences of such an ill conceived plan, more robberies, carjacking, burglaries, assaults, etc. . We’re still struggling to pull out of the Great Recession, the longest recovery on record. 31 states forecast their 2012 revenues will fall short of spending by over $55 billion, if all stays equal. The list goes on and on, and now we are being hit with sharply rising gasoline prices again….this one was inevitable should one serious thing happen to one refinery in California! We can’t catch a break.


The recent Richmond refinery fire was a prime example of what we all feared would happen some day, and as expected it has resulted in a 16% drop in West Coast production (higher fuel prices).

California has specially formulated gasoline by law, so we can’t import from other states when our production runs low. A good portion of the state’s tax revenue depends fuel tax and higher prices reduces overall fuel consumption and adds to local inflation which reduces discretionary spending, which reduces sales tax revenues. See what I mean? I keep looking for the good news and if there is any, it’s dramatically overshadowed by the bad news.

But, President Obama is making progress, right? We’re slowly, but surely, moving out of recession, right? Not necessarily. President Obama has created more government that demands more of our income, and he’s pushed us to our maximum debt limit of 16 trillion – that equals our entire annual GDP! There’s a first!

When was the last time in history American cities filed for bankruptcy? Never. That’s a serious wake-up call…something is wrong!

This massive debt was caused by a number of things, from bailouts of businesses too big too fail to quantitative easy (QE) in the money supply and it won’t go away easily. The QE is a dangerous game and sets us up for inflation… hyper inflation, is more likely. About the only thing holding it back is our high jobless numbers and sour economy. Inflation is typically kept at bay while a recession is ongoing.

If the truth be known our current situation is not too different than the old Weimar Republic just before they imploded and it took a wheel barrow full of money to buy a


loaf of bread. No, I am not exaggerating many economic scholars are warning us we’re headed in the wrong direction that can only spell disaster. If the USA falls into another deep recession there’s a good chance it will become a full on depression. But, we won’t be alone. The USA would be the trigger that pulls the world down…in a mega- depression.

There’s a book out called Aftershock and it outlines exactly where we are headed and why. The authors predict an economic meltdown because of the crushing debt and the implosion of two more bubbles. We’ve already been hit with four major implosions, starting with bubble, the stock market bubble, the private debt bubble which includes the real estate bubble and the discretionary spending bubble. (You might also add a higher education bubble and an energy bubble in there too.) But, two more huge bubbles are forming and left unattended they will most certainly burst and send us into spirally economic chaos. The two remaining bubbles about to burst are the government debt bubble and the dollar bubble. This is where America pays off our debt with dollars…worthless dollars and now we are at the bottom. Devastation looms large and the only way back will be in the hands of those who took precautions before the collapse.

Tomorrow I will be writing what you can do to protect your assets in the event this dire scenario plays out. But, even if it never happens we will surely feel some of the effects and we can minimize our pain… if we do the right thing before it’s too late.

CAUTION: Let me say this very clearly….life offers few guarantees, especially when it comes to global finances. Predicting economic collapse is a long shot, but, that’s no reason to throw up your hands and say, “Why bother listening? What will happen will happen! No it won’t – not if enough people are proactive in their fiscal management. The book uses world history, hard data, charts and more…it’s very informative. And if only a fraction of their predictions come true, then it was well worth your attention. Some of the people who like this book are: Robert Stovall, Chief Investment Strategists for Standard and Poors, Robert Friedman, former CFO, Goldman Sachs, Philip Cross, founder of AOL, to name but a few.

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4 Responses to The Coming Economic Crisis

  1. Libby says:

    “President Obama has created more government ….”

    He has not. I was hoping, and Obama seemed inclined, to do a little picking apart of the newly formed (who did that?) Department of Homeland Security … but nothing’s getting through this Congress.

    But about this book of yours … from somebody at Fortune Magazine:

    “FORTUNE — Want to make money in this market? Just predict the market is just going to get much, much worse. At least that’s the very profitable tack the writers of a doom-and-gloom tome, Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown are taking. The three co-authors, brothers David and Robert Wiedemer, and Cindy Spitzer, are raking in a multimillion-dollar payday by advising people to sell their homes now, cash out their life insurance policies, and dump their stocks ahead of what they predict will be 50% unemployment, a 90% stock market crash, and 100% annual inflation.

    “In a nutshell, Aftershock argues that a succession of bubbles have set the country on the path to ruin. First came the dotcom bubble, then the housing bubble. Now Federal Reserve market “manipulation” and the “incredible irresponsibility and bad judgment of the public sector” — i.e. the U.S. government — make banana republic inflation levels inevitable starting in 2012. Their advice: Sell everything, and pile into gold and inflation-linked securities.

    “Aftershock, now in its second edition, has spent the past month in the top five selling business books on (AMZN). It is the basis for a massive publicity campaign for right-leaning media outfit Newsmax, and it provides fodder for talking heads on CNN, Fox, and CNBC. All that has been good for sales — publisher John Wiley & Sons says 200,000 copies are now in print.”

    Now, I’ve warned you before about this. If you actually paid for the book, the authors have pandered to your prejudices (also, greed) and twisted $17 out of you. Why do you let them do that?

  2. Tina says:

    Thanks for sharing this Jack, I look forward to tomorrows suggestions. It is always wise to be informed of possible scenarios going forward even if they cause anxiety and have you holding your breath!

    We are not recovering. Those who believe we are the right track don’t have a clue where we are going…or are on board for the “transformation” of America into a ho hum third world style dependency nation.

    I pray it isn’t too late and freedom loving Americans step up in November…in the mean time go ahead…arm us with ideas!

  3. Peggy says:

    Im with you Jack. We are headed for even harder times for a long time to come. Depending on where you live in this country 10-20% of peoples income is going to just put gas in their cars. That means less to spend on other essentials like food and clothing and treats like going out to eat and vacations.

    The price of food has been going up and with the drought in the Midwest food and gas are both going to be going even higher impacting our spending even more.

    Anyone who hasnt been loading up their pantries now is just going to be paying more for less tomorrow.

    Did you hear about the school district in southern CA that is spending $1billion to borrow $100k? They dont make any payments for 40 years. Howd you like to live in that district when they do have to start paying for it. Most of the computers and buildings will be out of date by then and in need of major maintenance. The real topper is there are three other school districts that did the same thing. What idiots!

  4. Joseph says:

    I have been saying for many years that future generations of Americans will have a lower standard of living and every day there is more evidence that I am right.

    And here’s more evidence from the largest bond fund manager in the world.

    The fact is the world’s economy is in history’s biggest debt bubble and there is no way there is going to be a happy ending. Sorry.

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