(Map shows spread of violence) As the search continues for those directly involved in the attack on the embassy in Benghazi, it was revealed Thursday that a former inmate of the Gunatanamo Bay detention facility may have been the leader of the attack.
Former inmate Sufyan Ben Qumu, one of the leaders of Ansar al-Sharia, a militant Islamist group based in Derna, Libya, has been identified by local officials as being involved in the attack in Benghazi that killed the ambassador.
“I have been looking at the photos and the brief video of Ambassador Stevens and I have spoken to two different Arabists, who assure me that the mob dragging Steven’s body are chanting a song of victory over one’s enemies and are praising God for it.” Prof. Phylis Chesler, political commentator and author of 15 books
Cont- “It is already 9/20, a full ten days after the Muslim mob tortured and murdered the American Ambassador and three other American personnel in Libya; and still, the loyal and avid NYT’s reader is being told that it was an “anti-Islam video that set off attacks against American embassies and violent protests in the Muslim world.”
That is not true. Here’s what’s happening.
America is now experiencing what Israel has had to live with, unaided, disbelieved, for decades.
Remember the ghoulish lynching of the two Israeli reservists in Ramallah in 2000? And how the Palestinians danced for joy in the streets on 9/11? In 2012, the Arab Street, the Islamist Muslim Street, is again dancing in blood, dancing with corpses.
People have cautioned me not to write about mob mass rape without proper sources. They are right. But today, what constitutes a credible source? Would one turn to the New York Times (or Huffington Post or NPR) or to The Wall Street Journal, National Review, or the Weekly Standard?
What constitutes irrefutable proof–the kind accepted by all?
Remember the Mumbai massacre? Islamist terrorists forced hotel guests to strip naked to humiliate them before they killed them. Remember the Chabad Rabbi and his very pregnant wife in Mumbai? They were both tortured in full sight of each other and their genitals were mutilated.
I know of many instances of Islamist Muslim mobs on a rampage. They have attacked civilians, including women and children, with axes, swords, knives, whips, chains, and rocks and they hacked, stabbed, lashed, and stoned their victims to death. The mob also be-headed their victims and sexually mutilated them, both while they were still alive and after death. They have also been known to gang-rape and gang-grope their victims.
As yet, we have no autopsy reports about our American dead in Libya, nor do we have any eyewitness accounts of the possible sodomizing of Ambassador Stevens.”
This vid has my personal endorsement.
First, this is not an update, it’s a lot of groady speculation.
Second, it’s damnably sad. Women and Madness is a totally cool book, but Phyllis seems to have lost what sense she had. I suppose it’s understandable. The carnage practiced in the Congo gets me quite exercised some times … but to put such rantings into print? What good would that do?
What good are you doing, spreading this sad excresence around?
I am disgusted at the response of this administration. I am infuriated at the dead calm of the media attempting to cover for this failed administration.
Libby you have proven yourself to be a total phony in your outrage at all things war related. Suppression of information is the alternative. I know that would be desirable so that the phony guy in the WH could get a pass on this…ain’t gonna happen!
Jack your reporting is sadly necessary if for no other reason than to let others know how incompetent and useless this administrations posture is with respect to the murderous elements in the ME.
Did you hear anything about the administration comparing this event…these protests and embassy attacks…to the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany? Oh yeah…like this is just like that…what self-aggrandizing bozo’s this bunch are!
Ronald Reagan’s peace through strength brought down the Berlin Wall. Obama’s appeasement incites the mob, the unruly radical elements that will lead to oppressive, dictatorial regimes.
“I am disgusted at the response of this administration.”
Well, that’s too bad, but we’re not going to run off half-cocked … like your candidate did.
We’re going to gather our intelligence, formulate a plan for a measured and effective response, and then make it.
Fledgling democracies are messy, messy undertakings. There is going to be a lot more of this sort of thing, and I mean a lot more, like maybe a 100 years more. Think of France. They had their revolution. Then they had their Terror. Then they had THREE Napoleons … and then they kinda got the hang of it.
Think of Britain. When the yeomanry first got the vote, it was granted only very reluctantly, to mitigate the contant rioting, and only because the powers had a plan. You make election day a holiday, bring your constituents into town, get them roaring drunk, and then they vote for the guy who bought the beer. And it worked beautifully … until the ensuing carnage really got to be too much, the ladies got sick of spending the day on lock-down, and the British parlimentary system evolved just a little bit further.
We will tighten security, practice eternal vigilance, and just generally cope. Well, most of us will. Phyllis, and seemingly you, are seemingly cracking up. Back up. Take the long view. You’ll feel better.
Too late Libby…you already have.
It’s four years into the duplicitous appeasement tour/missile attack half-assed approach of The One. He’s finding out what a fool the bad guys in the ME think he is.
The one had intelligence three days before the attack on the poorly secured embassy about a possible 911 anniversary event…and he didn’t act on it…he was too busy campaigning and hangin’ out with the folks…and the celebrities!
“There is going to be a lot more of this sort of thing, and I mean a lot more, like maybe a 100 years more.”
Funny…that’s exactly what George W. Bush said and you thought he was overreacting. That’s why his administration devised a plan to fight the radical elements on his terms on their turf and at the same time work to inspire and promote education and democracy in the region. He knew it would take a lot more than a charming personality and bowing to potentates to get it done. Of course he had to start from ground zero; he didn’t have eight years of experience, intelligence, and diplomatic effort to stand on.
You mistake our resolve for emotional meltdown…we had the long view 11 years ago when you took the cynical view…its about time you got on board but better late than never.
I saw an old car in Chico today. It had a sticker on the back that read: My son is in the US Army.
Almost all of the rest of the car was plastered with anti-Obama sentiment…and rightly so.
God bless the men and women serving this great nation…God bless them and keep them safe.
“Funny…that’s exactly what George W. Bush said and you thought he was overreacting.”
He did. That’s what I mean. This going to be messy for some time, and we can’t be losing our heads and pissing away trillions on military ventures that, in the short and long term, do much more harm than good.
Libby this didn’t happen because a thoughtful and engaged president was on the job…this happened because an incompetent, unengaged faux commander -in-chief was off playing golf and yukking it up with celebrities to bother.
This President and his make nice diplomatic corp let Amb Stevens down…they are letting our military down…and they are letting the United States down. Because of these four inept years we are set-back in the fight for freedom and human rights that this threat represents as they wage their barbaric, oppressive war.
Obama and Co must go!
“Libby this didn’t happen because a thoughtful and engaged president was on the job…this happened because an incompetent, unengaged faux commander -in-chief…”
I don’t understand this meme. There were twelve embassy attacks during George Bush’s presidency. Did you blame Bush for each one of those? What is with this naive idea, promoted by Mitt Romney, that these attacks wouldn’t have happened under a different president?
Chris, Stevens’ death marked the first time a U.S. ambassador had been killed in such an attack since 1979. That’s an unwelcome milestone. Countries better respect embassies or pay a dear price.
Chris did you ever stop think what Bush inherited and maybe that is why 12 embassies were attacked? They didn’t attack us because they thought we were strong. Tell me Chris, what big F’n deal happened right after Bush took office? In case you forgot it was 9/11. Al Qaeda was in full swing thanks to Bill Clinton not taking action when he had the chance.
Thanks Jack for the reminder that Clinton did let bin Laden get away prior to 9/11. I had forgotten about it until I read the below article.
Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day–Thanks To Bill Clinton
By Henry I. Miller
When President Barack Obama made the historic announcement in the White House East Room about the killing of Osama bin Laden, the air was thick with irony. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was there, and her husbands notorious narcissism and cavalier attitude about governance had allowed bin Laden to escapein 1998, three years before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
In his stunning 2003 book Dereliction of Duty, Air Force Lt. Col. Robert Buzz Patterson, a presidential aide and carrier of the nuclear football, describes President Clintons gross irresponsibility toward national security. Patterson tells how, in the fall of 1998, the watch officer in the White House Situation Room notified the presidents national security adviser, Sandy Berger, that they had located bin Laden and had a two-hour window to strike.
Here is Pattersons chilling account:
Berger ambled down the stairwell and entered the Sit[uation] Room. He picked up the phone at one of the busy controller consoles and called the president. Amazingly, President Clinton was not available. Berger tried again and again. Bin Laden was within striking distance. The window of opportunity was closing fast. The plan of attack was set and the Tomahawk [missile] crews were ready. For about an hour Berger couldnt get the commander in chief on the line. Though the president was always accompanied by military aides and the Secret Service, he was somehow unavailable. Berger stalked the Sit Room, anxious and impatient.
Patterson continues:
Finally, the president accepted Bergers call. There was discussion, there were pauses and no decision. The president wanted to talk with his secretaries of Defense and State. He wanted to study the issue further. Berger was forced to wait. The clock was ticking. The president eventually called back. He was still indecisive. He wanted more discussion. Berger alternated between phone calls and watching the clock.
The dithering continued until it was too lateand bin Laden lived to fight another day. And to plot the Sept. 11 attacks.
That was not an isolated incident. On Sept. 13, 1996, while on the golf course with his lawyer friend Vernon Jordan, President Clinton had refused to take repeated urgent phone calls from Berger, who needed the presidents approval for air strikes on Iraq. Patterson wrote: Pilots were in the cockpits, waiting to launch, targets were identified, everything was in place, all [Berger] needed was the go-ahead.
He never got it. The protective cover of night lifted, and the mission was aborted.
There were other examples of gross and inexcusable incompetence. President Clinton twice managed to lose the nuclear codes that were necessary to activate the nations nuclear arsenal.
Full article here:
“Libby this didn’t happen because a thoughtful and engaged president was on the job…this happened because an incompetent, unengaged faux commander -in-chief was off playing golf and yukking it up with celebrities to bother.”
This happened because the security situation in Libya leave much to be desired … but we’re working on it.
“we’re working on it”????????
Libby that’s so funny coming from you who never gave Bush an ounce of support…not once!
Your attacked Bush just for being in a classroom when 911 happened…where was Obama when the call came about the embassy? Campaigning! Did he stop? NO!
And what did he do for nine days but make dumb-ass excuses!
Pathetic, Libby, truly pathetic!
Tina, I never thought about that, but you’re right when the embassies were attacked on 9/11 Obama was on the campaign trail and he never broke stride for minute. And yes, Libby did attack Bush for merely being in a classroom when 9/11 happened. Say, do you think we will be any better prepared come next 9/11?
I do!
But I’m also prepared for disappointment if Obama wins…and the loss of my business. Grim, I know, but entirely possible if bozo is re-elected. Of course there’s always the chance that WWIII will break out too and then it won’t really matter.
I better catch some zzzzzzzzzzzz…I’m getting way to cynical now, lol!
Youre not the only one getting cynical.
I too think if Obama wins our country as weve known it will be gone and well be further down the road to a European-style system our ancestors fled when they came here.
I also believe that even if Romney wins the bad foreign policies of Obama have set us up for a very high probability for WWIII. The riots that have taken place in the US already will get worse. The increase in crime is already here with local burglaries as reported in our little town of Chico. (I just received a neighborhood watch notice of three burglaries in my own north east area of about four blocks.)
I am doing what I can to prepare by stocking up on non-perishable food and water, and buying ammo for my two guns and giving my son a shotgun. Our police protection is down while our city council spends money on art projects and converting four way stops to round-abouts.
Sadly we can no longer count on our local and nation leaders to protect us and, therefore, must rely on ourselves.
No, Tina your are not alone in your cynicism.
“I too think if Obama wins our country as weve known it will be gone and well be further down the road to a European-style system our ancestors fled when they came here.”
Giggle. Shouldn’t you give these things … even some … thought before your parrot them. Your ancestors fled a monarchy. Socialism came later.
“The riots that have taken place in the US already will get worse.”
What riots? Are you talking about the occupy children? The vast majority of the violence there has been perpetrated by the cops trying to shut them down … and that’s fizzled, not got worse. When an food riot blossoms at 5th & Main, start worrying … but you shouldn’t be holding your breath.
WWWII, indeed! The only chance of that is if Romney and Putin decided to collude on a plan to deal with their respective unemployed populations: send them both to Syria to duke it out.
I don’t know how many of the unemployed in this country can be got to go for that? Maybe one or two relatives of yours, but their not getting my nephews.
Tina, if you lose your business, it will be when Boehner’s draconian budget balancing provisions go into effect.
And by you own political lights, shouldn’t the federal budget be balanced? and shouldn’t you be booted out into the private sector … to sink or swim?
I don’t see where Obama comes into any of this, except, if he wins, and if the House goes Dem, and if … even then (remember the Dem House spinelessness re healthcare) … we can start raising some real revenue, Obama might be able to preserve your spot at the federal teat.
It’s a depressing scenario, either way you look at it … isn’t it?