Thanks go to Peggy for finding this very interesting article.
“Racial violence might be up. It might be down. Either way we may never know: A new study from the Department of Justice says victims of violent crime often do not call the police.
And if they do, police often do not file crime reports, say local newspapers around the country.
“More than half of the nation’s violent crimes, or nearly 3.4 million violent victimizations per year, went unreported to the police between 2006 and 2010,” said a Justice Department analysis.
That’s 17 million violent crimes off the books in five years.
Some say it is even worse. They point to the experience that cities around America are having with ShotSpotter: An anti-crime technology that features an array of wireless microphones that can pinpoint the location of a gun shot to within 40 feet.
The system is 96 percent accurate.
Using ShotSpotter, the New York Times reports that neighbors called police only 10 percent of the time guns were fired in a high-crime area of San Francisco. In Oakland, 22 percent of gunshots prompted 9-1-1 calls.”
On a related note: The Progressive Utopia
And privacy laws prohibit shelter officials from alerting their residents to the [sexual] predators among them.
If the daily headlines in Chicago are not close to accurate that city is a war zone!
That’s about right Tina, it’s a war zone. I’ll never forget the time I spent back there on a task force. We were surveilling various places and discretely tailing beer trucks to make sure mob goons didn’t tear them up or hijack them. We were told the mob was making a play for a piece of the beer industry action. This was a pretty big deal at the time, a lot of worried people and we were there to deal with the mob and the union (same thing). Fortunately, I never had to do anything, just watch and make sure nobody got hurt. I spent a lot of time on the South side of Chicago, enough to see first hand what a war zone looks like. You never wanted to have a flat tire in the hood after dark…better to drive on the rim and get to a safe place. Parts of Chicago need a good dynamiting, starting with the projects (rat/gang infested gov housing).