Posted by Tina
I wasn’t going to post this but decided since Politico and the Daily Caller found it worthy…I thought what the heck!
It’s a matter of record that problems in responding to Katrina happened in part because of the failure of local and state officials to ASK for federal assistance, something they were required to do. It is also a matter of record that the Federal government spent a lot of money in New Orleans and the Gulf area following Katrina. The following article in
Reason, actually a series, clarifies and explains what happened and debunks three main misconceptions about the Katrina response. Federal money was not one of the problems:
Talk with people on the Gulf Coast area and you’ll soon learn the primary problem they face is not a lack of funding, but the mass confusion created by federal, state, and local governments about the rules of the game when it comes to rebuilding.
The 2007 article clearly inform, per CBO, that the government had at that time already spent billions of dollars:
…as of July 2007 the federal government had appropriated $94.8 billion for Katrina recovery. Congress has allowed the National Flood Insurance Program to borrow another $17 billion from the government to cover the deficit it racked up paying out Katrina claims. The federal government has also created $16 billion in targeted tax breaks through Gulf Opportunity (GO) Zone credits and other programs.
Instead of articulating the truth about failures in government at all levels to coordinate and work together after Katrina the then Senator, Barack Obama, chose to tell blacks that the federal government was driven by an attitude of uncaring (implying racism). He chose to “community organize” to gin up anger and hatred in the black community. Not only did he tell a bunch of whoppers as he spoke…he was doing it to shore up a rabid support base for his coming bid for the White House.
I find this behavior both deeply offensive and appalling. In fact the entire video is offensive and appalling and had our media vetted him prior to the election his chances for election would have plumetted. One things for certain, telling whoppers seems to be President Obama’s style!