Romney’s Humorous Side on Display at Al Smith Dinner

Posted by Tina

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10 Responses to Romney’s Humorous Side on Display at Al Smith Dinner

  1. Rex Crosley says:

    Every day you are saying Romney this, Romney that, boo Obama, like a shameless cheerleader. Going on and on trying to spin this guy as a human is never going to work and people don’t want to vote for a flip flopping billionaire robot that is renowned for getting bail out money and shipping jobs off to China. If you had to cheerleader for someone it should have been Ron Paul. A Christian who has had the same message and stood by his word his whole career would be a lot better than a cult member whose goal is to increase austerity and give the money to people that are already filthy rich. Get your head out, Romney is bad news for anyone making less than 5 million dollars a year.

  2. Harold Ey says:

    Seems like a lot of hate spew from Crosley about a post about humor. As to who or what people will vote for, I for one will vote for Romney, solely based on the fact that Obamas policy’s have never worked anywhere prior, will not work in todays U.S. economy that is declining daily, nor does it have any chance of reviving it. I think more and more people are noticing that Obama’s strength clearly lies,(not a typo) within zealous speech making, and that beginning in 2013 The USA would do better if he was on the lecture circuit verse’s the oval office.

  3. Tina says:

    Rex at this point I am definitely a shameless cheerleader for Romney…Obama has nearly destroyed the country.

    I can’t believe you are so ignorant of the statistics (not anything the right has said but the facts about our economy) that you can continue to support Obama. On what basis? How do you defend the high unemployment, the rising numbers of people living in poverty, the sluggish growth?

    Obama keeps saying it was Bush policies that got us into this mess. Bush did create debt but his policies did not create the crash. Democrat policies…democrats tinkering with regulations…did create or facilitate the crash. Bush spent to much but his debt to GDP ratio was no higher than that of other Presidents overall. Obama has exploded our debt and shrunk the economy.

    US Public Debt as % of GDP is at 101.7%, compared to 100.7% last quarter and 95.60% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 52.13%.

    It isn’t the man I care about. It is his ideology and the policies that flow from that ideology that I reject. I do so simply because they are unhealthy for the country overall and frankly radical in terms of our Constitution.

    “If you had to cheerleader for someone it should have been Ron Paul.”

    I stayed fairly neutral during the primaries on this blog but I did do a bit of cheer leading for Ron Paul. Ron Pauls problem is that he is an isolationist and i just happen to think the world has shrunk too much for us to put our heads under the covers while singing, “Make the world go away and get it off my shoulder.” In case you haven’t noticed they come to us to wage war…they are attacking infrastructure, borders, and plotting to hit us directly within our borders. We can’t remain neutral.

    “…and give the money to people that are already filthy rich.”

    Rex the government does not “give” rich people “money”. The argument is about whether our government should take more from the rich when they already pay most of the taxes and historically for every dollar the government collects in taxes it spends $1.60.


    Obamas tax the rich policy will result in low revenue returns…they amount to a drop in the bucket:

    Relying solely on tax increases for the rich to aid in deficit reduction — even when paired with significant spending cuts — doesn’t cut it for two reasons, said Tax Policy Center senior fellow Roberton Williams.

    First, the income of the top 2% of taxpayers is typically more volatile than that of taxpayers lower down the income scale, so when the economy sours, so often do those high-end income streams. That means less revenue than expected will flow into federal coffers.

    Second, even if that weren’t true, there just aren’t enough rich people to generate the kind of revenue needed to substantially reduce deficits.

    To show the disparity, consider some recent calculations by the Congressional Budget Office. Raising all six income tax rates by 1 percentage point would yield an additional $480 billion over 10 years. By contrast, raising the top two rates by 1 percentage point would yield just $115 billion.

    Meanwhile…the hostile position does inspire economic investment that would get the economy going and create jobs. Resentment is not something people respond to positively. You can’t take a resentful attitude toward people with money and expect them to be excited about hiring and growing business.

    “Romney is bad news for anyone making less than 5 million dollars a year”

    You are flat out wrong on that sir…and soon you will have the opportunity to eat crow!

    There is a better use for the money that Obama wants to take from the rich…creating jobs in the private sector!

    If you really do care about lying you should consider this little bit of political spin very carefully.

    I’d be happy to discuss whatever issues you care about but “flip flopping billionaire robot that is renowned for getting bail out money and shipping jobs off to China” is simply a bunch of liberal smear. It is crap, Rex, and not worthy of my time.

  4. Peggy says:

    Thanks for the badly needed laugh. I’m going to see if I can find a video of the whole night.

    During this time of high stress it was a nice break to see the lighter side of the man who will soon be our president.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Poor Rex is having a cow.

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Poor Rex is having a cow. I read Rex’s link to the idiotic LA Times story. To my knowledge not ONCE has any of the lunacy delineated in that Obama-suck-up piece of trash article been printed in Post Scripts. In fact I HAVE NEVER READ A SINGLE THING THAT DAVID HORSEY (horse’s ass) claims are true.

    I understand Rex’s deep and abiding need to paint Post Scripts as lunkheaded fringe morons, but again he fails. Hey Rex, if you are going to try and marginalze the good folks here, at least try not to present yourself as a fringe lunatic by referencing left wing fringe lunatic dorks from the LATimes trying to paint anti-Obama folks as fringe lunatics.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Before Joe Biden there was Toby (play Dead Of Night and The Man Who Would Be King) —

  8. Peggy says:

    Thanks Pie. I enjoyed watching it. Romney was just as good the second time.;>)

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