by Jack Lee
Prop 31 looks benign at first glance. It mostly extends the time between budget cycles from one year to two years and it will “Prohibit the California State Legislature from “creating expenditures of more than $25 million unless offsetting revenues or spending cuts are identified.” That’s the best part, then there are details…
- Permit the Governor of California to cut the budget unilaterally during declared fiscal emergencies if the state legislature fails to act.
- Require performance reviews of all state programs.
- Require performance goals in state and local budgets.
- Require publication of all bills at least three days prior to a vote by the California State Senate or California State Assembly.
- Give counties the power to alter state statutes or regulations related to spending unless the state legislature or a state agency vetoes those changes within 60 days.
The Republican Party of California thinks this is probably okay, but others have found a little devil in those details. Better read this one all the way through!
Ballotpedia says, Proposition 31 is a project of California Forward. Nicolas Berggruen contributed over $1 million to fund the effort to gather signatures to qualify it for the ballot.
The ballot short form reads, “Establishes two-year state budget. Sets rules for offsetting new expenditures, and Governor budget cuts in fiscal emergencies. Local governments can alter application of laws governing state-funded programs. Fiscal Impact: Decreased state sales tax revenues of $200 million annually, with corresponding increases of funding to local governments. Other, potentially more significant changes in state and local budgets, depending on future decisions by public officials.”
California GOP says yes on 31, but the Tea Party says No and here is some information from them that has been making it way via email from one Tea Party group to the next:
“…it sets up a “governing body of unelected bureaucrats” that will have complete power over all state, county and cities through “REGIONALISM”… this is the plan which removes our cities autonomy as well. PEOPLE, this IS AGENDA 21 at it’s finest!! This is what we have been fighting and we must continue to do so. Don’t stop now.. You are educated.. Let’s use that education to educate others.. I have highlighted in red below in the article things that relate to this take over of America by Agenda 21 and the transformation of America into a “global governance”..This IS California..a progressive state…”
“This is Prop 31 and how it will affect our education system in California..
Three years after the Department of Education announced a contest called Race-to-the-Top for $4.35 billion in stimulus funds, some parents, teachers, governors, and citizen and public policy groups are coming to an awful realization about the likely outcomes:
- A national curriculum called Common Core
- Regionalism, or the replacement of local governments by federally appointed bureaucrats
- A leveling of all schools to one, low national standard, and a redistribution of education funds among school districts
- An effective federal tracking of all students
- The loss of the option of avoiding the national curriculum and tests through private school and home school
Working behind the scenes, implementing these policies and writing the standards are associates from President Obama’s community organizing days. In de facto control of the education component is Linda Darling-Hammond, a radical left-wing educator and close colleague of William “Bill” Ayers, the former leader of the communist terrorist Weather Underground who became a professor of education and friend of Obama’s.
When these dangerous initiatives are implemented, there will be no escaping bad schools and a radical curriculum by moving to a good suburb, or by home schooling, or by enrolling your children in private schools.”
It’s likely that Prop 31 is going to fail with or without the help of the Tea Party, it was already polling poorly and going into the last leg nothing has changed.
My take on 31 is for entirely different reasons. I think parts of it are great, like blocking the spending of millions without offsetting cuts. Great idea! But, I am concerned about the state letting our budget go two years. They have enough trouble projecting out 1 year. Problems could become acute if allowed to fester for two years instead of one.
I’m going with the NO side on 31. I would rather see the legislature take up the primary facets of 31 and break them down into individual bills so we can give this the full attention it deserves and do it the right way, with the right language and safeguards.
Jack I agree with you. It strikes me that when something is this complex there’s something evil afoot.
I’m voting NO!