Update: Marines at this US Embassy were ordered not to carry ammo for their weapons prior to attacks.
Chanting “death to America,” hundreds of protesters (allegedly) angered by an anti-Islam film (that had nothing to with the American government) stormed the U.S. Embassy compound in Yemen’s capital and burned the American flag today, the latest in a series of attacks on American diplomatic missions in the Middle East.
The protesters breached the usually tight security around the embassy (because there was no Yemeni Security around the building) and reached the compound grounds, but did not enter the main building housing the offices. Once inside the compound, they brought down the U.S. flag, burned it and replaced it with a black banner bearing Islam’s declaration of faith — “There is no God but Allah.”
Now for the rest of the story by Jack Lee
This violence is not about a video critical of Mohammed, made by some anonymous figure (who incidentally speaks Arabic) for a mysterious motive, yet to be discovered. Sure, the radicals can claim its all about a video that has nothing to do with the American government (sounds stupid, but they can claim it). But, you know and I know, this is really about something much bigger.
Let me state the obvious…It’s about a long held hatred of America. It’s about prejudice by some Muslims who [still] feel Hitler was 100% right about the Jews. And why not? It was only 60 years ago that their ancestors were in league with the Nazis who shared their bigotry. Arabs have been in three wars with Israel since 1946. They hate Israel and anyone who is friends with Israel, it’s really simple bigotry,.
When we see our American flag burned, when we see our embassies attacked, when we see airliners bombed or hijacked… it’s not about a slight against Mohammed. When we see angry Islamic mobs killing anyone who even looks like a Westerner, it’s not our foreign policy. This is coming from generations of hate that is embedded deep into their souls. In the case of the latest pretext for violence…we had NOTHING to do with a video that portrays Mohammed as a pedophile! Why take it out on us, if the above statements were not true?
Our fragile freedoms led us to greatness, and to some in this world, on the left and among the Muslims, this is an intolerable sin that must be dealt with. And they are every day…they are chipping away at America.
The risks of attacking America is small when compared to the ultimate payoff and the immediate political gains. It makes perfect sense to a Muslim zealot and it’s extremely helpful to the great leftist movement. Both sides know they can easily exploit our freedom and use it against us. The can turn freedom into conveyance by which America can be seriously one serious blow after another.
Mix this agenda in with the need of despots in many nations to divert away their own failures, and you have a lot of people who want to see us dead. America today has become the perfect target, thanks in no small measure to our own left-wing constantly undermining us from within.
We’re a big, fat, highly visible, highly convenient, soft target! Challenging us, killing us, insulting us, carries very few risks. All our enemies known this from Hugo Chavez to Ayatollah in Iran. Our enemies are embolden every single time we fail to answered an attack on our troops, our people or our sovereignty.
Thanks to our own success, to become the “great obstacle” on an other fairly easy path to victory for some of the most loathsome and evil people ever to exist. And the useful fools found in so many movements from environmental to religious hate us for it.
Our enemies stand united against us even though without us to keep them apart they would be at war with each other. How could it not be otherwise? On one side we have the Godless far left and the other side is the rabid right-wing theocrats.
The world is an unstable and dangerous place, more so than at any time since WWII. Can any rational, well informed person doubt this?
This is our world today. Now let me ask you a question, does the name, Barrack Hussein Obama, instill confidence in you…does he make you feel comfortable that everything is going to be just fine? If so, you’re not just stupid, you’re an unwitting co-conspirator in your own destruction. Because when we go, you go too. You’re part of the problem and you better wise up because we’re all running out of time. Somebody said it again here just recently, “United we stand – divided we fall.”
Must read article:
(And use the incident in his campaign)