Testimony for Freedom

Posted by Tina

Thomas Peterffy has put his money where his heart and his vote is. His testimony is meaningful due to his experience and background. Listen children…he speaks to you of your future, God bless him!

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6 Responses to Testimony for Freedom

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    The progressive dream for America from a man who knows what it means to live in the worker’s paradise. This is exactly how Marxists (aka Communists, Liberals, Socialists, Progressives, Democrats) “level” the playing field.

  2. RHT447 says:

    “It seems like people don’t learn from the past.”

    Indeed. How can they when they are not taught history (especially their own)?

  3. Libby says:

    You’re not going with that Siegel clown … and his ultimatum?

    After he sends his stupid email (somebody that greedy would never shut his business down … he’d sell), he gets descended upon by the media, and is obliged to explain himself and his post-Versailles status.

    And, yet again! I am infuriated by his revelation that he was able to pay back to the bank the $9 million he borrowed for the disgusting house, and it wasn’t really that bad because the bank FORGAVE NINE MONTHS OF WORTH OF INTEREST ON A $9M DOLLAR LOAN!

    Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeth … folk with $200K loans can’t even get the bank to answer the phone. Ooooooh, I do loath the rich … and their bankers.

  4. Tina says:

    How rude….RUDE…it’s the new democrat.

  5. Harriet says:

    A book called America’s 30 years War by Balint Vazsonyi was also a Hungarian immigrant, he came here as a concert pianist, became a citizen and very conservative. He actually testified before congress that” we were beginning this slope”, that was in the late 1990s. He was amazing, also had a web site totally devoted to the Founding Fathers. Unfortunately he became very ill and passed away, we lost a great guy.

    Then there is George Soros. also an immigrant from Hungary.
    I would highly recommend Vazsonyi’s book.

  6. Post Scripts says:

    Why is it that 1st gen American’s tend to have a greater understanding of what is good about America than 99% of liberals that were born here and have done well?

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