(R-Violence) Death of an American Ambassador – A National Disgrace

WARNING GRAPHIC VIOLENCE: The men shown in this video can be heard shouting “film, film,” meaning get this on video! Nobody is concerned if Ambassador Stevens is alive, but rather they seem to be rejoicing that he is dead. There can be heard shouts of joy as the body is laid out before the crowd….watch.

As a former homicide investigator, the coloring on the body tells me a lot. It appears the Ambassador died face down and that death occurred 1-2 hours earlier. The discoloration is a result of blood pooling in the lower parts of the body. Once the heart stops pumping, gravity will force the blood to seep into these lower areas. Lividity will not form in areas of the body pressing against the floor because the pressure against the capillaries won’t allow the blood to settle. Instead, these areas will result in a white coloration called blanching. I notice several areas on the Ambassadors face that look like white spots, and this is probably where he was in contact the floor.

Lividity is generally seen within the first 1-2 hours following death. His lips are very dark blue, a strong indication of lack of oxygen, which is common with smoke inhalation, note the black sooty smearing around his upper lip. His lungs are probably choked with smoke, this takes a long time and its a terrible way to die.

Rigor mortis or stiffening of the muscles sets in about 2 or longer after death. So it appears at least 2 hours has passed since the Ambassador died to when he was dragged outside by the mob.

Note the Ambassador’s arm is not dangling while his body is being carried over the shoulder of one of the men. This is clearly a sign of rigor mortis. In no way can anyone say this was a rescue attempt 2 hours after death occurred! They’re parading the body around and they were rejoicing at his death.

Right now there is mounting evidence that the American’s in Libya died at the hands of armed rioters with the direct assistance of Libyan security forces who were there to protect them.

This can’t stand and we need to do something about it pretty soon. Those murdered Americans need justice, America needs justice, this is a disgrace. Right now, after watching that video, I would love to see the next anti-America mob take a hit from a cruise missile, preferably right in the middle of chanting, “Death to America! Actually this is where the CIA should be called in, Al Qaeda isn’t the only group that can plant bombs and do terrible destruction behind plausible deniability, then again who cares what they think?

If we don’t respond forcefully we’re asking for more trouble than if we do nothing.

What do you want to bet nothing will be done by Obama, except to send them more of our money?

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2 Responses to (R-Violence) Death of an American Ambassador – A National Disgrace

  1. J. Soden says:

    Mr Prez – you campaigned on transparency, hope and change. All we’ve seen is change watching our economy go down the tubes. You’ve brought crony capitalism to record highs, spent money like a drunken sailor (apologies to sailors) without regard to our debt, lived high on the hog at taxpayer expense, fundraised & campaigned excessively on the taxpayer’s dime, blamed your inadequacies on everything else – including a tsunami – and have gone out of your way to play the race card.

    Your party controlled both houses of congress and rammed Obamacare down the throats of the voters while lying about the actual benefits and costs. You’ve waged class warfare to the detriment of the country. You’ve alienated many of our allies, made a mockery of the US with your Apology Tour, have compromised US security with your leaks to the media, and are fully responsible for the Middle East Meltdown.

    Your abysmal record speaks for itself, and any attempt to point fingers at anything other than YOUR lack of leadership is a whisper in the wind. A truly disgusting record as Prez.

  2. Tina says:

    Well said J Soden. You’ve managed to take a long list of failures and compact it into short form…no easy feat.


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