Posted by Tina
Is it possible that our nations Environmental Protection Agency engaged in a dangerous experiment placing volunteers at risk of harm, even death?
That’s what a lawsuit recently filed in Virginia by Steven Milloy suggests. If the findings that prompted this lawsuit prove to be accurate this lawsuit will deliver a major blow to the reputation of the federal agency. Front Page Magazine carries this shocking story:
The suit accuses the EPA of paying as many as 41 participants $12 an hour to breathe in concentrated diesel exhaust, for as long a two hours at a time. The exhaust was directly piped in from a truck parked outside the Chapel Hill facility. According to the lawsuit, the fine particulate matter, called “PM2.5,” was piped in at levels 21 times greater than what the EPA calls its “permissible limit.”
Yet even that phrase is misleading. In testimony delivered to Congress in September of 2011, EPA chief Lisa Jackson claimed that exposure to fine particulate matter of 2.5 microns-or less-was lethal. “Particulate matter causes premature death. It’s directly causal to dying sooner than you should,” she testified at the time.
Milloy learned about the experiments last year, after reading about them in a government-supported scientific journal. In June, he filed a complaint with the North Carolina Medical Board, accusing Drs. Andrew Ghio and Wayne Cascio, both of whom were employed by the EPA, along with Dr. Eugene Chung, who worked for the University of North Carolina, of violating EPA standards of conduct in human research and the Hippocratic Oath. “During these experiments, the study subjects were intentionally exposed to airborne fine particulate matter (‘PM2.5) at levels ranging from 41.54 micrograms per cubic meter to 750.83 micrograms per cubic meter for periods of up to two hours,” Milloy wrote to Dr. Ralph C. Loomis, president of the NC Medical Board. “The EPA also believes that PM2.5 is carcinogenic to humans,” he added.
My question…what were they thinking?
Seriously! What was the end game here? What did they want to prove? The EPA has been used by President Obama and green advocates to blunt growth, destroy the coal and oil industries, and stop individuals from building homes on their own property! Excuse me if I suspect something truly sinister was going on with this experiment from Hell!
Could it be the EPA is just another statu quo government agency which does what all government agencies … er, dynasties … do — seek a reason to exist and expand their already bloated budgets?
I would like to pay the fat cat, overpaid, golden benefits leadership of the EPA $12/hour to be connected to the short bus exhaust pipe.
Well, at least they knew what they were getting into, instead of being perpetrated upon without their knowledge. But it’s alot like “volunteering” for the Army when there is no work to be had, at all, in three counties. I don’t like it either.
Besides, isn’t it already proven that those guys who wear leaf-blowers are loosing brain cells at an alarming rate?
Libby: “Well, at least they knew what they were getting into…”…”Besides, isn’t it already proven that those guys who wear leaf-blowers are loosing brain cells…”
Excuses, Libby? Really?
You know something we don’t?
What if all the volunteers were brown people…would it be an outrage then?
I know…maybe these were the “jobs” that brought that unemployment number down!
How much poverty and debt can a nation withstand
Before it withers away?
How many jobs must our work force lose
Before people suck filth for the EPA?
And how many times can a progressive turn a blind eye
And pretend that she just doesn’t see?
The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in Libbya’s wind.
Good find Tina.
IF ever there was an alphabet agency that needed to be put out of business, its the EPA.
Those testimonies resulted in the strict emission requirements for current day diesel trucks and ULSD fuel that was probably not even needed or required, similar to their global warm farce.
Millions, if not billions of consumer (our) dollars have been spent because of these Nazis, and thats not even counting the billions it took to research and refining it making it. Any wonder it cost $5/gal in some places.
They need to GO!!!
Liberalism is a dangerous mental disease that needs to be eradicated from the planet.
“Excuses, Libby? Really?”
No. Factual qualifications. I said I didn’t like it either.
Was I supposed to defend it cause it happened under the Obama watch? That would be pure partisan idiocy. I don’t do that.
Oh yes Libby…you do engage in partisan idiocy.
I maintain that if this were just “brown people” you would be all over it and IF it happened under a republican administration you would be screaming bloody murder!
Gate excellent points. The amount of our tax money that is wasted on tripe year after year and that is charged to business (preventing lower prices and more hiring) is unimaginable. Given the size of our debt that is saying something!
Smaller government with control close to home is what we need but even with great effort it will take generations to undo what has been done.
“I maintain that if this were just “brown people” ….”
I’m sure some of them were. They were all, undoubtedly, poor people, forced by Republican economic policy to earn their living by putting themselves at risk of physical harm.
You try and change the subject as many times as you like … and I will bring it right back.
Libby: “…forced by Republican economic policy to earn their living by putting themselves at risk of physical harm.”
Oh my…you really have gone off the rail! Please tell me what republican policy forces people to earn a living by putting themselves at risk. I can’t wait!
And as far as changing the subject…you do it all the time to avoid the uncomfortable truth about the failures of progressive policy and thought:
1. Every single entitlement program designed by liberals for power rather than prosper…fail
2. The very progressive education model of union organization and power over students, 2+2 equals “whatever”, and group rights over human dignity that has taken this nation to the bottom in achievement and preparedness for adult life.
3. Progressive notions of morality that place the self above family, community and commitment and push an anything goes lifestyle.
4. EPA standards and regulation based on junk science that results in unnecessary expenditures and costs and idiocy like this little experiment!
The EPA regulations and thinking that designed this insanity is progressive through and through. Al Gore and his nutty associates and followers are responsible for this and it fits squarely in the Democrat green control freak Party.
I don’t care how many times you come back this ugly, unworkable stuff will still be true. Admitting failure and correcting isn’t something your party does well either. They double down instead cause its all about control.
“Please tell me what republican policy forces people to earn a living by putting themselves at risk.”
Well, there was the eight years of laissez faire that allowed Wall Street to construct a huge bubble of wildly duplicitous financial products … which burst … and evaporated many billions of dollars of capital, resulting in a very high rate of unemployment which …
forced any number of poor people to take work that put them in harm’s way.
Did you think we’d forgotten?
And then you go off on another rant … on a bunch of other subjects … again. It’s actually getting boring.
Libby: “Well, there was the eight years of laissez faire that allowed Wall Street to construct a huge bubble of wildly duplicitous financial products…”
If anyone was engaging in laissez faire it was Barney Frank (Democrat, Massachusetts) Charles Schummer (Democrat New York), and Chris Dodd (Democrat, Connecticut). Video:
See also here:
Laissez fair is not a position that supports no regulation; it is a philosophy that supports smart regulation to protect the people and opposes government tinkering:
Laissez faire 1: a doctrine opposing governmental interference in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights
2: a philosophy or practice characterized by a usually deliberate abstention from direction or interference especially with individual freedom of choice and action
The housing bubble and resulting crashed based on toxic bundled loans was a product of government intrusion into the market. Legislation passed by democrats in Congress and supported by Bill Clinton (probably for votes) forced banks to make loans based on unsound business practices and encouraged lenders, Countrywide being one of the worst, to relax lending requirements. This government tinkering made millions for democrats at the helm at Fannie Mae who made it clear that under their oversight Fannie Mae would welcome the chance to buy those bundles toxic securities…one of them was prosecuted for cooking the books.
You cannot name a single piece of legislation put forward by republicans that had anything to do with this mess or forces people to put themselves at risk to earn a living!
“Did you think we’d forgotten?”
No! I think you are either deliberately lying about what happened or you are incredibly stupid. I don’t think you are stupid.
“And then you go off on another rant…”
A related rant that you would rather not think about just like you would rather not think about or admit the real causes of the housing bubble and banking melt down.
America needs regulation. We need regulation that supports business in conducting their affairs ethically and soundly. We do not need regulation that attempt to spread the wealth or engineer social fairness. We do not need regulation that encourages unscrupulous practices and greed…that is exactly what happened with Bill Clinton’s housing/loan regulation and MORE:
Read the article…charts included!