Iran Wants Obama to Win – Makes Fake Overture

by Jack

In the final days before the big election and just hours ahead of the last presidential debate on foreign policy, Iran decides to announce they will now consider one-on-one negotiations over their nuclear program. Coincidental? I think not.

Obama and Romney are running neck and neck, days away from election and NOW we’re asked to believe that Obama has just scored a diplomatic victory at the most opportune time – in contrast to his foreign policy that hasn’t seen a victory since he was first elected. This announcement was done for strategic reasons that could only benefit Iran. It was done like move in a deadly chess game. They’ve been playing Obama for 3 1/2 years and they don’t want this game to end.


So, just what does, agreeing to consider to meet to discuss their nuclear program, mean anyway? Well, I once knew this real estate schmoozer who had a way of telling his clients something encouraging, but if he got pulled into court he could say he had really said nothing. “Once you get passed the bad parts, you’re in the ball park, you’re there!” Sounds encouraging – means nothing. That’s what Iran just did.

Considering the history with Iran, this is not even new. They’ve offered to negotiate then weaseled out of it later. It’s just a tactic to buy time to position themselves for the best outcome. If they were serious they would have done talks six months ago, but the only thing that is different now is this close election and they don’t want to go up against Romney.

But, don’t let reality get in the way of a good headline, check this one out: “Obama Administration gets Iran to agree to Nuclear Talks” (IGN. com) Holy #@$%! Obama didn’t get anyone to do anything! But, this is a great opportunity to sell BS to the nitwits.

Intelligent voters will see it for what it is.

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19 Responses to Iran Wants Obama to Win – Makes Fake Overture

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Add to that Chavez, Castro, and Putin and you have one heckuva foreign policy! Obama knows who his friends are.

  2. Tina says:

    With friends like these…

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    UN Official — Electing Romney is a “democratic mandate for torture”

  4. Libby says:

    Hey, Chavez got himself a solid majority in a reasonably clean election. What are ya gonna do?

    Raoul is allowing private enterprises, sort of, and says he’ll lighten up on visa policy. This is progress.

    And Putin, well, someday he’ll die.

    We know you prefer militaristic bluster, but try to cultivate a taste for diplomatic intrigue. One would think, hope anyway, that the entire Middle East has gone entirely “Reilly, Ace of Spies” … trying to figure out what to do about Assad, short of a Turkish invasion, financed by the Sauds.

  5. Tina says:

    We know you prefer big government oppression and control, but try to cultivate an appreciation for freedom and property rights supported by the rule of law. while your at it attempt to get your mind around the idea of educating for the purpose of empowering future generations to succeed and become contributing members of society rather than drop outs or cookie cutter comrades.

    I have appreciation for diplomatic intrigue…Ronald Reagan is a hero of mine! Obama is no RR.

    My how your head turns regarding US involvement in the ME under the O man…not a peep regarding refugees fleeing in desperation (they have) or innocents being blown to smithereens (they have been)! Not a word about the “poor boys” that the O man has sent to die and bleed. Not a word about going to war without congressional approval. Not a word about outrageous expenditures or the failure to close Gitmo, or the expansion of Bush’s warrant-less surveillance program, or the mess he has created in Afghanistan, or the Benghazi failure, lies and coverup…the list goes on and on and you are silent! You speak philosophically and positively about future diplomatic success. Bah!

    I am preparing for the coming nasty verbal assaults you will wage should Romney win…you will not even have the appearance of credibility, but you will be hypocritically critical, won’t you!

  6. Libby says:

    “We know you prefer big government oppression and control, ….”

    I do not. And the only oppression I live under is financial … limitations placed upon my freedom by the fact that housing, education and healthcare are ruinously expensive … but that’s capitalism!

    …not a peep regarding refugees fleeing in desperation (they have) or innocents being blown to smithereens (they have been)!

    This is Obamas fault? The Syrians themselves made this mess, and it started way back when they quite spinelessly ceded the ruling of their country to the old man, Hafez, for thirty years, during which he built one horrific police state, and taking it apart is going to be one bloody undertaking … and I think we should leave it to the locals.

    Not a word about the “poor boys” that the O man has sent to die and bleed.

    That would be bleed and die, and I never did approve of the Afghanistan scheme, and have said so, several times.

    Not a word about going to war without congressional approval.

    Afghanistan? Werent we already into it? Libya? That was a NATO undertaking, as I recall. And while it could be argued that, as a practical matter, we are NATO, legally the O man is off the hook.

    Not a word about outrageous expenditures or the failure to close Gitmo.

    Ooooh, the also spineless, bloody craven Congress is responsible for that! Pissed themselves over the thought of incarcerated terrorists on American soil and passed some moronic piece of legislation that forbids bringing them here.

    … or the expansion of Bush’s warrant-less surveillance program,

    Maintenance, certainly. I dont know about expansion, and if I thought it would do any good, Id make noise, but it wont, so I dont. Theres some oppression. Dianne, Barbara, Barack … they just dont listen to me. (And if you think Romneys gonna be listening to you … well, if he does get elected, I will be having fun.)

    … or the mess he has created in Afghanistan,

    You did this one already.

    … or the Benghazi failure, lies and coverup.

    We will have to agreed to disagree as to the facts here.

    And Im not optimistic, just old. If the O man gets re-elected and the House dont come to us also … I just dont even want to think about the next four, fractious years.

    If Romney wins … youll deserve everything you get, which I hereby predict: in real terms … not reduced taxes, eviscerated public services, and yet, somehow, a still climbing deficit … (the money must be going somewhere … I wonder where? … but I dont really care, because there is a White Boy at the helm again, and all is right with the world.)

    I do anticipate a high ol time, howsoever.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Libbya’s “We know you prefer militaristic bluster, but try to cultivate a taste for diplomatic intrigue.”

    We? That is interesting. You lead an army of like minded, spurious, snotty pinheads?

    Some army! 😀

    Evidently Libbya is not only boorish but bored. Have another cocktail dear and a nap.

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    Now this is interesting! Evidently Sam Walton has joined Chavez, Castro, and Putin! I suppose he thinks that by backing Obama he can get indignant, mouth foaming, left-wing progressive Democrat nut balls off to back off opposition to Walmart.

    Oh yeah, mad-dog liberal Democrat Chico whack jobs are sure to fall in line!

    That is just sad.

  9. Post Scripts says:

    The funny part is liberals will run off a walmart any time they have a chance.

  10. Chris says:

    Tina: “I have appreciation for diplomatic intrigue…Ronald Reagan is a hero of mine! Obama is no RR.”

    Reagan raised taxes eight times, and for the first seven years of his presidency, taxes on the weathiest never went under 50%.

    Under President Obama, the wealthy are keeping far more of the wealth they’ve earned than they ever did under President Reagan.

    Tina, do you believe we should return to the Reagan tax rates, which, according to you, stimulated the economy?

  11. Tina says:

    Libby: “And the only oppression I live under is financial … limitations placed upon my freedom by the fact that housing, education and healthcare are ruinously expensive … but that’s capitalism!”

    If you were a person who actually had to meet payroll you would know that business isn’t the cause of that “expensive” oppression…government is! It is caused by government taxation, regulation, and mandates that push the cost of production and services higher! It is money policy and manipulation; the fed printing money and causing inflation!

    Education is expensive because the unions bargain (in cahoots with the democrat party) against the taxpayer to create sweetheart pensions and perks that take education dollars away from the classroom. Union bargaining has made it impossible to fire bad teachers and administrators and they become dead weight on the financial health of the system. Education is expensive because the bureaucratic machine creates too many high paid positions in education that add nothing to the learning experience but are very costly.

    Housing is expensive because the inflation that results from the bad policies (described above) that push up prices for materials and labor, and because of excessive requirements and fees at the local, state and federal levels.

    In short capitalism has been blunted so that it hasn’t been allowed to work.

    “This is Obamas fault?”

    Repeat the mantra like a good little comrade…it’s not Obama’s fault; it’s not Obama’s fault. Blame Bush, blame republicans, blame the Syrians, the State Department…little green men…but by golly the buck never stops at the desk of the O man!

    “…if I thought it would do any good, Id make noise, but it wont, so I dont.”

    Never stopped you before!

    “…eviscerated public services, and yet, somehow, a still climbing deficit … (the money must be going somewhere … I wonder where? … but I dont really care…”

    Oh but you do care when it is a white man’s responsibility…and you say so…

    “…because there is a White Boy at the helm again, and all is right with the world.

    I recall a lot of very offensive stuff about Condi Rice when she was Secretary of State under Bush from your side…really racist, horrible stuff. You have no cause to make this about race but somehow you always do.

    In fact…you people are just shameless.

    Obama, the whiner and buck passer, hasn’t done the job…period!

  12. Tina says:

    Chris: “Under President Obama, the wealthy are keeping far more of the wealth they’ve earned than they ever did under President Reagan.”

    You guys just don’t get it. To quote one of your own…”its the economy stupid!”

    We don’t suggest tax cuts so the wealthy can keep more of their money, although that is a good thing. We suggest tax cuts, simplified regulation and tax structure, and leaner government because that gives people the incentive and confidence to take risks, make investments, and hire people and that grows the economy!

    “Tina, do you believe we should return to the Reagan tax rates, which, according to you, stimulated the economy?”

    When Reagan was elected the economy was stagnant, interest rates were very high, inflation was through the roof and people were sitting in gas lines. The conditions were deplorable! Reagan lowered tax rates that would give incentives to investment and business and it worked!

    It isn’t the rate. It isn’t that there is a magic number. It is the present set of circumstances, the profligate spending, the deb, and the uncertainty and fear that government policies have created. Something must be done to give people in nthe private sector a reason to take risks with their money so that the economy can grow, people can get back to work, the tax base can grow and (God willing) when revenues begin to flow to government they will be smart for a change and curb spending and bring down our debt. It will take a while but it will work…just as it did under Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, and yes…Bush!

    If you want to actually learn about economics and taxes (not politics) I invite you to read this Heri9tage article on the Reagan record of success. His policies made the economy explode. Because it grew more revenue, not less, flowed to government:

    Read about the failure of Obama policies here:

    Real economic growth for all of last year was a measly 1.7%. The first quarter of this year was just revised back downward to 1.9%. By contrast, by just the second full year of the Reagan recovery, the economy boomed with real economic growth of nearly 7%, the highest in 50 years.

    Its the economy, stupid, and jobs!

  13. Tina says:

    Jack and Pie…here’s the scoop on Walton:

    Sam Walton gave the maximum $30,800 to the Obama Victory Fund in 2008, and $40,000 to the OVF this election.

    Policy-wise, theres plenty of reason for the Waltons to like Barack Obama:

    1. Wal-Mart endorsed the employer mandate in ObamaCare, which gives Wal-Mart an advantage by crushing smaller competitors.

    2. Wal-Mart has profited from Dodd-Frank, which fixes the price Wal-Mart has to pay banks for processing debit cards.

    3. Wal-Mart has lobbied for and profits from higher minimum wage.

    4. Wal-Mart is a top beneficiary of eminent domain takings, a government power protected by the types of judges Obama appoints.

    5. Big Business generally benefits from Big Government.

    And Democrats pretend they don’t play with the big boys but they do. As long as the federal government insists on interfering in the affairs of the citizens this kind of stuff will go on. The answer is limited government and clear, simple regulation and taxation.

  14. Post Scripts says:

    Excellent find Tina…I’m never going to feel sorry for Walmart again.

  15. Chris says:

    “If you want to actually learn about economics and taxes (not politics) I invite you to read this Heritage article”

    No time to respond with anything substantial right now, but I just want to say how hilarious this sentence is.

  16. Tina says:

    I don’t think Wall-Mart needs anyone’s sympathy either Jack. I do think they deserve to be given the same treatment as any other business when they are applying for permits to build in our community. Denying them permits based on politics from either side would not be a responsible approach.

    Unfortunately this happens too often and it leads to governments overstepping their authority. At the federal level in recent years the raids on Gibson Guitar and the interference with Boeing in South Carolina.

  17. Libby says:

    God, you guys are easy to play.

    $40K is peanuts, corporately speaking. You tell me Sam has funneled $4M into an Obama superPAC and I’ll be impressed. Tell me he has funneled another $4M into a Romney superPAC, and I’ll sigh and think … “business as usual.”

  18. Tina says:

    Libby plays smarty pants and thinks she’s said something. He gave the maximum he could give legally.

    The scandal regarding Obama donations is the $4.5 million “no zip code” figure:

    President Obamas campaign has received $4.5 million in online donations from people who claim to live in zip codes that dont exist in the United States, according to a new report that raises the possibility that the campaigns lax online security requirements is allowing foreign donors to contribute illegally.

    During calendar year 2012, the Obama campaign received at least $4,580,805.35 from donors who did not submit a ZIP code, or submitted one that does not exist, the Government Accountability Institute announced in a report after reviewing FEC records. That figure is 16 times the amount that Mitt Romney has received in such contributions ($282,814), suggesting that Romney has tighter security controls for his online donations.

    This study of Obama and Romney campaign records comes after GAI reported that almost half of federal campaigns fail to verify the location of donors. The New York Post followed up with its own report on the topic.

    Chris Walker, a British citizen who lives outside London, told The Post he was able to make two $5 donations to President Obamas campaign this month through its Web site while a similar attempt to give Mitt Romney cash was rejected.

  19. Pie Guevara says:

    Thanks for the scoop on WalMart Tina! You always go above and beyond the call of duty.

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